
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 9: Nulling

Chapter 9: Nulling

'Beastial Forest'

It's a forest near the Lopez territory where mostly mortal realm tier beasts only exist.

While hunting in this forest, we didn't go deeper into the woods and only a certain place where low beasts appeared.

Going deeper could lead to us facing beasts who are ranked King-Tier.

And I'll tell you in advance. Meeting them is the worst thing that can ever happen. Especially for someone like me, approaching a King-Tier beast could easily get me killed by being crushed by the strong pressure they emit.

Furthermore, that also includes the people around me here. Except for Mary.

Since Legend-Tier Beasts up to this point each has their unique abilities. Compared to low, normal, and high-tier ones—They solely rely on their physical strengths and instincts.

Considering those thoughts in mind, I decided to take a bath. Following a lengthy cleansing session due to feeling repulsed, with my body thoroughly tired, I attempted to rest briefly in my tent.

I could feel an excruciating pain all over my body from exhaustion as I was waiting for Valentina to call her father about an item that her father gifted to her.

Back at the time—While heading to the camp, she promptly informed me that she intended to contact her father using the gifted item. Fearing a change of heart on my part, she hastened the process by attempting to reach her father through a stone.

Watching her behave that way tore at my heart, yet I didn't dwell on it. I understood this emotion would fade with time, much like my past life experiences of being broken required time to heal.

And by the way, the stone/item that Valentina is using is called, Gemini Stone.

These stones are special, each connecting exclusively to its counterpart, and they come with a hefty price tag. Unfortunately, her father is occupied with work and is currently unable to converse.

However, soon a female maid went inside my tent.

It was Mary, she then approached me and informed me that Valentina was seeking my presence.








Upon entering Valentina's tent, a holographic image of a man in his prime greeted me. Despite the passage of centuries, his age tallied up to 222 years if I were to calculate his age in the game. It's no other but Valentina's father, who, in comparison to Antelmo, my own father, would be younger since he is at the age of 212.

To describe Valentina's father, his hair is blonde with blue eyes, just like in the game, and he is a good-looking man. Probably much better in person. He had the same face as Valentina but was much older and had the face of a man.

"I heard you're nulling the engagement?"

Valentina's father, or in short, Victor Lopez, finally spoke with a deep voice.

Compared to Antelmo's voice and his, I felt nothing, however, I took my words seriously and said them carefully.

"Indeed, Patriarch, and rest assured, I shall engage in a discourse with my esteemed father on this matter."

With regal grace, I inclined in a gesture of refinement, delivering my words with solemnity.

Victor's left eyebrow arched ever so slightly at my swift reply, prompting his inquiry, "For what reason?"

In a short period, I quickly replied.

"In my youthful innocence, I inadvertently wounded Valentina while attempting to articulate my affection for her.

Yet, I've realized that despite my earnest efforts and displays of love, our paths will never converge.

Though my heart aches, I declare our parting is the wiser choice, lest we perpetuate mutual suffering."

My words may carry a casual tone, but within, my soul is being ravaged by each uttered sentence. Nonetheless, I persisted and continued speaking.

"I presume that, as a father, you prioritize your daughter's happiness over mere interests?

Rest assured, I shall engage in a discussion with my father regarding this matter, avoiding any unnecessary complications."

After finishing my words, I slowly gazed deep into Victor's eyes and silently evaluated him.

I knew Victor in the game, he cares deeply for Valentina and just accepted the offer that a neighboring territory offered—The Quiñones family. Because he thought that it would strengthen their power and thought that maybe Alfonso and Valentina would fall in love with each other. However, he will not hesitate to agree to what would Valentina like. Even if that is nulling the engagement.

Regrettably, Valentina maintained a dignified silence on the matter of the arranged union, driven by her deep filial devotion. Opting not to resist, she refrained from any form of retaliation to bring solace to her father. Her noble intent was to spare him additional burdens amidst the relentless demands of his daily endeavors, all for the welfare of their people.

She didn't want to burden her father when he was already tired from everyday work.


After a momentarily long silence—Victor then looked at Valentina and asked.

"Do you agree?"

"Yes, Father!"

Valentina swiftly replied, causing my heart to quiver once more, leaving me utterly shattered within.

I experienced profound sadness and anguish as Valentina promptly acquiesced, sensing Alfonso's sorrow deeply. Despite the overwhelming surge of emotions within me, I restrained them, clenching my lip in silent resolve.

Soon Victor spoke again,

"I see..."

He said as if he realized something and looked at me,

"I shall return home shortly, engaging in a discourse with your father upon my arrival."

With his words, he soon said his farewell and got back to work.

While Valentina went toward me, wanting to thank me for keeping my words but before she could speak I preemptively raised my hand, signaling her to withhold her words. Without delay, I nonchalantly exited her tent without saying anything.







Valentina's Side

Dazed by Alfonso's Actions, Valentina couldn't help but flinch at how Alfonso seemed to not care about her anymore.

Especially how Alfonso just nonchalantly dismissed their engagement as if he never liked her.

Her pride as a result was hurt a little.

"Did it make him not like me anymore because of what I said last week? Isn't he changing so fast...?

Still, it's better this way. I think???" She whispered, unsure of her emotions, as she prepared for a night out with Christine, who observed the unfolding events with joy in her eyes.

But they didn't know that a certain knight was grinning meticulously in the dark.








Alfonso's POV

As I stepped out of the tent, I saw Mary guarding and using her ability. She then stared into my eyes but I didn't pay any heed to her as I continued to walk toward my tent.

"Don't follow me," I ordered Mary and she halted her steps. Understanding what I meant.

"As you wish my Lord."

I then kept strolling towards my tent but veered off to the nearby lake instead of going inside.

Swiftly, I observed the radiant full moon, its shimmering reflection on the lake bringing tranquility to my mind and fostering a connection with nature.

I needed some solitude to ease my thoughts briefly.

Reflecting on my emotions—or to be precise Alfonso's, I realized I felt utterly shattered and vulnerable.

Eventually, I contemplated and thought of wise words.

‹ Sometimes, it's better to let go than hang on Alfonso. ›





A sound of footsteps coming from my back sounded. Breaking the silence that gave me comfort.

I slowly glanced at the guy who approached me and saw Kevin with a huge grin on his face.

"Looks like you are tired of proving yourself to her." Scoffed Kevin.

While I felt my blood boil in an instant when I saw his fucking face.

I wanted to shove a sword into his mouth and make him gargle his balls.

But I stayed calm as best as I could and looked at Kevin in silence,

‹ Why the hell is this guy talking to me? ›

I mulled it over, but it seemed like Kevin views Alfonso as undeserving of Valentina, considering him worthless. As a friend, Kevin aimed to highlight Alfonso's lack of value.

Maybe that's the reason why he is talking to me, to prove that I'm worthless?

But that didn't stop me from feeling uncomfortable toward him. Because I know the face of a person who always wears a mask.

I didn't know much about Valentina's knight friend called Kevin. Since they were just depicted as good friends. That's why it intrigued me.

‹ Maybe this guy being killed by Alfonso had a deeper meaning to it? › I questioned inside.

But I soon shook my head and asked Kevin coldly, "For what purpose do you find yourself in this place?"

However, Kevin didn't respond and only smiled. As if he would be found out if he spoke a word.

Experiencing a resurgence of fervor within, I promptly embarked on a purposeful stroll, traversing his vicinity.

"Kindly distance yourself, you insufferable individual—TRASH!" I murmured disdainfully, proceeding into my abode. Fatigue weighed heavily upon me, prompting a yearning for rest following a taxing day.

Upon my stroll, I encountered Mary again positioned before my tent, poised to anticipate my presence and safeguard my surroundings.

Subsequently, I entered my tenth, reclining upon the bed.

Fatigue overcame me swiftly, and as my heavy eyes closed, I succumbed to an involuntary slumber.