
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 12

Chapter 12


Liz didn't eat lunch with me this time, so after taking the tray with my lunch, I sat down at my usual spot. Luckily, at least I wasn't disturbed in the dining room, so I was able to breathe easy. To my surprise, however, I was approached by a man who I had not expected to do such a thing.

- Hi Peter, do you mind if I sit here? - came a woman's voice that I could recognise from millions.

- Hi Gwen, of course! - I quickly answered her with a smile on my face.

Placing her lunch tray on the table, Gwen carefully sat down on the chair and looked at me.

- I never thanked you properly last time, for helping me shut off the water and bringing me my notes. So 'thank you' again." - Gwen smiled.

- Come on Gwen, it wasn't a problem. Besides, I should be the one apologising to you, because when I heard the scream I literally burst into your house, and then I saw you in your underwear. - I grinned embarrassedly.

- Well, you wanted to help me, so I don't blame you. But don't mention it again. - The girl blushed sweetly, making her look even prettier.

- So, how do you like the role of "popular" guy? - Gwen decided to change the subject.

- Oh, it is better not to mention. - I smiled helplessly.

- Since this morning everyone has been doing nothing but saying hello to me and sucking up to me. I was so tired of it that if I'd known it was going to happen, I would have run away when Flash came barreling towards me.

- Yeah, I know what you mean. I get chased by cameras all the time, too. - Gwen involuntarily said, and her expression changed.

- Well, you're a beautiful girl Gwen, so I understand your fans. If I was a little more shameless, I'd probably do the same. - I decided to help her out of this situation.

- Um, Gwen, is everything all right? Are you looking a bit pale? - I decided to pay her some attention.

- Oh, never mind. Just a little dizzy, probably from fatigue. - she was able to calm down quickly.

- More importantly, you say they're my fans, but at the same time you don't mind running around with the camera yourself. Can I also consider you my fan? - she grinned, and started to look at me with a little interest.

- Well, I won't deny it. You're a beautiful girl Gwen, and smart too. So there's nothing strange about the fact that a lot of guys like you. - I decided not to deny the obvious.

- So you like me? - Gwen had a point. And that was weird for me. After all, up to this point, Gwen and I had never really chatted, and now she was almost flirting with me. But it's possible that she's just curious and I'm just imagining it.

- Maybe, because like I said, you're incredibly popular with the guys. - I gave her a vague answer so it wouldn't sound like a confession.

After I said that, Gwen didn't say anything else for the rest of the meal. But I, seeing no reason to sit next to her for nothing, started to pack. It was time for me to go to the field to replace Flash as captain of the football team.

- Peter! - Gwen called out to me as I was about to leave.


- Mm? What's Gwen? - I showed her a smile.

- Call or text me when you're free! - She smiled back, and then with embarrassment on her face she held out a sheet of paper with a number written on it.

- By all means! - I was happy, and taking her number, ran towards the football field....




- What's wrong with me? - Gwen muttered to herself as soon as Peter left.

At first she went over to him just to thank him, but after about five minutes she started to feel something wrong. The more she talked and made contact with him, the more she was drawn to him. This had never happened to her before that moment. Eventually she even decided to give him her number. And it was the first time she had ever given it to a guy.

- "Is this really what you call a crush? Otherwise why did I feel like this around him?" - the girl pondered to herself. However, she didn't mind this outcome, because she would soon be sixteen years old. And that's just the age when girls and boys start to be attracted to each other. Peter was completely her type. Handsome in appearance and even smarter than her in many ways. However, Gwen wasn't a naive fool, quite the opposite. She was incredibly intelligent and savvy. So she wasn't going to take her friendship with Peter any further than simple friendship until she fully figured out the nature of her feelings. And to do that, she needed to have more contact with Peter.



American football, the most popular sport in the United States right now. It's a contact team sport with fairly simple rules. It involves two teams of eleven players on each side. Football is played with an oval ball on a rectangular field 120 yards long and 53.3 yards wide with a slingshot goal at either end. 100 yards of the length of the field is the playing area, the 10 outermost yards on either side are the teams' scoring areas. A team must possess the ball to advance the ball into the point zone by carrying or passing the ball. First, one team must advance the ball 10 yards (given 4 attempts). If they succeed, they get four more tries. Otherwise, the ball goes to the opponents. Points can be scored by running the ball into the end zone (touchdown) or kicking it into the goal (field goal), or the defence can score points by making a safety. The team that has the most points at the end of the game wins.

- Walking towards the field, I was going over the rules in my head so I wouldn't screw up if I did, and when I was done, I was already on the field. Where the members of the high school team, led by Flash, were about to start practice.

- Parker, damn you! Why did you come here?! - Flash saw me and it was like he was off the chain.

- Shut up, Thompson. Who the hell are you to tell me what to do? - I grinned contemptuously.

- Parker, you're in our territory, and we're not averse to using force to drive you out! - One of the team members got into the conversation and slammed his fist into his palm for clarity.

- I advise you to watch your tongue, or you'll regret it in the future. - I threw a short glance at him.

Hearing my words, the others were about to join in, but they had to hold back as Coach March's voice came from behind.

- Oh, Peter! You're finally here! - He came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder with a smile.

Seeing us together, Thompson's face turned pale, and despite his stupidity, he realised what was about to happen next.

- All right, team, meet the team! From now on, Peter Parker is your new captain! - Coach March announced the news.

- WHAT? - came an immediate shout of surprise from the boys...


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