
Easy Level!

After a spending his whole afternoon killing monsters on the grassland, Kirito's level shot up to level 4. The Double EXP skill really showed it's effect this time.

He killed a lot of Dire wolves and Frenzy Boars and he also encountered a Little Nepenthes which he managed to kill at the end after struggling very hard.

Frenzy Boars is a low-level monster, found in the fields beyond the Town of Beginnings, in Sword Art Online. It is a passive monster and has to be provoked first before it engages the player in combat. It is the weakest of all enemy monsters, having been compared to slime monsters of other games, and can be killed easily with one precise blow to the back of its head, its weak point. It gives 24 exp when killed but with Kirito's Double EXP skill he will receive 48 exp.

Little Nepenthes was a meter and a half tall predatory plant. Its lower body consisted mostly of countless roots that were used to move around. It had two arm-like vines with pointed leaves attached to either side of its body, just above the roots. The center of its head held a wide red mouth with viscous liquids dribbling out of it as it opened and closed.

Right now Kirito was heading back to the Town of Beginnings since it was already 5:00 pm, half an hour more and it was time for the revelation. Kirito was quite surprised that he did not see Klein, which was Kirito's friend on the anime. If he remembered correctly, Klein asked for Kirito's help at the beginning and it was when Kirito was heading out of the city.

But strangely, Klein did not approach him this time, he was already suspecting that he moved too fast that maybe Klein did not noticed him.

At the town, their are a lot of players minding their own business, at the side of the streets their are a lot of NPC selling weapons, potions and other stuffs. He can also see some players flirting with each other but when he realized that their is a possibility that the girl might not be necessarily a girl.


It sends chill on his spine just thinking about it, so he throw it at the back of his mind and continued to move forward. After a minute of walk, he arrived at the central plaza.

He had gained a lot of Cor after killing a lot of monsters and he was lucky enough to obtain some item drops. And he was very satisfied with his harvest right now and this will serve as his foundation in the game.

{{{ WARNING!! Boring stuff up ahead. Skip down if you don't like boring stuff }}}

He seated at the edge of the fountain where their not many players and he began on his familiarizing himself with the main menu.

There are five category options: inventory/equipment, friends/guild, Communications, maps/quest, Settings. These five category icons scroll, and the category being accessed moves to the top.

>Inventory/equipment: The icon for the category is a character icon. This is the default screen when opening the Menu interface. The left screen is an image of the body, with multiple points that allow the gamer to equip items or clothes. The right screen has three sub-menus:

]Equipment: Selecting this sub-menu will open another three sub-menu:

Weapons: The icon for this category is a sword like the one used in Equipment.

Equipped: The icon for this category is an armor.

Accessory: The icon for this category is a necklace

]Items: Selecting this sub-menu will open an additional scrolling screen on the left that lists all items. When an item is selected, it materializes in front of the player. The inventory turns red when a player has too many items.

]Skills: Selecting this sub-menu will open additional scrolling screen on the left that lists all skills of the player.

>Friends/Guild: The icon for the category is two character icons together. The right screen has three sub-menus:

]Party: Selecting this sub-menu will open three additional options. The first is «Create» , the second is «Invite» , and the third is «Dissolve» .

]Friend: Selecting this sub-menu will reveal a list of a player's friends. Selecting a single friend will produce three additional options: «Message Box», «Position Check», and «Profile». The names of fallen friends turn grey, disabling the ability to contact them.

]Guild: Selecting this sub-menu will reveal the name of the guild in which the player had joined.

>Communications: The icon for this category is two chat box icons together. The icon flashes automatically whenever a player receives a message. Messages cannot be sent to a player who is currently in dungeon.

]Befriend: This option allows the player to send a friend request to another player. The other player is added to the Friend List if the request is accepted.

]Trade: This option opens a trade window with another player. Trading can be used just to show another player items, or complete a trade after both parties accept the offers put forth.

]Duel: This option allows the player to send a Duel request. The player being challenged has the privilege of selecting one of the available duel modes.

]Marriage:This option, located at the very bottom of the Communications category, allows the player to send a marriage request to another player. Married players have uninhibited access to the other's equipment window, and their inventories are merged.

>Maps/Quest: The icon for the category is a balloon location icon. The right screen has three sub-menus:

]Dungeon Map: Selecting this sub-menu will reveal a map of the dungeon that the player has explored.

]Quest: Selecting this sub-menu will open the player's quest log, which displays information on current quests and their progress.

]Field Map: Selecting this sub-menu will reveal a map of the floor that the player has explored.

>Settings/Main menu: The icon for the category is a gear. The right screen has three sub-menus:

]Option: Selecting this will reveal the options for adjusting the sensitivity of the player such as the smell and others.

]Help: Selecting "Help" will call a GM (Game Master) in the left screen.

{{{ The end of boring stuff. I hope you liked it }}}

Their was an additional option in the menu which is blanked out. This was where the log out sub-menu supposed to be but it was removed by Kayaba to prevent the players from leaving the game.

He unsheathe his sword from his back and looked at it. It's durability by now was greatly decreased because of his almost non stop kill spree.

"I need to get a new sword or this else I won't be able to get to the next town using this" he sighed as he put the sword back on his sheath at his back.

Although the weapons at the Town of Beginnings has a low price, the quality are also the same as it's price, <Bronze Sword> was only a level higher in quality than the small sword. But Kirito has no choice but to buy one or else he will have no sword to use.

He had a total of 1710 Col from killing a lot of Frenzy Boars and Dire Wolves, he also made a lot of harvest as he have 11 Coarse Stones, 3 Wolf Claws, and 5 Boar Hides. He was unlucky enough to not have Red Fruit but he was still happy with his harvest, with this he can be sure that he will be able to afford another sword even though it was only a low quality one.

He rented a room at the Town of Beginnings for 50 Cor as he waited for the time he had waiting for.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He was laying on his bed when he suddenly started to glow, he was startled at first but when looked at the time he can only smile bitterly.


All of the players were summoned back to the town, looking at their expressions you can see that they are surprised by this sudden event. Everyone was curious as to what was going on while their are others that are scared. Especially the girls or some who are pretending to be girls.

A Warning sign can be seen at the sky dyed blood red.

Then followed by a System Announcement sign which was also dyed blood red.

And the next moment, the whole sky was covered with either a Warning sign or a System Announcement sign. Blood was seen sipping out of the gab between each sign and it started to form a silhouette.

It was a red robed figure or a GM but his face was hidden.

"A GM?"

"Why's he hiding his face?"

"Is this an event?"

Hearing the other players saying that it was an event, Kirito sneered at them. An event? Sure, it's an event, an event where your life is on the line that is.

"Attention, players."

The red robed figure talked, his voice resounded through the whole plaza and everyone can hear his voice loud and clear.

"Welcome to my world"

When they heard the words "my world" they immediately thought of Kayaba Akihiko and surely enough their thoughts were proven right after the red robed figure confirmed their thoughts.

"My name is Kayaba Akihiko"

I'm so happy with your comment guys and I thank you for that. This will be my last publish for today and it will be probably hard for me to publish a new chapter tomorrow. But as long as you guys continue to support this novel I'll gladly work hard to release more chapters. Enjoy!

UnknownPasserbycreators' thoughts