
The Real Reason

"My name is Kayaba Akihiko"

"I am currently the one and only person who can control this world."

This name was not new to them as this name was pretty well known. Kayaba Akihiko was the development director and GM (Game Master) of «Sword Art Online». He was also the designer of the NerveGear.

But everyone was very confused now, why would Kayaba appear in the game himself, is there an important event? Is it really necessary to invest this time on a game even when it is already doing good? And what does he mean by in control?

"I'm sure that you've all already noticed that the log out button from the main menu has been removed."

As he said that he swiped his right index finger and showed to the players that the log out button was totally removed while he continued to speak, "However, this is by no means a mistake."


The earlier noisy players who keep on blabbering are now silenced having no idea what to say.

"This is not a mistake, but a feature of the true Sword Art Online."

Everyone began to consider his words as they think about it in a positive way.

But Kirito, who was well aware about all of this was not as optimistic as the others rather, he has a serious expression on his face. But the announcement was not the reason for his seriousness but he was thinking very hard of how he will get a better sword.

Since on his previous life he had always been a dual wielder he was not used to using only one sword, but if he was compared to another player using only one sword, then he was much better as the sword was his using a sword at a very young age.

"You are all unable to log out of Sword Art Online, and nobody in the real world can remove the NerveGear or interrupt it's operation."

The players frowned when they heard this, being unable to log out was already very bad, but if the outside world will still not able to help them then it will be a big problem.

"Should it be attempted, a powerful burst of microwave tradition emitted from a transmitter in the NerveGear will destroy your brain, thus ending your life."

The signals transmitted by the NerveGear's transmitter are really the same as microwaves. If the safety was disabled, frying a brain wouldn't be impossible. And the power can not be interrupted since the NerveGear have an internal battery.

"He's just joking right?"

"Come, I've had enough"

Some players who were not able to accept the truth all started to leave but sadly their was an invisible wall blocking their paths. They were all startled by this as they began on hitting it with their weapons.



But no matter how hard they tried to hit, it was pointless as their attacks was not even able to leave a scratch.

"Unfortunately, it's certainly possible that a player's family and friends would ignore this warning and attempt to forcibly remove the NerveGear. As proof of this, 213 players have retired from both this world and the real one."

Their were others that are bound to not believe what he says even though it was the truth, humans have this nature that 'to see is to believe'.


"No way … "

"I don't believe it"

As if everything was already planned by him, a series of interfaces appeared showing the news about today's incidents. And the hot topic was about the deaths of 213 players after their family removed their NerveGear.

"As you can see, news of my warning and the numerous victims are being spread worldwide. Thus, it should be safe to say that the danger of removal attempts has become minimal. I hope you will all be at ease and focus on completing the game. But I'd like you all to keep this in mind."

"From this point on, all methods of revival in the game will no longer function. If your HP hits zero, your avatar will perish for eternity, and at that moment…

… the NerveGear will destroy your brain."

At this point on, everyone was listening quietly as Kayaba told them what their fate will be in this game. Everyone was feeling the same.





"There is only one condition you must meet to be set free: the completion of this game. You are all currently on the first floor, the lowest point in Aincrad. If you conquer a floor's dungeon and defeat the Floor Boss, you may continue up to the next one. Assuming you manage to defeat the final boss on the 100th floor, the game will be considered cleared."

Aincrad is an iron-and-stone made floating castle that has about ten kilometers floor base diameter and consists of a hundred floors stacking straight upwards, meaning that each floor's diameter is a bit smaller than the previous one.

On each floor, there are a couple of large cities along with countless small scale towns and villages, forests, plains, and even lakes. Only one stairway links each floor to another, and the stairways exist beyond the boss room of each Labyrinth. The <Teleport Gates> of every unlocked cities are connected to one another.


"What's he saying?"

"Y-You gotta to be kidding me."

"Clear all 100 floors?"

"How the hell can we do that?!"

"The beta testers couldn't make it anywhere near that high!"

Everyone began to sound their complains as clearing the 100 floors was next to impossible with their current progress from now. And even if they are able to defeat the Floor Boss on the First floor who can say that the Floor Boss at the Second floor is inferior to the First Boss. Moreover, as they start go higher, the monsters will also get stronger and it will make it more difficult for them to continue moving forward.

"And lastly, I've prepared a present for all of you in your item storages. Take a look."

They all hurriedly opened their item storage hoping that it was something that might help them in the game like a sword, an armor or even a potion. But they were all shocked when they all saw what the item was - A mirror.

But at the next moment, some players are starting to glow blue, it surprised other player which made them yell like they are going to die. They all ended up shaming themselves as it was not painful at the beginning but they were all confused as to what that glow for. And at the next moment the purpose of the mirror was revealed.

Everyone was shocked to looked at their partners changed face, their was a girl who changed into a fat man after the glow disappeared. But any fool can discern what just happen by just looking at the scene, it was not that their faces was changed, it's just that it returned to normal.

Everyone aside from Kirito had their appearance changed which had set his avatar to be similar as to his original appearance. The NerveGear was truly a wonderful machine, in order for it to know your exact appearance the NerveGear covers your entire head with a high density transmitter. So it can calculate what your face looks like. As for the body and height it collected the data after asking them to calibrate themselves before entering the game.

"Right now, you're probably all wondering, 'Why?','Why would I, Kayaba Akihiko, the creator of Sword Art Online and the NerveGear, do such a thing?'. I have already achieved my goal. I created the world of Sword Art Online solely for my personal enjoyment. And now, the preparations are complete.

These concludes the tutorial for the official launch of Sword Art Online. Players, I wish you the best luck."

After that his silhouette started to disperse and the sky started to return to normal. But the scene from earlier was still deeply engraved in their minds.


A shout that seem to came out of nowhere, a shout that contained the emotion they all felt. Like a catalyst in a chemical reaction, after that shout everyone seem to come back to their senses as the first they thought of was to hunt for monsters. It was already 5:40 and it will be dangerous if they hunt at night so they all started making parties with each other as they all move out of the city.

Meanwhile, Kirito was calmly walking amidst the chaos of the crowds making his way towards an NPC Craftsman.

In Sword Art Online, weapons can be bought or be obtained from rare monster drops. In buying weapons the player only need to pay Col, but because it was still early in the game there are no pre-existing weapons and their are also no materials available to make one. So the players are required to bring their own materials and only needed to pay for the craftsman's labor.

Kirito intended to buy a Bronze Sword and was was needed to make a Bronze Sword was 7 Coarse Stones, 3 Boar Hides and 210 Col. Coincidentally, he had enough materials to buy one.

He entered the workshop and only after an hour did he came out but with a smile on his face. It was a success as he had bought a new sword. He was not in a hurry to go hunting as he had enough about hunting monsters for now so he decided to go back to his rented room.

On the way, he noticed that it was very quiet already, he can no longer hear the chaos caused by the uproar from earlier. The streets was very peaceful and it helped on relaxing his mind, arriving at the inn he was staying, Kirito first greeted the owner before proceeding to his room.

He started to recall what he had experience earlier as he revised a plan on his head to change his battle style to suit it to the current him. He can still remember almost dying from a Little Nepenthes, he also remembered the mistakes he made during his fights which caused him to get injured.

It took him approximately 15 minutes before he was able to organize his thoughts. He was already exhausted physically and after using his brain non stop for thinking what he should do he was also exhausted mentally. He lay on his bed as he stared on the ceiling, he seems to be thinking of something but at the end he was only able to utter a single word before falling asleep.

Hi guys. I'm sorry I was not able to publish yesterday as I had an important thing to do. Moreover, I am still figuring out what to do with the items as in the anime a limited number of items was shown. But please enjoy the chapter. THanks for the support!!

UnknownPasserbycreators' thoughts