
I - Danzo

A boy named Emil suddenly finds himself in the body of Danzo, right in the midst of the First World War Shinobi, shortly before the death of Tobirama Senju. What will he do and what will the Darkness of Konoha become under his leadership?

vektor_189 · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs



Walking through the crowded hallway, Orochimaru felt uneasy, as each of them seemed to feel it was their duty to look at him and comment on his unusual appearance.

- What is this freak? Maybe it's some kind of snake demon? - said some big boy with a clearly marginal appearance.

Orochimaru looked sharply at this boy and stuck out his long tongue, slowly running over his lips.

- Hey… y-why are you lashing out at me like that?! - said the big boy, barely hiding his fear.

Orochimaru's smile only got wider. Suddenly, his hand twitched, and before the boy had time to comprehend anything, a kunai flew right next to his face, leaving a long trail that began to bleed.


A large wet spot formed in the boy's pants, and he slowly pressed himself against the wall behind and, as if having lost strength, his legs gave up and he fell to the floor.

Orochimaru silently walked over to the boy and pulled his kunai out of the wall and walked down the corridor as if nothing had happened. Enjoying the breathless breath of the children around him, he approached the very last, distant class, in which he will now study.

- Get off me, pervert! For your wrongdoing, you owe me 10,000 Ryo! - immediately came the cry of a blonde girl to Orochimaru.

- Tsunade-sama, wait... You misunderstood everything!" I didn't want to touch you, they pushed me! - shouted a boy, very similar to a girl in appearance, but in response only received a blow to the head from Tsunade. - Ay! Hurt!

"...too loud."

However, Orochimaru was somewhat amused by the boy's pained expression. And while everyone else focused on those two, Orochimaru sat in the back rows.

After a while, rather tired of Orochimaru's noise, he finally saw the teacher enter the classroom.

- Quiet! - the teacher shouted authoritatively, instantly canceling out all the noise in the classroom.

Everyone turned to the one-armed teacher, whose appearance inexplicably made you feel fear if you peered for a long time.

Quickly, the teacher wrote his name on the blackboard.

- I'm Haru Kurama, former Jonin and genjutsu specialist. My main desire is to teach you, stunners!.. Now, one by one, we go to the blackboard and introduce ourselves in a similar format. What is your name, what skills do you have and something about your plans. Is everyone clear? - shouted Haru.

- Yes! - Almost in chorus, the whole class answered, except for Orochimaru, but no one noticed this.

One by one, the guys went to the blackboard and introduced themselves.

That's just Orochimaru himself was not the least bit uninteresting. And when it was his turn, under the slightly surprised looks of others, Orochimaru calmly approached the board, drew his name and said:

My name is Orochimaru, I don't have a last name. I'm pretty good at shurikenjutsu and am very interested in all kinds of ninjutsu. My dream is to become an explorer!

After introducing himself, Orochimaru quickly returned to his seat.

The rest of the lesson, the teacher told them about what Chakra is and how to start using it. Here Orochimaru excelled the most, having managed to combine his spiritual and physical energy immediately after the explanations of the teacher.

- Not bad... Orochimaru, huh? - Come see me after class. said the teacher, who was quite impressed.

A little later, this is a good thing to do to Tsunade Senju and her second cousin, Yomikara Senju, with whom she quarreled before the start of the lesson.

For everyone else, it became homework.

At the end of the lesson, all the students hurried out of the classroom to go home, with the exception of Orochimaru, who leisurely approached the teacher.

- You wanted to talk to me? - Orochimaru began the conversation after a moment of silence.

- Yeah, that's right... - Haru said, looking a bit lost. - You have a very big talent, I think that you can graduate this year. I am not a good teacher for you, but I can introduce you to one person who will teach you properly.

In the previously lifeless and indifferent eyes of Orochimaru, a small light appeared.

*you can find more than 38 extra chapters at my pat reon

pat reon.com/ vektor_189