
I'm Naruto but why can I use magic

Standard civilian A, age ??? gender male!, is in front of a R.O.B., Random Omnipotent Being, with no recollection about himself other than the fact that he could be considered an otaku and a loner, oh and let's not forget that he still remembers being a male, for some strange reason beyond his comprehension he still remembers everything else in even more detail, than before from that point forward he gets to name 6 possible worlds that the R.O.B. can choose from and 3 wishes before he knows it's choice. Authour: Although it says R-18 there will be no explicit sexual content and R-18 rating is for when, if at all I decide to put violent scenes, for I do not wish to shy away from violent content if I believe it's required for the story to progress, to clarify by violent scenes I'm referring to torture or extreme maiming Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the naruto franchise or any of its intellectual properties the same applies for any other properties I will make reference to in the story or mention of there intellectual properties

chainzenith · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

I have become a squib(magic-less wizard)

Recap: I used magic for the first time in my existence even though I came to the Naruto "world"

Let's given my infant self the benefit of the doubt and assume that I'm not a greater wizard than Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Harry Potter were at my age already, let's assume that the spell that worked was merely an accidental magic use from my infant body should be easy to test.

I will try a different "spell", I know the "Lumos" "spell" should help me practice my magic.

I lift my arm and point my finger at the ceiling and say.

Naruto: "Lumos" and just like that tip of my finger gave off a gentle and soothing light and just like that the greatest wizard to ever exist was born in the wrong world.

I should probably get some sleep considering that according to my "abundant" knowledge I will have to "face-off", my "parents" will do all the heavy lifting though, against the Nine-Tailed Fox later so I will get some shut-eye.


6 hours later

I'm up, I can still make it... So it wasn't just a dream. It appears I have overslept, uh what is this 6 hours of memory from while I was sleeping, I see so while I slept my body was still monitoring my surroundings and would have awoken me if I was in serious danger and while my body was monitoring (so kinda-like what Gon and Killua learned on greed island to stay aware of you're surroundings even if you sleep, except pushed past any realm of normalcy) my mind was collecting and storing the information my body gathered it would also seem my subconscious helped me learn the language let's see if my "abundant" knowledge was correct.

I see well from the conversations and the Ambient noise I have noticed two main differences in my situation and Naruto from the anime's situation, number 1 being instead of half of the Kyuubi sealed inside of me I have the entire tailed beast inside me, how you ask? Well when Minato did his [Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal] or also known as the [Sealing Technique: Dead Demon Consuming Seal ][(Fūinjutsu: Shiki Fūjin)] Somehow Madara jumped in front of it for stupid reasons like 'it will be the instrument of my revenge and the Leaf village Destruction' I tell you I never want to become old if it means I will be doing stupid shit like that, because of his old age the moron even screamed his name to the high heavens and said something that bothered me quite extensively

'The Infinite Tsukuyomi will not be stopped because some naive little brat's talent in Fūinjutsu/Sealing Jutsu is incomprehensible high' I'm guessing he thought the fourth Hokage planned to seal the entire Kyuubi inside of him and then die because of the requirements to use the sealing technique after all the only Jinchuuriki that didn't release there tailed beast after there death was the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze so maybe he knew the [Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal] thanks to the fact that it is a sealing technique developed by the Uzumaki clan after that whole debacle my parents, still feels weird calling them that, at Death's door sealed the entire Kyuubi inside of me.

Now if you are possibly thinking how can you be sure that it was Madara and not someone like Obito or Zetsu, I am positively hurt and insulted by you're questioning of this fact, which person has a thick enough skin to call themselves an Otaku and can't even recognize the iconic voice of Madara Uchiha, the only possible excuse you could have would be that you as a "self-proclaimed Otaku" haven't gotten around to watching Naruto.

Oh and it seems from the screams and shouted orders to 'retrieve the body', happening from that point forward that Obito reclaimed Madara's body and escaped seeing that the Kyuubi was placed in me there was no need for him to endanger himself any further.

The fact that I'm the Jinchuuriki of the entire Kyuubi instead of just half filled me with dread because normal Jinchuuriki has worse chakra control than a Chunin, they would be lucky if their chakra control reached Jounin level in any point throughout there lives.

My surroundings appear to be devoid of life other than the insects crawling on the floor, from the knowledge my memories gave me of the last six hours I should have been put in an orphanage under the orders of the Third Hokage but other than a stuffed doll next to me in the shape of a kunai there appears to be nothing in this decrepit building, seeing as I'm alone and I assume no one will want to come to take care of the demon child so the earliest I can expect company is around 9-10 o'clock at night after all who will care if the demon child dies from starvation as long as they have a good excuse, luckily them being understaffed and overworked thanks to a certain Nine-Tailed Fox's attack on their village they have that excuse now. Well, that's a weird tangent to go off of but let's continue the experiment. Naruto: "Wingardium Leviosa" and the stuffed kunai doesn't even budge, it seems I have gained the curse all Jinchuuriki have, weak energy control, good thing I started life as an infant otherwise I might have ended up a squib.

My weak energy control is the least of my problems though, if you weren't aware Baki Hanma, the main character in the manga and anime Baki the Grappler, is the son of the man considered to have the purest Hanma bloodline coursing through his veins, Yujiro Hanma now a day after Yujiro Hanma was born he already had his first tooth a cuspid, the fangs of humans, so I at least expected one cuspid maybe two at the very most not all four at same time it has barely been a bit over six hours and I already have four teeth maybe that's why I was separated from the other kids they probably thought I was 6-12 months old already after all a first tooth usually appears around 6 months old, no stop defending them you promised yourself that you will not be an all-forgiving moron like Naruto so act like it, I think I might have developed some kind of mental illness thanks to this complete separation from any and all human contact or being aware as baby is hella boring.


The first thing I will do today is train a "magic-sense" type technique, because although my hypothesis was correct and my first meal happened at 9:35 o'clock at night, mind you that was my first meal of the entire day and it would seem that I got the leftovers of the leftovers considering that the caretaker gave me a bottle with a single sip of milk left which gave me solid resolution to burn this building to the ground once I reach a point where it's existence being burned to the ground won't direct suspicion my way which is why I used my first card, {044 Fledgling Actor B-30 Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top actor when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch. } because if their suspicion needs to be diverted I would need this particular skill, oh the reason I plan to learn a "magic-sense" type technique is while I was in the middle of practicing how to use my mental/spiritual energy by pushing and pulling the stuffed kunai towards me and away from me the sulking caretaker slammed the door open and complained about 'how she has to waste her precious time to feed the demon brat' the bi*ch even had the gal to look annoyed when a sip of milk wasn't enough to feed my growing infant body and said 'if you're that hungry here, drink my spit' and spat at my face, which gave me an epiphany a completely desolate building burning to the ground by completely unexplainable circumstances would seem suspicious to the most dim-witted of fools which means, bit*h was gonna burn.

As you can see the mc isn't sunshine and rainbow type happy go, lucky person, in fact, he is best described as a cold, calculating, vengeful and ruthless opportunist but has an arrogance on him as a type of defensive mechanism so people don't know his true thoughts and if you were still wondering after this chapter, no he will not forgive everyone but with age comes maturity so he won't, in later chapters just blow his lid for no reason

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