
I'm Ron Weasley!!!

Who would have thought that making a wish would change my pass to the afterlife? Well, no one. Come on, even my conscience thinks so. It's rare that wishes come true, even more so if you are dying. But... it still happened and my life changed. This story doesn't belong to me. It's a translation.

Azeneth2523 · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

Chapter Four

After the selection we headed to the common room following my dear brother Percy, we went to the boys' dormitory and it was my turn to share with Harry, Neville, Seamus, and Dean. The beds had cushions, luckily our trunks were already there, so I threw myself on the bed and sighed.

'Lots to do.'

The boys fell asleep quickly from how ecstatic they were while I stayed awake, I closed the bedside covers for privacy and cast a silence spell so no one from the outside would snoop around, I pulled my notebook out from under my pillow and began to check the state of my business.

You see, I took advantage of the fact that in my other life, I was a multimillionaire, so during the summer I was thinking of ideas for my business until I came up with the right ones.

Although I must admit that indirectly Fred and George helped me. I took their book business idea as a base. Although don't worry, when everything was done, I would give them a store and shares.

First, without them noticing, I slipped into the Muggle world. I took a multijuice potion with one of Bill's hair, I could not do business in this appearance they would take me as a joke, I looked for partners to support me and showed my project ideas in the Muggle world. At this time, technological cell phones and boxless television had not yet been invented. I sold the idea for a considerable amount of money.

Then I went to Gringotts this time as Ron. The goblins were smart, however, they were very secretive and didn't care much about an 11-year-old boy with money to change, rather it was something beneficial for them. I exchanged the money for magic money and set off in search of a store in Diagon Alley until I found the right one. An old wizard wanted to get rid of his land and sold it to me for a considerable price, the building was near Ollivander and Flourish and Blotts.

It had several windows and looked spacious and it was, here according to what the old man told me, purebloods came to buy their objects and clothes. It was a bit dusty because it had long since gone out of business, I paid to have it remodeled and ready for opening. The products had been made in my room in the den technically speaking it wasn't a problem that I wasn't discovered as I left spells to hide what I was doing.

My first product, healing potions, was the most effective, that was the healing magic section for now, then came the candy section, which cost me more, I followed the recipe instructions and read several books to make them appealing to the public.

First, there were the dragon gummies which moved and flew right into your mouth. Then there were the long-lasting chewing gums, which never ran out of flavor and inflated giant balloons. The shape-shifting lollipops changed their shape to your desires from a lion to a tree. I also bought chocolate frogs, dragees and pumpkins and my last section was the Pranks section where I tried to make the same things as Fred and George, the bloody nose nougat, the extendable ears, the assorted class jumps, the love potions, etc.

It should be noted that in the Muggle world in the guise of Bill, I made investments and sold ideas. I created a company but it was still small but growing rapidly and I had already earned several profits so I had to hire two managers for both businesses. On one side a Muggle and the other a wizard. I paid them 50 galleons for their work. They signed a confidentiality contract not to disclose my identity, I showed them both that my appearance should create bonds of trust to avoid betrayal, although I must admit that with the muggle one, I invented a little lie about receiving an inheritance and my uncle supervised me to spend it.

The opening of the Diagon Alley store would be tomorrow so I was a bit anxious.

'I was hoping that everything would go well.'