
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 14: Assassins

Chapter 14: Assassins

Their appearances were the usual assassins dressed in the customary attire of assassins, their garments cloaked in the depths of midnight, they moved with a deadly elegance, skillfully shrouded in shadows. Faces obscured by hoods, only their piercing eyes were visible. Mysterious symbols adorned their enigmatic outfits, concealing a concealed arsenal of blades. Their slender, agile forms hinted at lethal efficiency, embodying a foreboding presence veiled in secrecy and silent threat.


Upon glimpsing the titles beside the names of the three intruders, I inwardly groaned the memories from the game flooding back with unwelcome clarity.

They are...

A group that was formed by a man who bore hate toward society. And by using that hate, he gathered everyone who was deemed as pathetic and made them into an assassin who'll one day cause an uproar on the whole continent.

From the gruesome acts of slaying royals and innocent lives for monetary gain, my thoughts began to meander into uncharted territories.

"I never heard, though, that some assassination happened in the game..." I mused, furrowing my brows in contemplation. Despite the mental effort, my mind yielded no insights.

Yet, amidst the internal pondering, a peculiar development unfolded. While we sprinted, I discerned that the trio of assassins ceased their pursuit, choosing instead to engage in an eerie chant, casting an ominous shadow over our escape.

Our legs propelled us forward, a relentless rhythm that mirrored the urgency in our hearts.

At this moment, a prevailing calm enveloped me, a reflection of this body's inherent mentality. Despite the urgency of our situation, I took a moment to contemplate our predicament.

Mary engaged in combat with a formidable beast, its threat looming large enough to warrant our strategic retreat. We fled, putting distance between us and the perilous clash between the two.

Yet, the relentless pursuit continued three assassins on our heels, wielding strength surpassing our current capabilities. Leaving me to ponder the intricacies of the unfolding events.

No matter how I analyzed it, this was a meticulously orchestrated plan, weaving a web of danger around us.

With two grandmasters and one master against our three masters and two above-average fighters—Kevin, Valentina, and the master knight I enlisted—engaging in a direct confrontation seemed perilous. The odds tilted against us.

Yet, a glimmer of hope emerged as the remaining knights lingered in the camp. A call for reinforcements could potentially tip the scales in our favor.

"How could I summon reinforcements?" I pondered within the recesses of my mind, grappling with the urgency of our predicament.

I had grown complacent, finding solace in my perceived strength, all while Mary stood steadfast by my side.

A lingering doubt then surfaced—had I unwittingly altered the course of the storyline? But I didn't do anything and just followed the flow of events though...

Well, I tried hunting and didn't stop Valentina from fighting a stronger beast as Alfonso would, but I'm sure that even though I did stop her, she would still try to ascend, knowing her personality.

She probably quarreled with Alfonso, maybe threatening him to null the engagement.

I mean what is the other reason she is even trying to hunt? It's to ascend, that is also why we stayed here anyway.

Since if she didn't try to ascend now, it would be harder next time. This is simply inevitable.

‹ I should have just brought those knights! In the camp › I thought.


In the midst of my musings, an abrupt silence enveloped us, disrupted only by the sudden appearance of three mysterious assassins, their ominous presence materializing before us.

"Enemies!" My words hung in the air, a stark declaration of the imminent threat that had materialized unexpectedly.

Swiftly, the master knight sprang into action upon my alert. And then, a resounding


Echoed through the air, the sound of a dagger skillfully deflected, accompanied by the master knight's words.

"We'll confront this threat. Young Lord and Young Lady, proceed to meet the knights on the camp."

Defiant, Valentina tightened her grip on her sword, countering, "I won't stand idly by! I'll fight alongside my people."

Internally cursing, I observed Valentina, silently lamenting,

‹ Can't you see they're buying time? ›

In that fleeting moment, my gaze settled on Christine, triggering a cascade of memories.

There existed a maid, held dear by Valentina, who met an untimely demise—an event that fueled Valentina's profound resentment toward Alfonso. The silence surrounding this tragedy persisted, fueled by Valentina's evident guilt. The unspoken truth lingered: Alfonso had utilized that very maid as a sacrificial shield, intervening to safeguard Valentina from impending assassins.

As the realization dawned upon me, the identity of the assassin's target materialized—Valentina. Strangely, this critical detail had eluded my memory until now.

The intricacies of Valentina and Christine's past remained shrouded, an unexplored narrative hidden within the confines of the game. The story, rather than commencing with Alfonso's childhood, unfolded within the academy. Valentina's background, as vaguely depicted in the game, offered a mere glimpse:


[Valentina: Entrapped in a political alliance orchestrated by her father, she seeks to appease him. However, a profound disdain festers within her towards Alfonso, fueled by his arrogance and propensity to exploit others for personal advantage.]


A sparse description that leaves much untold, yet the hints scattered throughout the game hint at a deeper story. Valentina's occasional references to a maid sparked fan theories, speculations that gained credibility when officially confirmed on Twitter.

The prevailing theory addressed Valentina's accusations of Alfonso using people, attributing it to a past incident.

It represents Alfonso using someone as a sacrifice to save Valentina. Making him earn the name "Egotistical Exploiter"

I mean fuck! How can I even just easily recall these shit?

I only liked playing. Though some mysteries were still unanswered.

In the game, fans speculated about Alfonso using a maid to rescue Valentina.

Current events mirror the game, but with a twist—I've merged with Alfonso, and Valentina didn't resort to threatening him to annul the arranged marriage. I have the option to escape and save myself; after all, they're searching for Valentina. However, observing the scene, it appears Alfonso chose to stay with Valentina and Christine, defying the expected rendezvous with the knights. Now, I comprehend how Alfonso utilized Christine to secure Valentina's survival.

‹ Perhaps he employed Christine as a protective barrier, buying precious moments for Valentina. Unforeseen circumstances might have played a role ›


Gradually, it dawned on me that Valentina's obstinacy might be the catalyst for her maid's tragic fate. If, indeed, she fled, the consequence would be the demise of all these knights. I found a semblance of understanding in her perspective.

I stood resolute, a silent observer of the unfolding events before me. It became evident why, in the game, Valentina always blamed herself for being too weak whenever someone close to her died.

In the face of impending tragedy, I contemplate the power within me, realizing its potential to avert the impending disaster. Unlike the former version of Alfonso, a feeble soul unable to extend assistance, this newfound strength carries the ability to intervene and spare others from becoming sacrificial pawns.

Having thought of everything, Arianna who was at my back descended after I bent my knees for her to support her body.

"Arianna, I need you to go behind the maid beside us. Her name is Christine." I commanded.

And to my expected response.

"Ye-Yes Young Lord... Please be careful"

The girl responded submissively.

As she was no longer in my hands, the disgust I was feeling gradually lessened. Yet, the feeling of wanting to clean my body still remained. The dirty peasant, after all, had put germs onto my clothes. But it was bearable because it was not my skin. Except for my neck which she used as a support for her to not fall.

I could only frown but I have no choice but to disregard these allergic reactions.

As I was in the middle of my suffering.

A rhythmic sound echoes in the background

—Tak! Tak! Tak!

My gaze then locked on the radiant blue light that materialized on Valentina's sword, signaling her unwavering resolve. While observing their interactions. The seasoned master knight acknowledged Valentina's determination to take in the battle.

"I'll handle the right grand master," the knight directed, before addressing Kevin, "Kevin, Face the other grand master with the remaining knights."

His gaze then shifted to Valentina, a subtle shake of his head accompanying his words. "Be cautious, my Lady. That guy matches your rank." There was a dismissive air as he didn't spare me a glance, perhaps deeming me too feeble to join Valentina in combat. It was a sentiment I could understand.


In a swift motion, Valentina lunged toward the ranked Master assassin, Arvin, her determination cutting through the air.

In the heat of battle, Kevin, a master knight, and other skilled warriors engaged in combat with their respective adversaries. Kevin confronted the formidable Kratos, the master knight squared off against Baldemor, and Valentina bravely faced the challenge posed by Arvin.

The clash of weapons echoed through the air—a symphony of 'clangs!' resonating as metal met metal in a relentless dance of combat.

Observing the clash unfold, Valentina's prowess was nothing short of perfection. Despite her comparative lack of experience against the seasoned assassin, her adaptability was a force to be reckoned with.

In each rhythmic exchange of blows, her learning curve was swift, a testament to her growing speed and strength.

‹ It's no surprise she's counted among the strongest. ›

Refusing to be outdone, I remained vigilant, seizing every opportunity to support Valentina.


Swiftly intercepting an attack that almost threatened her, Valentina cast a surprised glance my way.

However, she swiftly refocused on the battle at hand, knowing any distraction could cost her life.

Amidst the intense combat, I keenly observed our surroundings.

So far... The fight between the middle-aged Master knight or in short [Romel Dunes]

Is having a hard time fighting the grand master Baldemor.

It's to be expected, his enemy has a higher rank than him.

While Kevin and the two knights seem to be winning for now, however, if they prolong the fight even more. The two above-average knights would be tired shitless and only become from assets to liabilities.

As for Christine? Well, she's just standing there, what can she do anyway?


‹ Fuck! ›

My internal curse echoed as I surveyed the scene. Valentina, who had been performing admirably moments ago, is already succumbing to exhaustion.

‹ She might be adapting at a rapid pace, but she'll eventually tire out because of the fight earlier with the beast. ›

In response, I propelled myself forward, offering Valentina a crucial respite.

"—[Super Slash]— "


Arvin, the adept assassin, swiftly countered my assault. Undeterred, I unleashed a relentless follow-up strike.

—[Brute Thrust]— that echoed through the air.

His eyes widened in response to my sudden display of ability, and the unmistakable sound of flesh being pierced reverberated, sending shivers down my spine.

A twitch of my eyebrows and a frown betrayed my dissatisfaction. Why the frown? Simply put, I had missed my mark. Instead of piercing his heart, my blade found its place in his shoulder.

The surge of perfectionism gripped me as I realized my misplaced strike, an incessant urge pushing me to redo and refine the previous thrust. The discomfort of wanting to try again gnawed at me, reaching an infuriating crescendo.

The relentless need to perfect such a seemingly simple action fueled my annoyance as if my own mind taunted me for falling short.

But, amid my frustration, Valentina seamlessly continued the assault, unleashing another deadly ability on the distracted assassin. Her elegant slash unfolded like a wave of death, merging seamlessly with the chaotic dance of our attacks.

Once more, her blade was engulfed in the azure flame, like before—


A moment of eerie silence ensued, then suddenly,


[Blade of Verse]

In an instant, the assassin's left shoulder was obliterated, revealing disheveled black clothes and hair as his mask tumbled away. From the wreckage emerged a pale face, a man in his thirties, his left hand severed and blood gushing from the sliced shoulder.

Despite the turmoil, the assassin maintained his composure, skillfully creating distance. Swiftly, he touched the ground with his right hand.

Valentina, determined to thwart his plans, launched an attack with her dwindling strength. Yet, before she could intervene,


the circle had been inscribed in his own blood. The drawn formation illuminated instantly as he uttered cryptic incantations.

"๒єครՇ รย๓๓๏ภ"

His words, barely audible, summoned forth a creature resembling a jaguar. Swiftly, it bounded out of the mystical circle, jaws agape in a terrifying display.


|Panthera Onca|

-Rank: Above Average (Normal-Tier Beast)



At the same time, Valentina stabbed the heart of the assassin and killed him.

However, the sudden summon of the beast was already moving toward Valentina at an unbelievable speed.

"Young Lady!!!"

I could hear Christine's horrified voice at the back when the beasts abruptly appeared. Causing me to promptly take action.

‹ This must have been the reason... ›

I silently muttered to my head.

Fortunately, my vigilance paid off giving me the opportunity to be ready if ever danger arises.

It was fortunate that I was near enough Valentina to defend her.


With the beast's wide mouth charging, I prepared my ability.

[Super Slash]

Executing [Super Slash], I unleashed my ability in swift retaliation. However, much to my astonishment, the beast's claw found its way to my chest.


A spluttering sound echoed as blood painted the surroundings, the burning sensation engulfing me.

‹ It hurts. ›

Despite the searing pain, I maintained my composed demeanor. The vexation intensified not just from the pain but also from the realization that I, with all my sophistication, suffered at the hands of a seemingly inferior creature.

—±Tak! Tak! Tak!±—

A surge of anger manifested in a red glow enveloping my sword, a telltale sign of mana. Through battles with beasts and goblins, I had honed the skill of channeling mana around weapons and even incorporating it into my own body.

This arcane ability, carefully concealed from all but Mary, remained a secret technique. As I unleashed it in the presence of others, especially Valentina, I anticipated a reaction.

Silence filled the air as Valentina's gaze revealed a mix of surprise and concern. Unperturbed, I paid little attention to her reaction. Despite her inclination to assist, I could see exhaustion weighed heavily on her, rendering her unable to muster the strength to intervene.







General POV

Amidst the relentless clash of swords echoing throughout the surroundings, Kevin stood firm alongside his two proficient knights. The visible fatigue etched on their faces betrayed the ongoing struggle.

"Huff! Huff! Huff!"

The knights gasped for breath, yet there was no respite, as the relentless onslaught of the assassin's dagger persisted.

In the precarious situation they found themselves in, Kevin played a crucial role in preventing their untimely demise. However, it was essential to recognize that their strength wasn't lacking. Years of combat experience, honed skills that allowed them to hold their ground against formidable opponents, and the audacity to face a grand master spoke volumes about their capabilities.

When suddenly,

The clash echoed through the air as one of the knights was propelled like a bullet by the force of the assassin's strike, his head colliding with a tree, rendering him unconscious.

A petulant aura enveloped the assassin, his dagger ablaze with a violet glow. In the ensuing moment, a chilling sound of flesh being torn apart pierced the air.


The second knight, engrossed in combat, fell victim to the assassin's relentless assault. The dagger plunged into his stomach, the assassin ruthlessly grinding it deeper.

The wounded knight groaned in agony, but in the midst of pain, he perceived an opportunity to turn the tables, a


The cry echoed through the air, a man's urgent shout cutting through the tension.

"I know," Kevin responded, his voice laced with gravity, his expression darkening. Abruptly, a series of distinct sounds filled the air

–Tak! Tak! Tak!

On Kevin's sword, vibrant yellow particles materialized, casting an ethereal glow. The air crackled with electricity, a golden hue dancing around him, setting the scene for what was to unfold.

In an instant, he soon resheathed his sword, the metallic


resonating through the air, accompanied by the gruesome sound of flesh being torn apart.

Spruck! Spruck! Spruck!

The assassin's body cleaved in two, crashing heavily to the ground with a resounding thud. Yet, mirroring the fate of the assassin, the knight that the enemy had stabbed met a similar grisly end.

Exhaustion overcame Kevin as he sank to his knees, breaths coming in heavy pants, a testament to the toll exacted by the intense encounter.

The realization dawned upon him that engaging with a grandmaster of this caliber posed a formidable challenge. Concern etched across his face as he contemplated Romel's well-being. After all, Romel is just a ranked master knight who doesn't have someone to back him up.

Casting a swift glance toward Romel's duel with the grandmaster, Kevin was met with a shocking sight – a man's head hurtling in his direction.


The severed head landed with a grim finality before him, and Kevin found himself locking eyes with the familiar lifeless gaze of the fallen knight.


A heavy silence descended.


Kevin's eyes widened in sheer terror, a shiver coursing down his spine in the face of the chilling reality before him.

The assassin from afar then casually shrugged, taking a moment to kneel and catch his breath.

"He put up quite a fight," he muttered indifferently, shifting his gaze in Valentina's direction.

Kevin, keenly observing the assassin's behavior, came to realize their target. He then immediately dashed toward Valentina with his remaining strength, as the assassin took a breather.

More chapters coming up soon. Probably tomorrow again (Thanks for reading)

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