
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 15: Regrets

Chapter 15: Regrets

The minutes stretched on as I traded blows with the formidable beast. With each deadly strike it delivered, my hands quivered in response.

In a swift motion, I unleashed a slashing attack, finally drawing blood from the creature, a satisfying splatter painting the air. However, in the aftermath of my successful strike, a realization dawned on the beast – I was overpowering it.

Intent on delivering the finishing blow with my [Deadly Thrust] skill, I prepared for the decisive moment. Yet, in a sudden turn of events, the beast evaded my anticipated strike, dashing past me with unexpected agility.


Realizing the beast's target, I swiftly contorted my body to cleave it apart, only to find my efforts in vain.

‹ Damn it! ›

A silent curse echoed within me. The realization hit hard – Christine and Arianna were the beast's intended prey. The creature sought them out not only for their vulnerability but also for their ability to recover their strength by consuming living beings.

Frustration gnawed at me as I grasped the situation, teeth grinding in irritation.

‹ I got too fixated on the beast and forgot they were right behind me ›

I muttered, contemplating a strategy to intercept the Panthera's advance. Yet, a glance at the distance between us revealed the harsh reality – reaching them in time was an improbable feat.

And even if I bought a teleport skill, the thought of enduring severe injuries just to shield them lingered in my mind.

Just as I was hesitating, the claws of the beast almost reached Christine and Arianna who was being carried.


The Panthera screamed as it noticed the blood that splattered from its target.

Evading the attack proved fortunate, yet the powerful gust of wind from its paws left a mark on both their flesh. Though not grave, it elicited a cry from the young girl.

"—Kyaaa!!! No, Please. Papa! Help me!"

Witnessing the unsettling tableau, a sudden recollection of the girl in my dreams disoriented, and her scattered brain ignited in my mind, flashing vividly before my eyes. A chilling voice then intruded, inquiring disdainfully,

||"To what depths have you descended?"||

Echoes of my past and the melancholic tone of a woman reverberated through my thoughts. Returning to the present, I found my hand trembling, and I bit my lip in an attempt to ground myself.

"Tch! Damn it!"

Without hesitation, I uttered within, ‹ System, expend my points for Teleportation, › prompting an instantaneous appearance of the system interface.


[Teleportation cost 5000 points]

Not enough points-

You can only afford [Dazzling Dash, 100 points]


[Yes] or [No]

Remaining Points: [204]


The cost of teleportation stood at a steep 5000 points, a price I couldn't currently bear. With a sense of lack, my options dwindled, leaving me with a more modest choice – the Dazzling Dash, priced at 100 points.

Without prolonging any longer, I immediately uttered.

‹ Yes! ›




You have acquired the Dazzling Dash ability!


Upon gaining the newfound ability, I swiftly harnessed mana, drawing it from my surroundings and my own reservoir, all the while delving into memories of my past.

In that introspective moment, I revisited the day I solemnly vowed to myself.

An oath, a pact made to ensure that I'd never encounter her again unless I underwent a profound change.

In the midst of these reflections, the rhythmic sounds of mana taking form around my back and sword echoed – Tak! Tak! Tak!

As I embraced my concluding thoughts, a slow, determined whisper escaped my lips, fortifying my will.

"After that day, I swore to myself that change was inevitable. That's why... This should be nothing... To make up for my sins"

I'm not the type of person to put myself in danger just for some stranger. But... I would like to make a difference this time.

For the sake of my mother... And for the innocent people and the girl I've killed...



The sound of the wind blowing resonated and my appearance disappeared in an instant, as I appeared in front of Arianna and Christine who was behind the little girl after she threw herself to save both their lives earlier.

Yet, time was a luxury I couldn't spare against the monstrous assault, and without delay,


The beast's razor-sharp claws tore into my flesh, the searing pain enveloping my back. Yet, thanks to the mana I diligently practiced, a protective barrier formed, preventing what could have been a fatal encounter.

Moreover, I was fortunate that the dash skill I used didn't break my bones unlike some certain abilities I bought the only downside is that I could already feel my legs aching.

However, despite the pulsating pain coursing through my body, I paid it little heed, pressing forward with my sword, determined to confront the beast as my blood surged.


The brilliance of my sword illuminated in a regal crimson hue as I effortlessly encapsulated it in mana. Simultaneously,

[Deadly Thrust!]

One of my abilities, executed with calculated precision, unleashed a seismic impact. Yet, in that fleeting moment,


Crimson droplets cascaded, painting the surroundings in a morbid ballet of blood.

The system's announcement then echoed abruptly.



[+20 points!] For dispatching the beast


Before I knew it, the creature's corporeal form vanished, leaving naught but its upright limbs in its wake.

From what I did I could feel the gaze of three people around me, Valentina, Christine, and probably the peasant named Arianna with surprise on their faces.

Even I! was astonished by what I had caused, I didn't know that I was this powerful, however,

The pain I felt around my body continued. It was a sign that the fight and my injuries were already taking their toll.

After a strenuous battle, my desire to kneel or take a seat for a moment clashed with my body's insistence on maintaining a facade of cool composure.

My body vehemently resisted the notion of revealing any sign of weakness, refraining from even the slightest hint of vulnerability, as though I possessed an allergy to entertaining thoughts of unveiling that aspect of myself.

Internally groaning, I reluctantly embraced the discomfort, compelled to endure.

Fortunately, my system was at work, swiftly healing the wounds inflicted by the beast on my back, easing the pain to a somewhat tolerable level.


[Regeneration ability has been activated!]

-20 points have been consumed-


The activation of my regeneration ability echoed through the interface:

"-20 points have been consumed-"

A glance at the incredible perks the system offered left me content. It dawned on me that this time, points were deducted because the injury I endured was life-threatening. It was a profound wound, one that would undoubtedly scar, but the system ensured it wouldn't be as fatal as it would be for an ordinary individual like myself, averting certain death.

Disregarding my musing, I focused on Valentina who approached the two people I protected— Arianna and Christine.

"Christine, are you two okay???"

Valentina who approached them said in a worried tone.

"Yes Young Lady, our injuries are only minor..."

"Your leg... Can you walk?"

"Unfortunately, I can't with this injury..."

As the young lady witnessed the blood trickling from her maid's ankle, she swiftly ripped a section of her garment. With gentle care, she first adorned the little girl, who bore a slight cut on both hand and leg. Without hesitation, she tore another piece of her own fabric to attend to Christine's wounds.

Watching them, I could only sigh in relief that I was able to protect them, especially the little girl just in the nick of time.

Yet, an irrepressible sense of disdain bubbled up within me, leaving me to vocalize my frustration.


Toward the maid. It seemed the revulsion my current body harbored for commoners couldn't be contained, leading me to involuntarily insult Christine.

I then took notice of the presence of the assassin from afar who was slowly approaching Valentina's direction.

As I gazed, however, I immediately took note of the headless body of a knight and its head lying on the greeny land that's painted with blood.

Gripping my sword tightly, I glared at the assassin who was nonchalantly walking.

When suddenly,

the abrupt reverberating clang of armor assaulted my senses.

"Let's move, come on!" A familiar voice urged from behind.

Valentina, struggling in Kevin's hold, insisted, "Kevin, Christine, and the girl need to come with us! We can't abandon them here!"

Valentina struggled to free herself from Kevin's hold, but her strength waned, rendering her attempts futile.

"If we take them along, the assassin will catch up sooner! It'll complicate our escape, especially given my weakened state! Carrying three people would be a burden, let alone one," Kevin argued, steadfast in his decision, continuing to bear Valentina's weight.

With no alternative, Valentina found herself helplessly carried by Kevin as he quickly sprinted away. At that moment, the motive behind Kevin's actions became clear to me.

"Seems the tables have turned," I murmured, observing the vanishing figures of the two.

Shifting my attention to the dazed Christine, a sudden resounding clash erupted.


My sword aglow with a crimson hue, I faced the approaching assassin and blocked his way.

In a tense standoff, the assassin, sporting a wide grin, broke the silence, revealing his intention.

"My target is solely the maid and the fleeing miss. Why not save yourself and run? If you give me the maid my work will be easier in trying to get the Young Lady." he suggested with a sinister satisfaction.

His words hung in the air, rendering me momentarily silent.

"Your life comes at a cost, and how about throwing in the little girl as part of the deal? I'm certain she'll find my company quite enjoyable, I'm quite huge you see..." the assassin suggested, his sinister intentions clear as he followed, savoring the idea.

A smirk played on his lips as he remarked, "Seems like accepting this mission was a stroke of luck. Time to release some pent-up frustration."

His words ignited a fiery rage within me.

‹ This despicable person... She's just a child ›

Disgust churned within me, particularly at the way he eyed the innocent girl—Arianna.

But why do I want to protect them?

When I could just run already.

Honestly, I can pull that off because I still have the strength for it. Besides, they wouldn't dare kill someone like me once they realize I'm Antelmo's son. A father who would descend into the depths of hell if harm befell his sole blood heir.

Antelmo, that man, met his end when the heroines united and orchestrated a plan to dismantle Alfonso's family. Had it not been for the preemptive scheme to bankrupt the Quiñones family and employ other strategic maneuvers, everyone would have met their demise at his hands. The sole exception remained the protagonist, whose overpowering abilities ensured survival.

Curiously, one might wonder, with such a formidable father behind him, how did Alfonso meet his demise? At the critical moment, his busy father was elsewhere. Soon after, Antelmo faced the consequences of Alfonso's actions, branded corrupt and brought down by the heroines and others.

In essence, shielding the maid and that despicable fiancé holds no benefit for me, especially considering I'm on the verge of nullifying the marriage.


Silence hung in the air as contemplation ensued.

In the recesses of my thoughts, a man materialized—a spectral figure with eyes so abyssal, they mirrored bottomless seas, concealing torrents of ruthless and tumultuous horror. His gun, an arbiter of death, spared no one—innocent or guilty—devoid of any remorse.

A vehement cry pierced the air, laden with hatred. "Monster!" a man accused, followed by another desperate plea, "Please, not my daughter!" Reacting instinctively, I tightened my grip on the sword in my hands, a familiar weight that connected me to my past life.

In the echoes of memory, a haunting voice resurfaced.

||"To what depths have you descended?"||

The words, a lament from the woman I cherished most, lingered like a spectral imprint. Her tearful eyes conveyed the pain of witnessing my transformation into something she feared.

With this spectral glimpse into my past, a somber gravity settled upon my expression, marking the gravity of the darkness I had once embraced.

I then questioned again.

‹ Why Do I want to protect them? ›

Tak! Tak! Tak!

The rhythmic sound of my heartbeat merged with the metallic resonance of a sword being bathed in a cascade of red light particles. As the luminous display enveloped my bloodied form and weapon, an answer came;

‹ It's because I want to make up for the lives I have taken... If I don't do this... I'm sure I'll never be able to forgive myself ›

In the aftermath of this revelation, my lips parted, articulating a cold, deliberate tone.

"I want to be a better person"

I said as I remembered just how disgusting I even thought of running away when a little girl was going to get hurt.

I know that it's hypocritical of me when I could easily kill a child.

But that doesn't mean I have no values I have set for myself.

In all honesty, the fate of the maid, Christine, didn't concern me much. Her life held little value in my eyes. However, if this fucking asshole of an assassin includes the little girl then I have no choice but to busk his fucking skull.

The assassin's nefarious intentions loomed ominously, and I could only speculate on the horrors he might unleash upon the defenseless child.

And that is something in a billion times I won't let happen.

To atone for my sins and become the person I aspire to be, this step is imperative.

What purpose do my principles and values serve if, when confronted with danger, I forsake them?

During my past life... I wanted to change, but I was unable to... I could not escape the hole and responsibilities I dug for myself because it was too deep.

Now, reborn, do you believe I'd let this chance slip away for redemption? A way to forgive myself?

Absolutely not!

The assassin's voice then cut through the air once more, filled with anger and disdain.

"Foolish! Arrogant! Just because of your father, don't be arrogant because I will kill anyone who gets in my way!"

Despite the assassin's rage, I held my ground, recalling the words I had spoken to a child named Arianna.

|| "Worry not anymore, for we will protect you," ||

In the midst of these memories, I responded with composure, a dignified tone carrying my conviction.

"I'm just a man of my word. Unfortunately, a peasant like yourself won't understand"

I hope this is good

New_Leaf626creators' thoughts