
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 16.1: Change

Chapter 16.1: Change







Arianna's POV


I looked at the man in front of me lying on his bed. His youthful face has now aged because of his sickness.

My father was a remarkable man skilled in culinary arts, household chores, and the intricate craft of weapons. A proficient blacksmith, his talents, unfortunately, couldn't ward off the merciless disease that now consumed him.

With no money to buy the needed medicine for him. Yet, armed with the knowledge of medicine my mother passed down, I decided to make the medicine needed for him.


I ventured out into the wilderness.

Avoiding beasts, and goblins along the way. With the black cloak that my mother used when she was still alive to hide her presence whenever she ventured out to collect herbs, hiding became easier; Since her cloak had the ability to eliminate scent and even make me temporarily invisible.

Yet, the weight of despair grew heavier each day, my efforts to create the medicine for my ailing father proving futile. Despite the village's support, the right ingredients eluded me, and the meager earnings from chores fell short of affording the cure.

As the specter of time loomed, I abandoned the pursuit of funds, opting instead to craft the medicine myself. Yet, a harsh reality dawned—I lacked the capability to concoct the remedy. The cruel irony of my determination juxtaposed with my inadequacy deepened the despair that slowly consumed me.


What can an 8-year-old can do anyway?

Even if I had the book that my mother left with instructions to create medicines, I'm just a child, who lacks the experience and knowledge appropriate to even create a cure for him.

Knowing this fact, I, however, kept on picking herbs, forcing the tears that temp to burst into quell.

Snivelling, as I felt my body tremble from hunger.

I gritted my teeth from the despair and dread that shrouded me.

I then whispered inside my head;

‹ Can anyone... Please... Help us? ›

I pleaded while at the same time, the dreams that I had were slowly shattered by the reality I was facing.

I realized that no one would help us; because the people who had money didn't even care about us. Nobles? Don't even think about it.

Because of my thoughts, I dreaded that there was nothing that I could do... And that... A child like me could never make medicine with just a little experience in the field of medicine nor could I earn enough money in time to save my father.

"It was a wishful thinking..."

I muttered under my breath, wiping the tears that had now fallen from my cheeks.

I quietly cried, when suddenly—

The sound of a metal clomping rang through my ears.

"A girl?"

Then a voice followed.

Because I was too consumed by my thoughts, I didn't notice them. Even with the cloak that I used if I don't purposely hide, they can spot me especially if that certain someone is skilled in combat. Slowly, I gazed at the men before me.

Clad in armor, the insignia etched on their chests marked them as knights.

However, my shock only grew when a stunning boy suddenly appeared before my eyes.

His eyes wore a cold and indifferent gaze, yet his physique was accompanied by the perfectly sculptured facial structures of his face.

My mind instantly wandered to how handsome he was. My heart even started to beat, he was like the hero in my dreams.

But amidst my admiration, when I took notice of his clothes that seemed too elegant, including the aura he exuded. I realized that he was a noble.

I was not dumb enough to not know how dangerous they were.

Especially how they behave toward us commoners. With just a single word, they could ruin us.

Having witnessed nobles treating peasants as disposable, even subjecting them to abuse, my aversion to the aristocracy deepened. Despite my young age, I remained keenly aware, navigating my path by avoiding encounters with these disdainful nobles.

This resilience, born from a stark understanding of the social hierarchy, has been my guiding force, enabling me to traverse a world fraught with inequality and cruelty.

But now that I had encountered them and spotted me, tears could not help but temp to fall from my eyes as I realized what I had put myself into.

Unable to escape the situation, I'm confronted by the boy whose voice echoes with frost, an embodiment of his authority.

"What brings a delicate creature like yourself to this dangerous place?"

His question hangs in the air, and the vulnerability within me threatens to spill over, tempting tears to blur my vision.

Shivering as I heard him, I quickly apologized for being in the presence of such a high caliber.

"I—I'm Sorry... Please forgive this peasant"

As I bowed with all my heart, a voice then resonated behind the noble's back.

"Alfonso! Don't you dare touch that child!"

Hearing the girl's furious call, my heart beat pumped faster. Afraid of what he'll do to me.

Closing my eyes shut... seconds stretched into an eternity as I braced for the impending harm the boy in front would inflict on me.

Yet, despite expecting something horrible to happen to me, nothing happened. Instead, a demanding question followed.

"Are these of any necessity to you?"

Confused, I slowly opened my eyes, only to see the noble's red pupils gazing at me. Picking up the herbs I've been picking.

Bewildered, I could only utter— "Y-yes..."

And what he said as his follow-up question surprised me even more.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

I couldn't process why a noble like him was asking about my well-being. However, his warm voice soothed my fear a little.

"Not really"

After a momentary silence, he spoke once again.

"You're a brave child for going here alone within this dangerous place.

It must have been scary."

Hearing him, I felt my heart ache as I recalled how truly hard it was. His comforting words made me almost want to cry and vent my frustration. But I repressed it, reminding myself that he is a noble.

"Y-Yes... It was scary..." I soon said in a sorrowful tone. Biting my lips to stop the temptation of crying.

Despite my struggles, suddenly the growl of my stomach reverberated. No matter how good I am at suppressing my tears, the growling of my stomach can not be said the same.

Realizing that the handsome boy in front heard me. I shyly looked down.

‹ This is embarrassing... ›

I silently thought while feeling anxious that he might criticize or maybe say that I'm a beggar for food.

But then—

"Are you perhaps hungry?"

He asked me if I was hungry instead of the horrible thoughts I imagined.

Hearing him, and because of the hunger I was feeling. I meekly nodded.


Only to hear the sound of his finger flicking and him ordering his maid to bring food in response.

"Mary, bring out the food you have carried as my launch and feed this girl"

Slowly, he stood up and wiped the dirt away from his hand.

"Worry not anymore, for we will protect you"

Stunned, I was momentarily left choking the words I wanted to utter.

But I soon was able to ask;

"Why are you helping me?"

It was too good to be true. I couldn't believe that there was no ulterior motive.

However, instead of answering me.

"What is your name?"

He enquired.

Confused, I decided to just respond. "Uhh... My- my name... Is Arianna"

The boy then coldly gazed into my eyes, I was enchanted by his beautiful face but was quickly snapped out of it when he spoke my name


Focusing on his cherry lips, he continued to speak.

"Because I just want to. No further questions peasant."

Despite his answers, I still couldn't comprehend or believe him. But I have no choice but to accept the help of his offering since as a noble, he might take it as disrespectful of me if I rejected him and maybe even kill me...

Before I could finish my thought, the maid had already brought me food to eat.

Feeling my stomach starving, I quickly ate the food she offered to me and devoured it like a gluttony.

It was one of the tastiest foods I ever ate.








As I quietly ate alone, suddenly the grapes that I was devouring fell from the floor.

Two balls of grapes rolled near the young master and his maid as a result. Thinking that it would be a waste to just leave it, I quickly stood up from my seat and tried picking the grapes.

However, at that moment—

"Young Lord"

The voice of the maid which has her back turned on me spoke.

"Shall I not prepare a meal for you?"

The maid said while the young noble who's also his back facing the maid slowly, responded.

"I have no requirement for sustenance at the moment. My appetite has been duly satiated."

As the handsome boy's response echoed, speculation stirred within me. Contemplating his words, a realization dawned on me:

‹ Now that I think about it... There was no food left when they decided to rest as his knights ate... ›

The memory of their pause for sustenance intertwined with his earlier statement resurfaced, prompting further questions in my mind.

|| "Mary, bring out the food you have carried as my launch and feed this girl." ||

As those things fit into a puzzle, I quickly grasped that he must have given me his food just for me to eat.

Yet, I couldn't help but doubt why. Why would he extend such kindness?

"But my Lord..."

As the maid's worried voice followed, I quickly picked up the grapes, ran, and sat at the place where I was eating the food they had given.

‹ Maybe he is not so bad... ›

I quietly thought. But I was soon snapped out of my haven when the maid of the young noble pointed at me. I couldn't discern what she said afterward since I had returned but I immediately contained a stern look.

Slowly, the young elegant noble approached me.


Suddenly, he asked me, his eyes wore the same glace giving me fear as a result.

"Ye-Yes... This peasant is grateful for your lord's kindness" I stuttered. However, as soon as those words came out of my mouth, the eyes of the noble briefly softened but soon scoffed at me.

"No courtesy is required. If genuine gratitude resides within you, articulate the purpose behind your presence in this perilous forest."

Hearing him, I instantly remembered why I was here in the first place. Without me knowing it, I had already worn a sorrowful expression as I explained my presence in this forest.

Since it looked like he was suspicious of me, I earnestly told my story for feeding me.

But while I was in the middle of it, suddenly—


A loud growl of a beast exploded from a distance.

Fear quickly enveloped me as I heard such a thunderous echo.

However, when I saw the knights that surrounded us, I was able to maintain my composure because of the safety they could secure.

Soon, the knights prepared their weapons and stood up from their corresponding places. Including the young noble who fed me.

As I quietly watched them, a beautiful blonde woman with blue eyes abruptly approached me.

"Are you alright?"

She asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes..." I spoke politely in response as my eyes subtly traced the contours of her opulent attire. The regality in her beauty and posture bespoke noble lineage, evident in the deferential treatment bestowed upon her by the knights.

"If that guy ever does something to you just tell me, and I'll beat him up"

The blonde girl followed as she gestured her hand into a fist while smirking.

Amused by Arianna's response, a slow nod escaped me. Unbeknownst to me, the knights had silently concluded their preparations, embarking on their journey with purposeful strides.








The first thing that happened was that they hunted beasts. However, peace was quickly put into disarray when intruders suddenly popped out and attacked us.

In the face of overwhelming strength, the protective knights faltered, some succumbing to the relentless onslaught.

Because of this, I could only watch in terror as I hid behind an adult's back

I did what I was told and even gritted my teeth to survive.

But then—


A beast that was abruptly summoned suddenly charged before us, its mouth drolling with saliva and claws sharp as knives filled my sight.

It was scary, extremely so, I even thought just how fortunate I was to not encounter these monsters when I was alone picking ingredients.

But in the grip of paralyzing fear, a sudden hand seized me, propelling both of us away from the monster's slashing claws.


Despite our attempt to evade, the creature managed to reach us. A chorus of agonized screams filled the air, escaping my lips, accompanied by tears streaming down my cheeks.

"—Kyaaa!!! No, Please. Papa! Help me!"

The realization struck hard as I observed blood trickling from the wound inflicted by the monstrous adversary. A single, paralyzing thought echoed through my mind like a relentless drumbeat: 'I'm going to die!!!'

Amidst tears, my gaze turned towards the maid lying behind me. To my dismay, her ankle bore the evidence of a deep cut, a cruel gift from the same beast. The damage extended beyond, marking her legs and arms in a morbid display of the struggle we found ourselves entwined in.

As I was trembling in fear, I tried to move my feet to run but I couldn't.

‹ Move!!! ›

I shouted inside my head as I watched the beast in front of me slowly advance.

Yet, despite my struggles, I was only frozen from my place and all I could do was lament in regret.

Regret coursed through me, an unyielding tide, for my inability to save my father and the looming prospect of a painful, meaningless death.

As the claws of the beast inched closer, resignation enveloped me, and I shut my eyes, bracing for the anticipated agony.

But then—


A sudden disruption shattered the impending darkness—what followed was a lacerating echo of flesh being torn piercing my ears. I was expecting a painful claw digging into my skin yet none of it followed.

Slowly, I dared to open my eyes, and there—

The nobleman with raven hair who said he'd protect me is now standing with blood staining his entire being in front of me with the same coldness in his eyes that mirrors the chill of ice.

It was as if he was looking at a trash.

Confusion gripped me as I struggled to fathom why he stood before me. It only became clear when he gritted his teeth and clutched his sword while twisting his body behind to perform a thrust.

In an instant—


An explosion of crimson droplets danced in the air, painting the surroundings in a morbid ballet of blood.

It was only at that moment that I comprehended his actions, witnessing his back marred by a profound wound from the beast's savage claws.

The wound on his back cut deep, the kind that would elicit screams of pain from most. Yet, before me stood a nobleman who nonchalantly dismissed it. I pondered the life he must have led, the experiences shaping his resilience; just what kind of life did he live to treat this as nothing, just who was he?

Questions rammed my brain but only one stood out;

'Why are you doing this for a commoner like me? Even if it is for the maid... Why is he?'

Despite the relentless questions inside my head I soon found the answer.

My eyes glued on his huge back as admiration welled up inside me, no—was it? It felt warm and the beat of my heart kept increasing.

|"Worry not anymore, for we will protect you"|

His affirm words then flashed before my eyes.

Only then did I know that he was telling the truth and that he meant what he said

I reminisced; Despite in the wake of his chilly demeanor and his frosty exterior, I found solace in the absence of insults or malevolence.

‹ He never once insulted or hurt me ›

Realizing this fact I could only gaze intently at him as I recalled his name that I knew would always stay inside my mind from now on.

" Lord... Alfonso..."

He is a true noble.

His display of integrity touched me and made me realize that not all nobles are scumbags.

While I was enlightened, however, as the elegant boy stood before me, his back bearing a wound echoed with silent screams of pain and agony he must be experiencing.

A voice then suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

"Christine, are you two okay???"

It was the noble blonde girl who said hell beat Alfonso up if he did something to me.

However, the blonde girl's actions in the following shook me because of how she gently treated my wound and her maid with much care.

As a result, a stir of emotions swirled within me.

‹ So there were nobles like him... And her... ›

I quietly muttered to my head while watching.


When suddenly, I heard the voice of the elegant nobleboy. Gently moving my eyes, I stared at him once more.

‹ Is he saying that he is useless because he was not able to completely protect us? ›

I silently thought, my speculation seems right because the elegant noble is horrible at expressing himself.

Yes, despite his uncaring and cold demeanor, I know that deep inside he is not what he truly is outside. His actions proved that.

Looking at it, I felt pity toward him because he must act that way because he needs to maintain a noble image.

In the midst of my contemplation, however, an abrupt male voice interrupted one again.

"Let's move, come on!"

It was no other but a young knight.

The knight then forcibly dragged the blonde noble attempting to carry her.

"Kevin, Christine, and the girl need to come with us! We can't abandon them here!"

But she struggled from his grasp, despite her struggles, however, her strength waned probably because of exhaustion.

"If we take them along, the assassin will catch up sooner! It'll complicate our escape, especially given my weakened state! Carrying three people would be a burden, let alone one," the knight argued, steadfast in his decision, he then quickly sprinted while carrying the helpless blonde girl.

But when I heard the knight's words I couldn't help but feel helpless and curse how much of a coward he was despite being a knight compared to the young handsome noble.

Yet, I couldn't complain because if I were in the same spot as the knight I would prioritize who shall I protect and serve.

Still... It felt so infuriating! Can't you at least carry the maid who saved me? I owe her after all... Or help the noble boy who has been so kind to me!

Fueled by anger, I weakly stood up from my place, approached the maid, and tried my best to assure her.

"I c-can help, I-I'll try to assist"

I mumbled as I noticed the maid's devastated expression.

"N-no... It's okay... You should go on your own"

She quickly replied when I offered assistance.

Stubborn, "No, I won't leave you here. I must pay the debt I owe you guys even if I'll be in danger here" I replied.

The woman's eyes then wavered as she bit her lips from my response.

"I should be able to do this because you guys fed me and treated me kindly"

I followed. acknowledging my vulnerabilities like a timid feline but if I could at least help the noble boy— young Alfonso by helping one of his maids. Then I should at least do this.

I can run and abandon them here since I have a cloak that can hide my presence from beasts but... My conscience couldn't do so and the weight of their kindness made me feel guilty of even having thought of that.

I know that my father is waiting for me... But because he taught me to not abandon people who helped me and treated me kindly.

I must do this!

My father and my mother would have chosen the same and maybe could have scolded me if I ran away here.

As I was filled with determination, the maid however could not be said the same since her brows had deeply furrowed into a frown when she heard me.

As she was about to open her mouth—

"My target is solely the maid and the fleeing miss. Why not save yourself and run? If you give me the maid my work will be easier in trying to get the Young Lady."

An ominous voice of a man interrupted her momentum. It was no other but the voice of one of the assassins.

"Your life comes at a cost, and how about throwing in the little girl as part of the deal? I'm certain she'll find my company quite enjoyable, I'm quite huge you see..."

The assassin continued while I trembled in fear and disgust when he gestured his hand toward his crotch.

My determination as a result wavered when I realized what kind of disgusting thing would the assassin do to me.

But as I was to continuously waver—

"I want to be a better person"

Alfonso abruptly responded, gesturing that he'd protect us no matter what.

Just watching him do all this made me feel ashamed when I felt wavering.

A noble boy doing all this for commoners like us...

"Foolish! Arrogant! Just because of your father, don't be arrogant because I will kill anyone who gets in my way!"

The assassin lamented but Alfonso scoffed at him as if he was a trash.

"I'm just a man of my word. Unfortunately, a peasant like yourself won't understand"

His cold and indifferent tone of voice resonated before the sound of their clash followed.


In the middle of this, the maid who was telling me to leave her earlier finally pushed herself to stand with my assistance.

Trying our best to move, I rushedly utilized the cloak and covered our whole body so the assassin wouldn't easily notice us escaping.