
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 4: Journey

Chapter 4: Journey

In a distant realm dominated by the Quiñones territory, a neighboring domain bears the surname 'Lopez'. I currently find myself within this territory, and as the carriage opens its doors, a beguiling girl catches my attention with her emerald-green eyes. Her slender frame, budding maturity, and cascading blonde locks exuded a charm that could captivate any admirer. Or to be precise, be someone's crush! No wonder Alfonso fell in love at first sight.

Pale skin, akin to freshly fallen snow, adorned a red fantasy suit reminiscent of games I once played. Complemented with minimal protective gear, a black belt encircled her waist, accompanied by sturdy black boots.

‹ She's deeply immersed in this, isn't she? › I mused silently.

Amidst the allure, I couldn't help but acknowledge the abundance of beauty in this world. Having glimpsed Valentina's future visage in the game, however, I could not deny but think—she is alluring. Yet, I held no inclination to succumb to base desires or play the role of an admirer.

I'm not the type of person who'll get horny and simp over someone like her or be like some shit who will groom her. I've dealt with girls too, before in my past life.

It's not like Alfonso will be who she will end up with. Heck! She even killed him.


Sighing inwardly. I already got a glimpse that she already hates me after looking at her impression and the way she crossed her legs as she sat beside me. Her maid even glared at me with both of their hands folded.

‹ Perhaps nullifying the engagement is a viable option, but the consequences are far from straightforward. I must bear the burdening sins of this body. ›

Contemplating my predicament, the carriage commenced its journey.

Turning my attention to Valentina and her accompanying maid, I decided to inspect their stats.


|[Valentina Lopez]|

Age: 13

Rank: Above average



|[Christine Naoe]|

Age: 29

Rank: Average


As I looked at their stats, I was kinda surprised since Valentina is much stronger than me and her maid.

I guess she brought her maid along for some help, to be honest, I don't know the reason. But now that I remember, a friend knight should always be by her side.

I then turned my gaze to the young knight riding a horse who seemed like he just arrived.


|[Name: Kevin Caoile]|

Age: 16

Rank: Master


Peeking at his stats, I commented.

‹No wonder...›

Valentina wouldn't just take some weak maid to protect her. I'm one to talk when I'm weaker than her maid.

But putting those aside, the knight is really talented, at such a young age he is already a master.

I wonder how even Alfonso killed this knight?

As my thoughts delved deeper, I recalled, ‹ Ah! Yes... Alfonso employed dark magics... ›

The reason why I'm surprised earlier that Valentina is stronger is that in the game Alfonso was also a strong being. Probably on the same level as Valentina at the time when she tried to kill him. But in the future, their gaps will just widen. I thought he had talent but I guess he was helped by dark magics. Now that I think about it... He did use a lot of black magic. Alfonso probably called some reinforcement to kill Kevin.

As I was deep in thought, I really didn't care about the people around me anymore and enjoyed the silence they provided. There's no reason for me to talk to them after all. I just want to kill some beast already so I can gain points, level up, gain experiences, and get abilities.

Though I'm quite anxious about how I'll be able to kill some beast but having experience and doing it earlier is much better. So if I face a crisis in the future I know what to do.

There are knights around to protect me and an overly-powered maid. It's the best time to practice now.








General/Valentina's POV

It's been a while now that none of them spoke a word. Valentina was quite surprised that Alfonso didn't insult or give a reply to the maid that she brought with her nor did he compliment her of her beauty. It's also her first time traveling inside a carriage with this hateful guy.

‹ Did he get affected by what I said last week? ›

Valentina speculated. But soon stopped thinking about it. It was better this way that Alfonso didn't bother Christine, the personal maid she brought with her.


Reflecting on the prior week's encounter, Valentina recalled Alfonso's unwelcome visit. Alfonso, accompanied by his maid Mary, visited her residence with the intention of expressing his admiration for her. He inquired about her plans and, with a misguided sense of entitlement, tried to dissuade her from bringing less worthy companions on her upcoming hunt.

Unaware of her already challenging day, his presence exacerbated her frustrations. Alfonso, exhibiting arrogance, discriminates against Valentina's maid, Christine, and others, proclaiming,

|"You shouldn't be with these trashes."|

These words ignited Valentina's fury, prompting a vehement response.

|"Don't you dare say that in front of me, aren't you at least ashamed of yourself? You're arrogant and disgusting!!! Probably much more disgusting.

A person like you will never have someone love you because of how much of a disappointment you are. You're here for me? Don't make me laugh. You're too weak to even protect me."|

After that rebuke silence quickly commenced, especially for Alfonso.

Hearing her words, however, Alfonso furrowed his brows and clenched his hands tightly. He couldn't speak because her words pierced his heart like a sword and because... Deep inside he knows that they were all the truth.

Meanwhile, Christine, the maid beside Valentina was worried about how Alfonso would react, but soon felt relieved when he and his maid Mary slowly went on their way. |"I'll pick you up next week..."| Muttered Alfonso and silently went home with a down demeanor visible in his atmosphere.

Despite what happened, Christine— witnessing how her master protected her from that guy felt a comforting warmth from Valentina's actions, leading to a smile on her lips. Even within the carriage, a week later, the memory replayed in her mind, reinforcing her admiration for Valentina.

‹Miss Valentina is such a lovely girl!› She thought and stopped glaring at the boy in front of them, Alfonso, and ignored his existence. Such a pathetic boy doesn't deserve her lady and her attention.








Alfonso's POV

The sun had sunk halfway beneath the horizon. Soon we stopped at an inn as the light continuously faded out of our sight.

The inn we stopped at was a luxurious one, each of us had separate rooms. Valentina is in another room while my maid Mary is in front of my door guarding.

I then looked at the perfectly organized colors and canvas that Mary brought.

Earlier when we were traveling and decided to eat for the afternoon, I ordered her to buy one of these.

I saw a glimpse of surprise on Mary's face even though it was a split second.

But my order didn't seem suspicious or weird since I remember Alfonso in the game, he liked arts and tried one also. Surprisingly, the fact that Mary touched it, didn't seem to make me disgusted.

And as to why I ordered her to get these? Well it's because I would like to vent out my anxiety about when the day I'll be hunting and draw the scene I saw earlier.

Just so you know. Before I died, my hobby in the past was drawing and playing instruments so that I could vent out my suppressed emotions.

"Now that I think about it, how long has it been since I didn't draw due to excessive work?"

Arranging the items, I noted the colors reminiscent of the 15th century on Earth—ideal for oil painting. Grateful for my penchant for traditional arts, I embarked on capturing the scene before me.

While envisioning the scene, a sudden thought interrupted my focus.

‹ If Alfonso despises commoners, why does Mary remain with him? ›

Halting my brush mid-stroke, I contemplated. All I know that showed in the game was that Alfonso may hate her and blame her for everything but he trusted Mary and did not seem so disgusted.

Unable to discern a reason, I considered the possibility of a contract. The reason why he trusts her so much.

After all...

Who would be dumb enough to betray their master if the result of his master being dead was their death too? I think that Alfonso thought that Mary wouldn't betray him because of that contract and see her as his possession and different from commoners.

"Yeah, that could be it." I nodded with a mumble.

And soon shook my head and continued painting again.

I could fire her so I can avoid my demise and an approaching death flag but I think that I would need someone to protect me for now. The demise foreseen in the game wouldn't transpire now, and Mary's presence might prove crucial in unforeseen troubles.

" Once I grow stronger, I'll offer Mary the choice of freedom, " I whispered, immersing myself in the painting.

But as I continuously stroked, my perfectionism suddenly urged me to keep on making the painting better. I couldn't even count how many times a little detail I had put on every corner but even though I was tired, my hands kept on moving because if I didn't. I won't be able to sleep the whole night if I can't perfect this painting and be satisfied.



[Your level in arts leveled up!]

[Arts: 101+ (Master)]

‹ I hadn't seen my art level before. Could it be my skill instead of Alfonso's? › I smirked, discovering my mastery.

‹ Seems I'm secretly talented at arts. Too bad no one knows. › I chuckled inwardly, continuing with newfound skill and speed, each stroke resonating with perfection.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]
