
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 13: Suspicious

Chapter 13: Suspicious

After we saw seven wolves and a master tier beast wolf. We Descended from the cliff, and as soon as the wolf killed their prey our presence was noticed.

In response,


A howl of the alpha wolf echoed all over the forest.

Warning us to go away.

However, as soon as the pair—Valentina and Kevin got closer they immediately launched an attack. Disregarding the wolf's warning.

As a result, the pack tried to form a defense, but despite their effort, Kevin pierced through their formation nonchalantly.

Watching at the back, I inwardly admired their otherworldly abilities. A scene that I could not witness in my past life was just happening in front of me. Observing such fantasy in front, I could not help but imagine myself to also do what they are capable of.

Especially the ability of fire that just Valentina emitted on her sword.


Blinding light then began to surround her area. Signifying the same as the light of the sun.

Memorizing their techniques and movements, I began to silently analyze their skills. Even though I'm not familiar with their otherworldly abilities, that doesn't mean I can't analyze or comprehend their strengths.

With the help of my future knowledge and the experience of being a player. I soon concluded that the ones I'm looking at right now are just ants.

Compared to the Valentina that was at her peak, the one in front of me was just like a speck of dust.

Shrugging my thoughts away, I soon decided to check my status. Reminiscing how I'll become stronger in the future.


|Name: Alfonso Quiñones|

•Age: 12

[Points: 204]

Level: 22 [Average]



-Super Slash

-Brute Thrust

-Blade of Pierce

-Abyssal Enchantment



•Martial Arts: 23 (Low)

•Swordsmanship: 57 (Average)

•Medical Skills: 33 (Low)

•Singing: 22 (Low)

•Instruments: 70 (Unknown)

•Magical skills: 52 (Average)

•Horsemanship: 55 (Average)

•Arts: 117 (Master)



Silently staring at the system's window, above it was my level. Noticing how much I have grown in just a few days, made me proud of myself.

I inwardly chuckled at my capability when suddenly—


The resonant echo of a drawn sword reached my ears.


The knights intoned with synchronized precision, encircling both Christine, Arianna, and Mary. Including me since I was at their center. However just as the two peasants got near me, I couldn't conceal a subtle recoil of repulsion and disgust, yet I stifled the burgeoning emotions, directing my attention to the looming threat posed by the intruders.

Meanwhile, Mary stared at the depth of the forest; it was clear to me who knew her abilities that she was sensing the presence of the unwanted people with her [Hyper Sense].







General POV

In the midst of their battle against the wolves, Valentina and Kevin found themselves facing an unexpected intrusion. The appearance of an unfamiliar figure disrupted their focus, leaving them both puzzled and uneasy.

The sudden arrival rattled Valentina, transforming her initially excited expression into one of gravity. Even Kevin, who had been discreetly glancing at Valentina's voluptuous body, halted in response to the mysterious newcomer.

Despite the disturbance, Kevin refrained from unleashing his full power, holding back to allow Valentina the opportunity to ascend and experience the true might of a dangerous battle. Yet, the unspoken tension hung in the air, as the reason behind the stranger's presence remained a mystery to both Valentina and Kevin.


The sword colliding echoed through the space as the blonde-haired girl's sword met the fierce claws of the wolf leader. Kevin, in a protective stance, shielded Valentina from the relentless pack.

Soon a swift and sharp sequence of blade movements ensued, piercing the thick hide of the formidable wolf leader.


In a crucial moment, a vulnerability surfaced in Valentina's defense.


The resounding clang echoed as the wolf leader seized the chance of a lifetime. Fortunately, Kevin stepped in time, shielding her from the impending danger.

"Be careful, Young Lady," he cautioned, swiftly dispatching the remaining pack of wolves.

Acknowledging his warning with a nod, Valentina fearlessly launched another assault on the wolf leader, undeterred by the near-death experience.

However, this time...

—†Tak! †Tak †Tak!†—

Her once golden fire formed into a hue of blue,


A blinding dazzle of her sword then followed, increasing the grip around her sword


Valentina exhaled her breath heavily then soon,


The resounding echo of her sword abruptly filled the space, marking a moment of intensity in her pursuit.

In this world where there are Gods, those Gods are the sole reason a human can have abilities or affinities to numerous elements.

Abilities are either inherited from their parents or gifts by the Gods.

In all fairness, it all comes down to luck. And the God that blessed Valentina was the God Varon. The God of fire, not only is she blessed with the fire but she was destined to be one because of her parents who was also blessed by the same God.

That is the reason why Valentina's blade could shine like a sun.

[Blade of Verse]

With that ethereal skill, Valentina brought a decisive end to the creature's life. Easily piercing through the fur and skin of the enemy because of the fire that was emitted. The wolf's anguished cries resonated, its final moments marked by a desperate grasp for breath, only to be met with the piercing stab of Valentina's blade.


As the life drained from the creature, Valentina's own strength waned, leaving her physically drained. Yet, amidst the exhaustion, the essence quickly came out of the wolf's body as her body began to absorb it.

In an expected twist, her rank ascended, and she found herself standing on equal footing with Kevin, now attaining the prestigious level of a [Master rank].

The two's skills and experiences still differ significantly, though. Because Kevin has a lot of battle experience compared to Valentina who was taken care of like a princess. But all her hard work and talent were paying off right now.


Seeing how she finally ascended, Kevin soon turned his focus to where the presence they felt came from.







Alfonso's POV

Observing the demise of the alpha wolf, a surge of excitement coursed through me, fueled by the desire to attain such strength. Even so, I was not careless enough to blatantly ignore the intruders, however, when I used the system to determine their locations, the uninvited guest had not yet come nor moved from their location.

As if they were waiting for something.

A sense of unease enveloped the surroundings, casting an eerie atmosphere. A tense quiet settled in, broken only by a mysterious pause.


Abruptly, in that instance, a luminous glow emanated from the intruder's location. Mary's expression tightened in a frown, and Christine, standing beside me, instinctively took a step back. While the girl, Arianna clung to my hems. A sense of disgust was engulfing but I suppressed it as best as I could.


A thunderous roar echoed through the air, sending tremors across the earth. The beast's menacing growl instilled fear in everyone, causing shivers, with the exception of Mary, who maintained a stoic demeanor. While I— because of Alfonso driven by his resolute mentality, remained unfazed.

As the echoes of the growl subsided, a new threat emerged—a rapid onslaught of footsteps closing in on us. The ground quivered with each approaching step, a relentless drumming that intensified the sense of impending danger.

—Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!—

My eyes then slightly widened when the status of the beast that roared suddenly appeared.


|Lion Beast|

-Rank: Legend (King-Tier Beast)


— †Tak †Tak! †Tak!† —

The sound of light forming around Mary's dagger screamed. Then she spoke coldly, "Protect Young Miss and my Lord from the intruders and get away from here!"

With a resounding bang, Mary's form vanished like a speeding bullet, hurtling towards the source of a menacing growl, leaving an imposing hole in the ground. In the wake of her sudden disappearance, Valentina and Kevin appeared before us.

"We must depart; our presence would only hinder her," declared the master knight in a commanding tone as his gaze met Kevin's.

With no time to spare, we plunged into a sprint. While doing so, I quickly carried the disgusting peasant—Arianna on my back. My repulsive and disgusted feeling kicked in again but was much worse. However, I have no choice but to bear and grit my teeth.

A side of me just wanted to drop her dead but I couldn't do so because of the responsibility and guilt I was feeling. The only reason I could calm myself down was to constantly remind myself that my sins were nothing compared to what I was suffering right now.

‹ This goddamn body, why is it so allergic to peasants!!! ›

I inwardly lamented. Cursing how Alfonso's repulsion is making my life harder.

Soon, the rhythmic pounding of our footsteps echoed through the surroundings. Yet, in the urgency of our escape, a disconcerting sight unfolded—three figures emerged, mirroring our every move, shadows dancing alongside the trees as if in pursuit of our every breath.


|Name: Baldemor Puta| (Deathbringers)

-Age: 92

-Rank: Grand Master



|Name: Arvin Mosaic| (Deathbringers)

-Age: 39

-Rank: Master



|Name: Kratos Punyeta| (Deathbringers)

-Age: 78

-Rank: Grand Master




Sorry if I'm not updating. Busy with college, I'll soon mass release.

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