
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 3: Journey

Chapter 3: Journey

Riding in a luxurious carriage. Earlier, I stuck out my head outside the window, engrossed in the view and the breeze caressing my skin. Not realizing that half an hour already passed. Only after I saw a huge gate emerging did I notice that we were near the territory of the Lopez family.

Noticeably, there are also knights beside my carriage, riding horses. I've checked their ranks momentarily and most of them are physically ranked in the master category and above average rank.

Their levels, however, don't allow me to determine what level I should strive to be at their levels. Since the system seems to be slightly different compared to the game, there might be new things I'll discover.

You see in this world there are realms. And the lowest realm of them all is the mortal realm.

But the ranking doesn't stop there, because 6 rank categories of strength exist in this so-called mortal realm.



Above Average


Grand Master


In the realm of strength, Legend reigns supreme. However, achieving Legend status doesn't guarantee prowess in combat—it merely signifies formidable strength. Imagine facing a seasoned grandmaster in battle; your Legend status alone won't save you from being utterly defeated.

Strength, in this context, doesn't equate to invincibility. Proficiency in combat is essential; otherwise, even an above-average-ranked individual could prove fatal.

The advantage however in increasing rank lies in the preservation of youth, exemplified by Alfonso's father—my father now, who I think must be in his hundreds if I remember in the game and still looking as youthful as ever. Like in his mid-thirties.

Anyway, rather than fixating solely on enhancing strength or rank, my priority should be refining skills and gradually ascending the ranks. A Legend with combat experience and exceptional skill would effortlessly surpass those of Master and lower ranks—a distinction akin to the vast expanse between earth and sky, rendering the comparison akin to squashing an ant.

‹ I mean... how could one attain Legend status without a wealth of experience? ›

Unless resorting to artificial means like pills, the downside is an incomplete strength compared to a genuine Legend, though the preservation of youth remains an enticing allure.

Contemplating this, my attention shifted to the maid before me, Mary. Despite the lingering animosity, I delved into her stats, pushing aside personal sentiments.


|Name: Mary Tolentino|

-Age: 22

-Rank: Legend


‹ Jesus... Her rank is considered a Legend? › I mused quietly, the notion almost beneath my noble sensibilities.

‹ Is her exceptional prowess squandered in the service of Alfonso? › I contemplated briefly, dismissing the notion with a nonchalant shrug.

‹Well, it matters little. I shall exploit her abilities for my own gain.›

Setting aside such musings, the paucity of available information that the system shows is rather vexing, isn't it? Perhaps, as my stature ascends, more detailed insights into her capabilities will be unveiled.

While engrossed in these ruminations, Mary, with a quizzical lift of her left eyebrow, sought clarification. Unperturbed, I shifted my attention to the world beyond the window, disinterested in the trivialities unfolding before me.




Upon passing through the imposing gates, a stoic acknowledgment escaped my lips. "Remarkable," I intoned, though my countenance betrayed a glint of subdued marvel.

The medieval tapestry of domiciles evoked a sentimental shudder— it made me think how sad I felt in my past that I wouldn't be able to see and experience the fantasy world that appears in the game.

The wistfulness, however, was fleeting, replaced by an unspoken realization: I now tread upon the hallowed grounds of this fantastical realm.

Before I could notice, I soon quickly put my interest on the knights walking leisurely, hunters, and merchants.

There were too many of them to be mentioned, but one race struck me.

‹The demi-humans›

Their ears stuck out similar to that of cats, while their body and face resembled that of a human. The only difference between them is that they have ears, tails, and sometimes, paws.


But surveying these so-called demi-humans prompted a realization— a memory that there are different kinds of races that exist in the game.

Because of this, I quickly wondered what would an elf look like, since they are arrogant and hate to be in the same place with humans. They are rarely seen in human society.

Just like that,


I remembered a certain race. A race that greatly influenced the end of this world.

Soon, however, I chuckled inside as I shrugged my thoughts away.

Focusing my head in the present.

I thought of how the weeaboos in my past life would love to experience and see what I'm experiencing right now.

‹ Haha I guess they might be jealous if they knew I am experiencing this. They even might commit suicide if they knew there is a possibility of them being put inside a fantasy world ›

I muttered inside my head while inwardly laughing as I imagined, yet still maintaining a sophisticated appearance. Since the urge to look undignified and laugh deeply disturbed me. It's also worth mentioning that my body just naturally stops the laugh that could even try to slip out of my mouth.

As if it's ingrained in me to not show any weakness since I was born.

‹ Seriously... This body always wants to look perfect ›

I remarked as I continued to daze in my surroundings.

With a hint of interest, my eyes however shook from the sudden notification.


[Congratulations! How Mary views you has slightly changed]

{+5 points}

Surprised, my brain stopped functioning as I slowly turned my gaze to look at her.

‹ I didn't even do anything? ›

I questioned in my head. But my confusion only grew wilder when I locked my eyes on her and noticed her lips had turned into a faint smile.

Perhaps she noticed her behavior, her smile instantly vanished when she realized I was deeply staring at her.

But the reason why I dumbfoundedly gazed at her was because of how naturally beautiful she was. As if god sculpted her into perfection for me to be stunned at this moment.

While at the same time confused as to why she is suddenly smiling.

However, before I could fathom the reason behind it, the carriage suddenly came to a halt in front of a wealthy-looking mansion.

And as I gazed outside the window. A little blonde girl quickly emerged in front of my eyes wearing a red outfit that was suited for hunting while alongside her appeared to be a maid.

Just looking at the approaching figure I instantly knew who she was.


I muttered in a hushed tone as I frowned deep inside when I noticed the affection I had toward the girl I saw surged out of me.

It was an intense feeling of affection. My heart started to pound loudly because of it but the more I felt it, the more disdain formed inside me.

Because I finally realized that the feeling I was experiencing was not mine but rather the owner of this body.

‹ Alfonso ›

And I have also concluded that my soul has merged with him.

I was skeptical at first but I knew the moment I felt his perfecting urges that I had become him yet still me.


I don't know how did this happen nor do I care but...

It didn't take long for the two figures to make their entrance inside the carriage.

And as soon as the blonde girl caught a glimpse of my gaze, a frown immediately formed on her beautiful face.