
I'm Not Crazy; Just Hungry

" Is it alright to kill?" No matter how much we look into it, taking a life of another being is not right. " Then, is it alright to kill a sinner?" No matter how bad a person's sins are, killing is more worse of a sin. " Oh, but is it alright for Killers to kill another killer?" What would you answer? I can be kind and cruel, don't see me as your ally if you don't want disappointment and death at the same time. My hand will help you up and push you down, I'm shameless but I don't have that much pride. I don't lie but I do let the world lie for me. That's me, Ethan Hendrix.A Black Rabbit: stands for fear of intimacy and lies In a world mostly (over)populated by humans, why bother hesitate killing? Let's read the journey of the guy named Ethan as he live a life without peace in the world full of surprises, Saints are killers and killers are killers as well. A person without dignity and care to power, a person of his word, a person with the highest mental stability but lowest physical stability and lowest spiritual stability, a person with thousands of identity. One of the reincarnation of the worst Villain(killer) ever born. , to whoever the owner of the art is, I sincerely apologize and thankful for your art)

WhiteRaven3 · Horror
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


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On top of a building with 13 floors, 6 hunters are on the lookout for their unknown prey.

It's already 11:00 at night, 10 hours since they started waiting but their expected prey hasn't come out of its shell yet and the hunters have started to feel drowsy and bored from all the waiting.

" Hey, we've been waiting on this cold night for hours now! If you're just torturing my people for slacking off, don't drag me with them!" Lloyd whined.

" Tsk."

Instead of retorting, Ethan clicked his tongue. If anything, he should be the one whining because his condition is worse than those of normal people with fever, just staying outside at night for a minute can lead him to bedridden, or worst, death. But it's true though, the torture.

Behind those five waiting hunters is a person that has been impatient and uneasy all this time, he's wearing full black clothes like those of ninjas which makes it easy for him to hide, and with his lack of presence, he could easily sneak around.

" The Boss said young master Ethan should go back now. "

He spoke, making the five hunters look his way.

" Who was that?!" Lance asked as he look around, cautious.

" Were we found out?!" Justin asked and took out his handgun.

" Relax you idiots, he's one of the Boss' lackeys," Luke said to calm the two down.

" She's ou- *cough* *cough*" Ethan coughed horribly before he could even finish a sentence.

" Stupid Young Master! " The five rushed to him.

' Could you call me little more normally. . .?'

" . . . I'm fine. . .look down." Ethan who could hardly speak pointed down to where a lady about 20(200+) years old that just got out of the building, dragging quite one big of a suitcase.

" The Chopper is a " she" ?!" Lance, Justin, and Luke said at the same time. those three are Lloyd's people.

" Can I have her?" Lloyd asked for permission to kill her(and more).

"Take your people with you," Ethan said, just an excuse to make them work and for Lloyd, his bodyguard to leave him alone.

". . . Fine, but you better go back," Said Lloyd and was about to jump from the building but

" Why should I listen to you?. Kill her but don't eat her, you know what the consequences are if you eat a fellow black flower" Ethan said and took the quilt the guy in black was offering and covered himself with it.

Society call them " Villains", while they call themselves " Black flower" and call their enemy " White flower", They're enemies are ranked as "Priest","Saints", and the highest: "Angels" . White flowers are childrens of God who are born with the ability to create weapons that could kill Black flowers, Black flowers usually lived up to eternity and could live even after being shot by a gun a thousand times, but due to the people who kill them just after birth, Black flowers are on the verge of extinction, to sum up with, their blood is fainting due time which results in their life span to shorten drastically, their lives can be counted and only three family can birth immortal children. Their immortality can only develope once the child reached a year old, so killing them right after birth could erase them completely, although cruel, it's the best way.

" I'd die if Master knew you're out for long~," Lloyd said jokingly after turning around, facing him with a slight hint of fear in his expression.


" Asshole! HAHAHAHA! How cruel~!!" Lloyd laughed enthusiastically from Ethan's words before jumping off the building. Jumping from that high would be suicide but since he's Corax and a black flower, he'll (probably) live.

Ethan looked at the three and asked "Are you not going to jump too?" . Giving them a stare that literally asked: " Who's next?"

" N-no, we'll take the stairs!" the three flinched upon hearing his words and rushed down the stairs before they're thrown off.

Now those two are finally alone.

" Hey, isn't Lloyd enough to be my bodyguard? Why did father send you?" Ethan asked, rubbing his nose bridge.

" The Boss knew that the two of you don't get along that well so he sent me to be a sub. Boss also wants to tell you that Lloyd has the key." The guy in black answered.

' If he already knew, he shouldn't have assigned that guy to be my bodyguard. Is he crazy? '

" Name, how should I call you? And how old are you?" Ethan interviewed, changing the topic.

" I'm Clyde Bautista, I'm fifteen" Clyde answered.

Ethan hid his mouth behind two of his fingers.


' T-that's one heavy sigh! Did I do something wrong??!' Clyde asked himself in the back of his mind.

" I'm sorry. . ." Clyde apologized subconsciously.

" Why are you apologizing? It's just funny how he looks down on me so much.". ' I may be weak, but I'm not that stupid. '

" I'm sure fath- Boss is just worried about you" Clyde covered his mouth.

" Were you just about to say "Father"? " Ethan asked, wanting a reasonable explanation from his tone. ' I'm fine with you being called father by a thousand,no, millions of children. . . just don't try to call them your son.' Ethan warned Harold in his mind. Harold in prison, toying with his prison mate suddenly felt chills.

" T-that, I was just an orphan and he took me in." Clyde sat near Ethan. About to tell a true, yet cliche story of his sad little life.

" And?" Ethan asked. ' Great job, reaching this far. '

" And treated me like his own son, I can't help but think of him as my own fa-" Clyde halted when he felt a strong gust of wind passing by his side where Ethan is. By the time he look at the thick quilt, it was empty. He tried to look around but not a single figure of a human can be seen.

Meanwhile, the fleeting Ethan was smiling as he jump from roof to roof of each and every building towards the place he was going to.

' Sorry but I'm not interested in the story I already know. * Sigh* As expected— if the heart rules, the brain is useless, if the brain rules, the heart is neglected.'

Ethan stopped and took out an advanced-looking earplug and plug it onto his ear, a small blue transparent square connected to the earplug covered the entirety of his right eye which now makes it easier for him to see through the night.

" Liam, how many tracking devices are in me?" Ethan asked.

[ There are a total of three tracking devices and a total of five bugs ]

" Where are they?"

[ 2 In the chest(tracking and listening device), 1 on the left wrist(tracking), and the rest are inside the body ]

' They(my family) seriously won't let me go, huh? How can I ever enjoy life like this? '

" Shut down all devices that surround me within a 10-kilometer radius "

[ This command will also include Liam shutting down, please give a timer to end the command ]

" Fifteen minutes. "

[ Loading ... ]

[ All devices within a 10-kilometer radius have been shut down ]

[ Liam shutting down in 3]

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

Everywhere Ethan go started to blackout, everything he does cannot be seen nor heard by anyone anymore, not even his father can track him now. Although it took him quite a while to create "Liam", it's worth his time. Liam has been finished and succeeded but it was the first time he ever used it. Liam is a retinal and hearing intelligent system, created because he's color blind and his right ear is disabled.

. . .

He arrived at a mansion with quite a lot of guards, sneaking in was easy since he changed his clothes to a clothes colored vantablack and the sound of his footsteps is more or less none. Since he doesn't want to go in the main door where the risk of getting caught is higher, he climbed up and do his hobby(lock picking) to open the locked window and went in naturally.

He's doing all of that to retrieve his backpack full of meds. Though medicine isn't the right word for it because it's the only food for him to survive, he can't eat what normal humans can, one time he ate a grape, food poisoning was what he was diagnosed with from a single piece, and he doesn't want to eat any human because his stomach doesn't want to( his stomach can't handle it). In the end, those meds are the only thing that's keeping him alive.

the female character's lacking.

I'm working on it!

WhiteRaven3creators' thoughts