
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 16: Last Stand

Chapter 16: Last Stand

"I'm just a man of my word"

Uttering my last thought,

‹ System, channel forty points into strengthening potions! › I commanded silently, the response swift, "[40 points used!]" resonating within my mental realm.

Yet, before I could materialize those potions, a resounding clash echoed – the assassin, with a gleaming dagger, sprinted toward me.

Without hesitation, I lunged toward him, determined to thwart his advance and shield those behind me—Christine and Arianna. My hand swiftly retrieved a potion from my inventory, and in a seamless motion, I leaped, activating one of my abilities.

With a flash, "[Super Slash!]" reverberated as our blades collided mid-air.

My body trembled with the assassin's formidable power, my injury throbbing in protest. In the clash, my bones seemed on the verge of shattering, an internal ache betraying the strain.

Wounds seeped blood through my clothes, a painful reminder of the battle. Turning adversity to advantage, I flung the blood into the assassin's eyes—a SPLAT echoing the moment of distraction.

Blinded, I seized the opportunity, creating distance to gulp down a potion.

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!

But as I was in the midst of my anxious gulps, a brilliant violet hue of dagger suddenly enveloped in front of my eyes, a sight that caught me off guard. Swiftly, my reflexes kicked in—employing my Dazzling Dash ability to gracefully sidestep his assault. Yet, the nimble evasion left my legs and feet throbbing in an unprecedented ache because of using the system's ability 'Dazzling Dash' too much.

But in the midst of this, the potion I drained gave an invigorating surge through my body. A newfound strength coursed through me.

With vigor, I unleashed [Super Slash], intercepting the assassin's relentless assault with a resounding clash.


This time, there was a stark contrast. No longer did I quiver in the face of his attacks; my strengthened body stood firm against the onslaught. His expertise, however, proved formidable, relying solely on skill. Were it not for the training and swordsmanship honed in my past life, I might have succumbed.

Yet, even in the midst of the skirmish, I sensed his astonishment. The realization that an above-average combatant could hold their own against a grand master like him dawned upon him, adding an unexpected twist to our deadly dance.

Being perceived as a mere child who swiftly elevated to above-average rank after facing a beast and receiving severe injuries, it wasn't unexpected that he found it perplexing.

Just as I continuously pushed my body, suddenly, my vision blurred, a consequence of both the enemy's assault and the blood seeping from my wounds. As a result, the precarious situation dawned on me—if this battle persisted, death by blood loss loomed.

Purposefully succumbing to the attack of the assassin, my right leg bent over from his strong downward slash.


Mournful of blood then urged to come out of my mouth. But instead of spitting them on the ground, I spat at the eyes of the assassin.

Before quickly using one of my trump cards.

[Deadly Thrust!]

My blade, ablaze in crimson, swiftly unleashed its power aimed at his heart

But sadly my attack was blocked.


The clash then echoed as my strength surged, propelling him back twelve meters.

Yet, at that moment, a resounding crack shattered the air—my right shoulder's bones yielding to the strain.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!"

Groaning in agony, I realized the toll of thrice employing the deadly thrust ability. Even potions couldn't stave off the breaking point; my body strained beyond limits and screamed in protest.

‹ But damn, the pain is excruciating! ›

Inside, a whispered curse escaped my lips as unbearable pain surged through me, drowning out any focus on my perfectionist impulse for not perfecting the thrust earlier.

As the pain intensified, my mouth became a battleground of my agony, and any attempt to cry out was met with a guttural howl.

Yet, even in my anguish, the relentless assassin pressed on, undeterred by my attempts to defend myself with the strained deployment of [Super Slash].

Bones cracked with each movement, a symphony of my suffering playing in my ears. The assassin, seemingly amused, taunted me amidst his unrelenting onslaught. "Hooh? Why don't you just stop already? You're gonna die at this point," he chuckled, his attacks dancing in tandem with his mocking words.







General POV

The assassin mocked Alfonso, however, the assassin stood in awe, realizing the gravity of his mistake. Rumors had branded the boy as nothing more than trash, yet facing the undeniable strength before him, he muttered under his breath, ‹ Whoever said this guy is trash were all morons! ›

The wounded boy who was, just above average, sent shivers down the assassin's spine, leaving him haunted by the thought of what this seemingly unremarkable boy could become. The boy's proficiency with a sword and his uncanny use of mana in the environment left the assassin bewildered, unable to fathom the depths of the hidden power within the supposedly insignificant figure.

However, he soon felt angry when he saw the boy use a potion earlier just to save two useless commoners.

Because the potion was a double-edged sword, a perilous gamble with mana that could either grant strength or lead to a violent demise.

Some emerged unscathed, tapping into the excess mana with unyielding power, while others faced the cruel fate of exploding or turning crippledly deformed.

The assassin could not believe that a noble person like Alfonso was doing all of this for a commoner,

A noble who is willing to risk his life for a maid was unheard of!

he believed that people like Alfonso are selfish bastards!

The assassin soon scoffed, "Don't delude yourself into thinking you're any different from any other nobles," as he continuously attacked.

He could wait for Alfonso to die slowly from the potion, but he doesn't have that much time because sooner or later, the Ranked Legend maid would appear soon.

He didn't know though that Alfonso won't die because the potion he was consuming in the system was safe and much more advanced.







Alfonso's POV

As the battle raged on, my once graceful form in combat underwent a gradual transformation into a disheveled and unseemly spectacle. The utilization of underhanded tactics and a pitiable exhibition of skills had reduced me to a semblance of a wounded animal.

Compounding the dire situation, my right hand dangled limply by my side, its functionality compromised by the fractured bones inflicted through the use of my ability, 'Deadly Thrust.'

Undeterred, the unrelenting assassin continued his assault, intensifying the challenge of fending off his relentless attacks. Each passing moment left me increasingly fatigued, struggling to maintain a semblance of defense in the face of an adversary who showed no signs of rest.

With a pensive silence, an idea sparked in my mind.

Wearily, I distanced myself, feigning exhaustion, a ruse that did not go unnoticed by the relentless assailant.

Closing in, he seized the opportunity, closing the gap between us.

Seizing the moment, I executed a swift maneuver. My left leg, fueled by the power of [Dazzling Dash], shot forward in a lightning-quick kick.


The impact resonated with a thunderous sound as my foot connected with the assassin's face. A resounding thud echoed as his face bore the brunt of my kick, sending him soaring into the sky—20 meters up, a sight akin to a whirlwind of chaos.

However, victory came at a cost. The pain surged through my spine, signaling the toll on my left leg, now broken. Despite the debilitating injury, the assassin, undeterred, recovered in the blink of an eye.

Yet, a change unfolded. His dagger and body radiated a violet glow, a shift in the battle's dynamics.

"I never thought I'd have to unleash this power on a child. There's not much time for games," the assassin complained.

It dawned on me that he was gearing up for a lethal strike. A quick self-assessment revealed my dire situation—I couldn't run or dodge.

"Broken arm, shoulder, and leg," I whispered in despair.

Despite my injuries, determination surged within me.


My sword ignited in a crimson glow of mana, matching the rhythm of his.


Exhaling heavily.


You know...

When I killed the beast Panthera earlier, I quietly consumed its essence but it was not enough for me to ascend. However, that doesn't mean it was useless.

After consuming its essence I converted it into a buff that heals me and also multiplies my strength for a limited time.

I have mentioned before that the body I merged with—Alfonso was a black magic user right? It was the reason why he was strong in the game.

Well, guess what, when I tried black magic it was as easy as breathing for me.

I didn't need the system's help in using one of the black magic I knew that Alfonso possessed in the game.

And the skill that I have recently just used and practiced yesterday was no other but;

"Abyssal Enchantment"

This unique ability had the power to transform essence into buffs and double as a healing technique.

Tak! Tak! Tak!

In order to perform my other trump card, I reserved this ability. With broken bones how am I able to move?

Soon, the distinctive crackling of my bones filled the air, a symphony of rejuvenation and a return of my bones to their original state. Sensing another surge of strength coursing through my body, I lifted my gaze to the sky, fixing my glare on the assassin descending towards me.

‹ I guess I'll have to use this again... This is gonna fucking hurt ›

As those words lingered in my mind, a bitter conclusion set in—I was about to endure a level of discomfort that could only be described as agonizing.

"[Blade of Pierce]"