
I'm The Pitiful Villain

As the man lay trapped within the twisted metal of the crashed car, Blood dripped out of his forehead. With each fading heartbeat, a tranquil sense of surrender washed over him, drawing him deeper into death's embrace of darkness. In the eerie stillness, a sharp knock shattered the silence, jolting him back from the brink of oblivion. Confusion and dread mingled as he grappled with the notion of his own demise. Yet, defying all logic, when he summoned the strength to move and reluctantly pried open his eyes, he was met not with the void of death, but with a chilling revelation. He now inhabited the vessel of a villain, a sinister figure known as Alfonso Quiñones, his very essence intertwined with malevolence. Ps: I'm not a native English speaker so if there are any grammatical issues please do point them out (This is also my first novel so be patient with me) -My update is inconsistent but I will finish this book no matter how long it takes since I'm busy with school -No NTR -No Yuri (There might be incest in the future)

New_Leaf626 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: Suspicious

Chapter 10: Suspicious







General POV*

After they arrived from the Beastial Forest, Mary witnessed how devastated Alfonso was when he decided to null the engagement. Yet despite his internal struggle, he remained sophisticated and calm.

She attempted to follow him, however, she was promptly halted from doing so when Alfonso ordered her to stop. Worried nonetheless, she chose to follow his orders out of respect and his privacy.


Shortly, the presence of a person could be heard at her back.

"I'll keep an eye on him, no need to fret. I believe he simply requires some time."

A familiar voice of a boy resounded. Mary turned her head to look at him and immediately recognized the person—It was Kevin.

Seeing him and going toward where Alfonso is. Mary made the decision to not use her ability to its full extent to not hear their conversation. However, she still maintained a cautious use of her [Hyper Sense], not unleashing its full potential, to swiftly respond if an enemy were to show up.

Just like that, time quickly passed, and Alfonso finally got back to his tent and as expected, Alfonso looked tired.

While Mary, as soon as she spotted his arrival, she harnessed her abilities to the fullest.




Time quickly flew by and four days unnoticingly passed since Alfonso, Valentina, and Kevin hunted for beasts.

As for Mary, she continued guarding Alfonso.

While doing so, Mary who was always by Alfonso's side could see how exhausted he was from every single hunt. Especially how quickly he dozes off with a simple roll onto his bed.

But he concealed it from everyone, causing Mary's heart to ache as she observed Alfonso's relentless efforts to become stronger.

And that's not all. Even after each exhausting hunt, Alfonso would tirelessly engage in training, with even the sound of his bones breaking reaching her ears. Despite checking on him regularly, his stoic figure persisted, as if unaffected.

There was also a time when Alfonso suddenly collapsed while training, Mary hastily carried him and anxiously tended to his body within the tent.

While treating him. She Witnessed every bone in Alfonso's body shattered, making her quiver in fear.

Employing her healing abilities to the maximum, she refrained from seeking assistance, convinced that any delay would be fatal for Alfonso.

Aware of his desire for redemption and the effort to mend his ways, she recognizes his motivation, possibly as a means to cope with heartbreak. However, the extent of his sacrifice weighs heavily on her conscience, given the underlying reasons for his transformation.

Luckily, Alfonso experienced an unusually rapid recovery by morning, leaving Mary perplexed. She attributed it to the potent medicine, convinced it played a crucial role in his swift healing.

But that didn't stop Mary from passively scolding Alfonso for overworking himself. Her voice was so full of sorrow that she almost teared up. Alfonso, in response, simply nodded and spoke of refraining from repeating his actions, bringing relief to Mary.

After she scolded him, however, she was surprised once again when he unexpectedly, didn't react with anger or lay blame; instead, he carefully listened to her words, prompting a subtle smile from Mary and a tender gaze in her eyes. From that day forward, she exercised greater caution regarding Alfonso's actions.

She thought that Alfonso was really changing... All she could hope at that moment was for Alfonso to be happy and see him smile again.

Simultaneously, she couldn't ignore the formidable strength of his abilities, questioning whether Alfonso was truly just an average rank. Especially because of how fast he is growing and since Mary noticed Alfonso's initial low rank, but within four days, he elevated to an average rank—an achievement typically requiring over a month. Even Kevin, Valentina, Christine, and the other knights were amazed by his rapid progress, which shows no signs of slowing down.

But one person was bothered by his progress.

It's no other but Valentina.

Concerned by Alfonso's rapid growth, Valentina decided to push her own limits, engaging in battles with more formidable creatures. Her competitive nature drove her to maintain a distance from Alfonso's progress. Despite labeling him as weak, she secretly feared that he might gain the strength to actually defend her, leading to embarrassment.

For your information, although he's experiencing rapid growth currently, no one is raising any eyebrows. There have been instances where individuals achieve swift progress but hit a plateau after reaching an above-average level and mastering skills.

Most of the people speculated that Alfonso was using pills/potions, especially Christine because she was sure that Alfonso must be motivated to recover from what Valentina said to him after his pride was shattered. With no other choice, she speculated that Alfonso must be desperate to prove something to Valentina.

But as these were happening.

An unexpected option for an earlier return was announced.

For four days, their intended two-week stay was cast into uncertainty when Mary shared unsettling news about peculiar happenings in the forest.

A lingering sense of being observed haunted Mary, despite her diligent use of the [Hyper Sense] ability. She was unable to pinpoint the source, that's why she insisted on cutting their stay short, which everyone agreed, opting for an earlier return home.







Alfonso's POV

In a greenery garden, I stood watching a girl playing on her own.

Her chestnut locks danced as her grin expanded. To characterize her, she's the kind of girl whose smile has the power to illuminate anyone's day.



The sound of my shoes echoed, disrupting her from playing.

Her eyes wandered around finding where the sound could be. However when she finally caught sight of me.

The girl's eyes immediately widened as her mouth trembled in fear.


A voice echoed making the girl I'm approaching shiver intensely.


Too stunned to move. She whispered in a hushed tone while gazing at my hands.

To be exact— she was looking at her father who was being dragged by me in a bloodied condition.

His hair was yanked until strands tumbled, his legs contorted unbelievably, his clothes soaked in blood, and his face bore a pitiable, bruised appearance.

"Pleasshhh, have mershii! Dunt hart my doghter.

She has noshing to do with thisshh. It was all my fault!!! So, please!!!"

The man pleaded, even though his teeth missed a few already and finding it hard to speak.


Despite his sorrowful plead, I gradually lifted my left hand, clutching a pistol, and aimed it at the girl's head.

"That day... If it wasn't for you, our life... My life wouldn't have turned this way..."

I whispered coldly with a hint of rage in my words.

Observing the man's opulent life contrasted with our suffering fueled my resentment. I couldn't help but find it hypocritical that he wouldn't experience the same anguish he had inflicted.

As the repercussions of his actions confronted him, his feeble reaction only intensified my fury.


Such thoughts further fueled my anger, compelling me to squeeze the trigger.





The echoes of the gunshot were accompanied by the girl's lifeblood flowing from her head, her gaze slowly fading away. The unsettling scene was further accentuated by the scattered fragments of her brain.

Shortly after, a piercing cry of agony resonated as her body collapsed to the ground.


"Aaahhhhhhh!!!!! NNNOOOOOO!!!! NNOOOO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO NO!


As the sound of the gunshot slowly faded and the once-pulled trigger was done, only did I realize what I had done.


A heavy silence then descended in my mind as I realized I had killed an innocent girl out of pettiness and rage toward her father.

I asked inside...

Why did I kill the child? When I was just aiming for her father.

What was her fault?

However, such thoughts were disrupted when I continuously heard the mourning of the man beside me.


Slowly, I gazed at the pitiful man who was at my mercy.

With a contemplative face. I whispered...

"I'm confused..."

Watching him lose his loved one, why it didn't make me feel satisfied?

Why did it only make me feel worse?


Noticing this feeling, I raised my pistol again and pointed it toward the man crying, and—BANG!





I kept squeezing the trigger, searching for any sense of satisfaction in ending his life.

Yet... Even after accomplishing it and seeing him perish, there was no joy or contentment.

Now, only the scattered flesh and brains remained with their body full of holes.


As raindrops fell on my head, I lifted my gaze with blurry eyes.

Soon, a heavy rain engulfed me completely.

"A monster... Huh..."











Slowly opening my eyes.

"A dream..."

I realized that I had the same nightmare again.

Because of it, I deeply sighed.

I then looked outside only to witness that it was still nighttime. Seeing it as an opportunity to train, I decided to get up to distract myself from the dream I just had.

For your information, six days have already passed, and I've been doing nothing but improve my strength.

Killing slimes, goblins, and other weak beasts to earn points and get abilities.

I have a total of 174 points right now and three abilities which cost me 410 in total.





-Super Slash (50 points)

-Brute Thrust (150 points)

-Blade of Pierce (210 points)

/============================\n .


‹Brute Thrust...

This skill...›

The sheer force of Brute Thrust is a formidable skill, a potent trump card in my arsenal. Employing this ability as a clandestine assault adds an element of surprise, yet the peril lies in the fragility of my bones, teetering on the brink of fracture after a mere trio of deployments.

At my current level of 22, hovering around the average rank, the repeated deployment of these abilities raises concerns about potential harm to my body. The dilemma persists – the uncertainty of how frequently I should employ them and the extent to which I must hone these skills for further evolution.

Among these abilities, the [Super Slash] stands out.

The power of the [Super Slash] ability is at my disposal anytime now, unlike the earlier days when I was merely at level 7 or lower, risking bone fractures after just 30 uses. The pain is unbearable, driving me to the brink of insanity. Yet, I've grown accustomed to it, adapting slowly. Surprisingly, my regeneration has become almost supernatural, a testament to my elevated level. A full night's sleep or even just three hours, and my energy and vitality are restored to normalcy.

This is an unparalleled might, I think I'm much stronger than any average rank in this world. I'm probably two times stronger than them. I could now even match an above-average rank if I wanted to. But that would break every bone I have, use all of my trump cards and abilities to win.

It actually depends on who I'm fighting. I might die if I faced a very skilled one.

Of course, I didn't show anyone my real strength. I always practiced in the dark, so I think no one knows about this. Except for Mary, that is...

Anyway, for the last ability, I bought.

[Blade of Pierce]

This ability is one hell of a thing... when I tried to use this ability, I immediately lost conscience and all I could do at that time was groan in pain.

Luckily Mary treated me that day, lessening the pain, and when morning came, she immediately scolded me in worry with her hoarse voice that was filled with sorrow.

|"Lord Alfonso, Please don't push yourself too much!"|

I didn't notice it in the game but Mary seems to care about Alfonso very much. It became too apparent, catching my attention. What struck me even more was her silence regarding my sudden collapse, bringing a sense of relief—Since she didn't question me why I collapsed. It would be bothersome to explain after all.

Moreover, my points also experienced an unexpected surge, a subtle hint that Mary's perception of me had undergone a transformation once more.

A reflection on the past crossed my mind—if it were the earlier version of Alfonso, joy would have filled him at this revelation, yet he would have told Mary to shut up for scolding him.

‹ Could it be that Alfonso isn't the person I believed him to be? › I pondered inwardly.


It's good speculation, maybe Mary loved him before but because of his actions over time, she buried them deep in her heart.

‹ What triggered the transformation in Alfonso and Mary? Was he not a mess before? And how did they drift apart? ›

Lately, I've been restraining myself from snapping at every commoner, enduring their disgusting presence.

I find myself wondering: Why is Alfonso so closely linked to Mary despite his disdain for commoners? It now makes sense why he trusts her so implicitly in the game. Perhaps Alfonso genuinely cares for her, and reciprocally, Mary's concern for him led her to stay by his side in the game, even to the point of death.

Now, I'm reconsidering if it's solely due to the contract.

‹ I should see what else I can change, Mary is a good starting point. ›

Having a Legend rank on my side is never a bad thing.

Sorry for the late upload of the chapter. It took me longer to write this because I don't have a charger to charge my phone lmao. (And because the chapter is also too long)

Poor me, lmao anyway, I'm open to criticism. And finally!!! I can rest since it's the weekend though... Only for just one day. Sigh!~

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