
I'm Satoru In My Hero Academia And More...

In an unexpected twist of fate, the protagonist awakens in the body of Gojo Satoru, the legendary sorcerer of "Jujutsu Kaisen", but finds himself in the world of "Boku no Hero Academia". Endowed with a mysterious system, he is destined to become the most powerful in that universe. With a new name and appearance, he must navigate through different worlds filled with cliché protagonists, temperamental Gods, unattractive heroes, and girls with breasts that don't respect gravity. He will face challenges and fight for his place in the universe where power is everything. Will he be able to adapt to his new life and unlock his full potential to become a legend? They are helping me with donations: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=6L6HELLBZXVAA

FanDeFic · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

It had been a week since I found myself trapped in this strange world, and though I had initially struggled with the idea, I had reluctantly started to accept my situation. I hadn't fully assimilated it yet, but there wasn't much I could do about it. I had tried shouting to the sky for answers, hoping some deity would explain my situation, but nothing happened. I only received strange looks from the other children and concerned glances from the caregivers.

Now I was sitting on the swing, slowly rocking back and forth as I pondered what I should do. I refused to participate in activities with the other children and instead spent most of my time here. However, something had caught my attention on the second day of my stay here. That day, I had spent gathering information, and to my surprise, I wasn't in the world I initially believed I was in.

It was quite shocking to come to that conclusion after hitting a boy with a frog-like face. And yes, when I say "frog," I mean that literally. This kid had a head that looked like it was taken straight out of a low-budget horror movie. His skin was a bright green, he had an abnormally large mouth, and his eyes were on the sides of his head. Could you blame me for reacting that way? Since I realized I was Gojo Satoru, I assumed I was in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. I didn't question why Satoru would be in an orphanage when, in the anime, he came from a clan of sorcerers. Nor did I question why people didn't seem to be any kind of sorcerers. Now that I think about it, the clues were there all along.


When I came across the frog-like boy, I yelled at him that he was a curse in the face and told him I would exorcise him. Confident, I hit him in the face a few times. Once the boy started crying and didn't seem to defend himself, I realized something was wrong.

After being scolded by the orphanage caregivers, I finally learned that the frog-headed boy was not a curse but that his appearance was the result of his quirk. Yes, that left me dumbfounded. People here were born with special gifts called "quirks" that granted them unique abilities. Some could fly, others could control fire, and some had really strange powers, like the frog-headed boy. It turns out I wasn't in the world where sorcerers ruled but in a completely different place where heroes and villains with extravagant costumes were the norm. Yes, I'm in My Hero Academia. Well, needless to say, I'm now considered a racist by the rest of the orphanage.

The other days weren't anything out of the ordinary. I was punished for four days, sent to my room and not allowed to go out to the yard. For most kids, that might sound like torture, but for someone like me, a complete antisocial, it was basically my lifestyle. The only thing I really missed was my phone. Oh, how I missed it!

Setting that aside, unfortunately, I had very little information about the world outside the orphanage. The only thing I knew was that All Might was still doing his hero work, thanks to the news I managed to see in the caregiver's office. But I had no idea if it was before or after meeting Izuku. Heck! Canon started yesterday from what I know. Fortunately, I had come with a perfect body for this world.

If I could master it, I could live a life without worrying about a Gigantomachia crushing me while crossing the street. I looked at my hand, which began to glow faintly with a blue hue. I focused on the cursed energy flowing within me, feeling it accumulate in my hand, like a gentle force of attraction.

Whoever put me here at least saw fit to provide me with information on how to use these powers, although it would have been much more helpful if they had given me all the information instead of just the basics of each jujutsu. I hadn't realized when I arrived here, but it seemed like I had information in my head that only appeared when I thought about it. Like an old memory that surfaced when you put in a little effort to remember.

At first, manifesting cursed energy was a bit difficult, but I finally managed to do it with ease. Those days of punishment were not in vain, at least. I got up from the swing and took a look at the children playing in the yard. They seemed completely distracted, which meant I wouldn't draw attention if I decided to move away. I walked to the edge of the yard and observed the wall surrounding the orphanage. It was a simple structure, just some flimsy metal bars rising among the trees.

Without further hesitation, I effortlessly slipped through the bars and ventured into the forest that extended beyond. Once far enough from the orphanage, I placed two fingers close to my lips and whispered a few words.

"Emerges from the darkness, that which is even darker than black. Purify this impurity."

In an instant, a circular barrier activated just above me. I had activated a barrier, or rather, a veil. Yes, the same kind of veil used by sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen. It seemed I not only came with information about Satoru's powers but also the basics of the anime, such as veils, teleportation, cursed energy accumulation, and more. The veil extended around me, hiding me from the view of anyone who might be nearby. I looked around and couldn't help but release a sigh of satisfaction.

"Wow, I activated the veil on the first try." While the veil was considered a rather basic spell, I couldn't help but feel satisfied with my small achievement. But time was of the essence; I only had a mere 10 minutes before the orphanage caregivers realized I was missing.

I looked around, surveying the lush forest that surrounded me, and sighed. I had a little problem: where to start? Despite having information in my head about how spells and cursed energy worked, I had no training regimen, and I didn't know how to meditate correctly. My knowledge was like seeing the summary of a long story: I knew what it was, how it worked, and what it was for, but not the necessary details to master it completely. Well, at least I had something to start with.

If I remembered correctly, Satoru's six eyes granted him incredible processing capabilities. He could learn to play any musical instrument in a short period of time, which gave me an advantage. With a sigh, I decided to learn in my own way.

I brought my arms back and slightly separated my legs. My hands began to glow faintly blue, forming a small energy ball. I looked at a tree in front of me and recited the words of the attack.

"Kame, Hame... Ha!"

At the cry of my attack, I launched the sphere at the tree. However, the energy ball I had formed seemed to dissipate once it left my hands. I frowned in frustration. That had been embarrassing, but I knew I couldn't expect to succeed right away. Rome wasn't built in a day, after all.