
I'm really a God!?

young man died, meet god, and was offered to be his substitute because of he's tired.

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3 Chs

Chapter 3 - The Village and the Cheif's Mansion

Days passed just like that and before Everyone notice it, a month had already passed.

Calendar wasn't a concept yet of course, but in order to make it less suspicious, I order one of my minion to count the days, it'll took three cycle of seasons to create a reasonable and less suspicious calendar system but if I had one thing endless in the world, it was the Time.

A month had passed since, many happen but few were worth to mention.

(A/N: I change the name of god race from Endless into Ender, as refering them required me to wrote Endless Race or species everytime, it wasn't pleasing to read.)

The Progress of the Tribe was right on the track, being an 'Ender' has many perks, one of such is talent and when dozen of such people work together, the result was Astonishing.

Within eight days, My mansion was fully constructed, in the next weeks after that the Village began to take shape.

The creation of village improve the living standard of everyone, it was both good and not as increase living standard would made everyone lazy so in order to prevent that, I remove the barrier I put to chase away the monster from our Camp.

The result? chaos, several beasts came to cause havoc, the walls were destroy, and such, It was a pity but it was required in order to progress our civilization.


Another month passed as winter came, wrather goes colder and colder, winter was about to came so in order to counter that, I have my minions to craft a jacket, gloves from the animal Hide.

Needless to say, they did an astonishing job, the craft they made while primitive exclude intimidating and exotic kind of beauty, some girls even started to enjoy dressmaking, experimenting and making thier own design, It was strange but I guess women was a women no matter what reality you are.


The village began take a shape and while the progress were slowed due to the constant beast tide, it was still on going.

The beast tide while usually a group of four to dozen beasts wasn't anything life threatening, but still enough to cause us many troubles.

Few times the wall that we erected around the Village were damage making us to rebuild and strengthened it.


Another month passed, the weather got colder and colder, nearby lakes started to freeze and snow began falling from time to time.

I was currently in my Mansion, enjoying the warm flame from the fireplace when a sudden I idea pop into my head.

"Maya come here." I called and soon Enough a paled skin petit supermodel girl with a cold expression stood before me.

"Come here, serve your chief." I pat my crouch inviting her causing her cold expression to flush red.

"Y-y-you!" she was angry but who am I to care? I'm a God, the creator, I'm a bastard.

"What? what can you do? are you gonna fight me?" I mock causing her to pale as she know her place.

"Come here, serve this handsome and strong young master, you should be honoured to be my first conquest." I motion her to kneel, she hesitated at first but still comply as several gasps could be hear behind us.

Being a Chief in a primitive Era allow me to do anything, as there is only the law of 'strong rule the weak'. I can assign girls to guard me 24/7 and no one can say any as I'm the strongest.

Seeing me commanding one of them to service me must surprised and anger them but, can they do anything? No, we are a primitive people in a primitive Era where the strong rule the weak.

Miya kneeling before me had a flush face, hesitated a bit before slowly pulling down my pants, greeted by my prick. "I-its big."

"That's only the base form honey." I chuckled as I began guiding her to please me and man that angry look on her face was a sight behold.


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AN: In a way, Yeah, The story is really a wish fulfillment, he's a god, even with all the limitations I put to him, he's still as OP as fuck... what's the point of this story? of course to enjoy Life, being bastard as he could, that would be Fun