
A System

David once again found himself awakening in a void instead of being on his path to reincarnation. He expected to see Lucifer or some other higher entity, but after glancing around was met with nothing but space. He released a sigh and started to wait, knowing that eventually whatever brought him here would make itself known. 'How many times will I have to go through this before I start again?' he thought. Waiting was beginning to get boring. After several hours had passed, he was still stuck suspended in the void. Perhaps this was a test of his patience, but David cared not as he was finally getting angry. Finally, when he had given up on anything and was beginning Lucifer to take his soul already did that same female voice ring out in his head.

[System Initialization Completed.]

[Hello, David.]

"Hello System," David replied. "Where are we currently?"

[We are currently in a void created to act as a tutorial for you to understand the system's capabilities.]

"All right, let's start this tutorial and begin again," he said finally relaxing.

[Then the system will start with a general introduction to the system's features.]

[Displaying Interface.]

|Status| |Inventory| |Quests| |Shop| |Log|

|Name: David Valoria|

|Subsystems: Charming|


|System Points|

[The system has attempted to take a streamlined approach towards your capabilities.]

[This is the status page. Within it is your name, the subsystems you have acquired, the abilities from these subsystems, and system points.]

[The subsystems are what grants you power. Due to Lucifer's intentions, you have started with the charming subsystem. This means that you have been given the ability to use charming abilities. When you either purchase or unlock a different subsystem, you receive the initial abilities. For the charming subsystem, its initial use is that it will have you reborn as a handsome man. Later on, you could acquire charming abilities such as arousing aura or hypnotic voice.]

[Please also note that some subsystems are better than others and that some are a combination of more than one.]

[If you ever wish to know what abilities you currently have, you can access the abilities page under status or ask the system to list all abilities.]

[The final aspect of the status screen is the system points. You will receive them by different actions such as completing quests, killing others, or offering sacrifices. These points are used in the system shop where you can purchase consumables, gear, subsystems, or abilities.]

[two points to note is that while you can purchase subsystems, some can be gained by finding a teacher to train you in skills such as swordsmanship and that the system shop is determined by the world or universe that you reside on.]

[The next tab is the inventory where the host can store any non-living thing. If you wish to store living creatures, he will need to purchase the correct subsystem.]

[Next is the quests tab. This is where the system will give you quests, or you can ask the system to create a quest. Both types of quests system given and host generated, offer rewards in the form of consumables, gear, subsystems, abilities, or system points.]

[Moving on from there is the system shop. As stated earlier, the system shop allows the purchase of consumables, gear, subsystems, and abilities. The only thing that you should note is that you shouldn't purchase a subsystem immediately unless it states that there is no other way to receive it.]

[Finally, there is the log. This is where you currently have a chat log of all conversations held by the user or around the user. There are also further capabilities that the host must unlock.]

"Wonderful," David said laughing at the thought of being able to utilize these powers to further his goals. "System, open the shop."

|Status| |Inventory| |Quests| |Shop| |Log|





David spent a long while just looking through the different options available. He had a large number of different consumables ranging from various basic items like ibuprofen to more advanced with experimental tissue regenerative medicines. The gear was as assumed where he could get different types of weaponry and armors. The area that he was more interested in was subsystems and abilities.

While looking, he saw many that interested him like swordsmanship, but also found that there were some that were better for his lifestyle like the programming subsystem. When he looked at the abilities tab, he expected it to be filled with abilities, but it was only filled with the ones for the charming subsystem. He couldn't purchase others until he had the necessary subsystem, but that didn't matter too much. Especially when he found abilities that sounded perfect in the form of arousing aura, just being nearby would put women into heat, or hypnotic voice, while not fully hypnosis, they would be a bit more open to suggestions. While he thought arousing aura would be nice to have, he was unsure about hypnotic voice as he would instead like to truly conquer women's hearts rather than be given a handicap.

"System, I think I understand everything, but how does this tutorial end?" David asked after finalizing his future wish list of abilities.

[The tutorial is finished once you have stated that you are finished.]

"Then I am ready to finish the tutorial," David said.

[Tutorial Finished. Opening Portal.]

A portal opened up behind David. He was then floated through it so that he could start his new life. A few moments after passing through, David found himself in a dark, warm, and wet space. He wasn't sure where he was, but he found himself not panicking. Where ever he was, it gave him a sense of safety and comfort, as if everything would be fine. There also seemed to be a rhythmic thudding that appeared to be picking up in intensity. While just basking in the warmth, he found himself slowly being pushed down towards what seemed to be an opening. It took a long bit of time, but eventually, he found himself in the arms of a woman in a surgical mask. It dawned on him; he was just born.

'No wonder it was so nice,' he thought. 'Nothing can compare to being inside of your mother.'

While he was found himself unable to move much, he was being passed moved around as he felt what could only by some water on him. 'They must be cleaning me,' he thought. While one nurse rinsed off the blood and fluids on his body, the doctor was talking to his new mother.

"Well, I would say this was a miracle ma'am," the doctor said. "We had thought there would be genetic complications, but it seems that the baby is perfectly healthy."

His mother just released a sigh of relief, she had been told that her baby could be deformed, but it seemed that God had heard he prayers. After a moment, she said, "Can I see my baby?"

Nodding, the nurse brought the little bundle over for the mother. Once David was in her hands, he felt a greater sense of comfort wash over him. Even though it was hard to do, David attempted and managed to open his eyes. Once he saw the woman, he began to start crying very loudly. The woman that was his mother was the very same one that he had wanted to meet all these years, Ella Valoria. Even though he had thought that with the reincarnation he wouldn't meet her, he was given a chance to complete his greatest wish, to make her his woman. However, seeing her fine and health had left him with various questions on how she died.

"Shhh," she said quietly as she rocked him gently. "It's okay. Mommy's here. You don't have to be sad, my little David."

The scene was serene and lovely; The nurses and doctor thought that the mother and son combo made a beautiful picture. The calm atmosphere was ruined when a man in a suit came rushing through the doors with a wicked grin across his face. He was a bit taller than an average man, with a square face, brown hair, and brown eyes. David slowly turned toward him. The man was one that David would never forget for as long as he lived. It was his horrible father, Lawrence Williams. The only good thing that was noticed was that he seemed to look at him with a small amount of care, he was for sure no longer ugly otherwise he thought Lawrence would be telling the doctor to kill him.

However, once Lawrence approached closer, he got an angry look upon his face. "Have you cheated on me bitch!" he cried out. It seemed that with David's now handsome features that he questioned whether he could be the father. As much as David wished otherwise, his concerns were unfounded.

"Lawrence, this is our child," Ella said sadly at his accusations. "You know I would never cheat on you."

"I don't believe you, but that doesn't matter anymore," Lawrence said as he shuffled around inside his suit looking for something. After a moment, he pulled out some papers and threw them at Ella. "I want a divorce."

"Why?" Ella asked not understanding where their relationship went wrong.

"You see, I only married you at your father's behest because I knew that once he died, I would gain a controlling stake in the company." He said. "Now that I have what I want I no longer need a useless woman like you."

"How can you do this, especially after your son was just born?" she asked tears starting to fall from her eyes. She had truly loved Lawrence, and the knowledge that she was just a tool for his gains left her heartbroken.

"How can I do this?" he said back mockingly. "Quite easily, my dear. I have been using you to gain what I needed. Besides, I have also been cheating on you with, Elianna. She helped me with this plan, and once you sign those papers, we will be getting married after I'm named CEO."

As if right out of some drama that David once watched, a voice came from outside the room saying, "I'm sorry to say that you're wrong there, Lawrence." The door opened and in came a beautiful woman surrounded by several armed bodyguards. She looked very much like his mother with only a few features different in that she had smaller breasts and a more massive bubble butt.

"All of the shares we have acquired have been in my name, and I am the one that is going to be named CEO. Also, who would marry you?" she said, the last of her words on the apparent dig at the heartbroken Ella.

"You can't be serious, Elianna," Lawrence said disbelief evident in his voice. "What about all those plans for the future? When you told me that you wanted to have my children?"

"I told you everything you wanted to hear so that you could assist in my plans," she said with a mocking smile marring her beautiful face. "Lawrence, you and I were nothing. Even the sex that you are so fond of was trash. I had to fake every orgasm since you can't please anyone with that tiny dick."

After finally having heard enough from both of them, Ella asked, "Can you both please leave?"

"Certainly," Elianna said. "We should schedule a time for lunch, Ella. Men, take him with us."

With her command given, the bodyguards grabbed Lawrence and dragged him out of the room. All that remained was a saddened, crying Ella and an angry David. For the first time in his life, he was learning just what kind of world his parents were a part of. At the thought of his mother being used as a chess piece, he became even more enraged. As if in concurrence with his anger, the system issued a new quest.

[New Quest.]

[Heal Ella's broken heart.]

'System, add two more quests for Lawrence and Elianna,' he thought.

[Two new Quests.]

[Conquer Elianna.]

[Sacrifice Lawrence.]

AN: As is apparent, I have altered the system entirely. I like this one better than what I was going for before. I found that I was trying to constrict him into statistical numbers and I think that is limiting. Now I feel that this system will take him farther than the other one while also still bringing in different challenges and still making him OP later on.

Nothing else was changed other than I somehow added another 300 words.

I hope that you enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments.