
I'm just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, nothing more.

Just having crossed into the world of Harry Potter, Sherlock Forester, without a golden finger or memories of the original owner's life, regarded the offer letter from Hogwarts in his hand with a sneer. "It's just a professorship in Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts." ----------------- Years later, the Daily Prophet interviewed Harry Potter, one of the most outstanding wizards of the 21st century. "What was the happiest day of your life?" An involuntary smile spread across Harry's face. "The day after Professor Forester predicted that I would be taken by Voldemort." "Um… And the day you'd least like to relive?" Harry's face darkened immediately. "Every Christmas." "Why is that?" He covered his face in agony, letting out a sob. "Wu Wu Wu… Because on that day, Professor Forester would wish me Merry Christmas!" ----------------- This is a translation of '不过是黑魔法防御课教授罢了' by '大海船', you can support him on Qidian if you like.

_Riux · Book&Literature
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Chapter 12: Complex Relationships

"Who is that guy?" George Weasley inquired curiously, his eyes observing a perplexing scene that unfolded before him. It was as if a long-lost Weasley had been miraculously discovered. He leaned in closer towards his twin, Fred, his voice barely above a whisper as they shared their mutual confusion. "Why did Mum get so excited after seeing him? I remember she didn't even show this much excitement when Bill graduated from Hogwarts.", he continued.

"Don't you think he looks like he's the same age as Charlie?" Fred teasingly chimed, scrutinizing Sherlock Forester - the man in question - with a measured gaze. "Do you reckon Mum and Dad somehow misplaced him as a baby and he's actually Charlie's twin?"

Eavesdropping on their banter, Ginny Weasley, the youngest in the family, took her brother's jest at face value, showing an innocent frown before seemingly reaching a conclusion, shaking her head and protesting, "That's absurd! He bears no resemblance to Charlie, and his hair isn't even red, it's brown!"

Smirking at their little sister's naivety, Fred and George playfully continued their lie, "Oh you still haven't realized? Our family's natural hair color is actually brown as well; we just bewitch it, so it appears red every year." Smothering their chuckles as they watched Ginny's dumbfounded reaction, they eventually burst into peals of laughter prompting Ginny to chase after them, swinging her petite fists in mild retaliation.

Meanwhile, Harry and his friends were huddled together, their whispers quickly picking up. "I've seen him before" Harry confirmed his familiarity with the man.

"You have? Then why haven't I?" mumbled Ron, disappointment evident in his tone.

"He passed by Aunt Petunia's place this summer," Harry shared. "It was on my birthday, he was jogging past while I was gardening and ours met for a second."

Independently affirming Harry's assertion, Hermione chimed in, "I'm pretty sure I also saw him earlier today while entering Diagon Alley. I only caught a glimpse of his retreating figure, but even from that stance, it was unmistakably him."

Upon hearing their revelations, Ron's face creased in a perplexed expression, "If all of you are familiar with him, and Mum and Dad treat him as if he's family, then who exactly IS he?"

Such were Sherlock's own thoughts too. He found himself surrounded by the Weasley parents, caught between their affectionate inquiries and his own escalating discomfort. Just who was he in this intricate web of relationships? Wasn't he just the son of a rich Muggle and a lunatic of a witch? Professor McGonagall's motherly advice to take care of him was one thing, but why did it feel like the Weasley duo showed him more affection than even their own children? Sherlock could not but help contain his confusion.

The personality the original owner embodied was rather annoying and unsociable — a fact that felt increasingly challenging for Sherlock. Still, his adherence to the characterization was unwavering, despite feeling like the most ungrateful of guests. Under the watchful gazes, Sherlock offered a terse response, "I'm doing fine, thank you for your concern." If you only read those words, you might think Sherlock was quite polite. But his tone and expression change the meaning of his words, enough to raise collective eyebrows among the children.

With a disapproving scowl clouding Harry and Hermione's countenance, the children behind the Weasley couple offered their shared discomfort, as if their first impression of him was extremely negative. However, the Weasley parents, enveloped in their world, seemed strikingly unperturbed. Resuming her warm solicitation, Mrs. Weasley was quick to extend an invitation to Sherlock, "I'm glad to hear you're doing well, my dear. If you aren't busy after your visit to Diagon Alley, why not join us at the Burrow this evening?" She gestured towards Harry, gingerly pushing him forward. "I'm sure you recognize this young man — Harry Potter. He's Lily's son and like Ron he'll be attending his second year at Hogwarts soon."

Taken aback, Sherlock struggled to mask his surprise. What made her introduce Harry as Lily's son? Had he indeed known Lily Potter, or was she somehow connected to his mother? As the intricate web of relationships continued to entangle him, he felt more lost than ever. How was he to navigate this tricky terrain, with the original character's background shrouded in an unexpected mystery?

Facing the boy-who-lived, looking a little bewildered, Sherlock projected a mock cordiality, "It's nice to meet you, Potter. I've long heard of your legendary tale, even back when I was a student myself."

"Oh.. um thank you, Mr..." Harry faltered, facing this stern man, he was unsure how to respond and he still didn't know his name.

Sherlock responded, an air of authority surrounding him, "You may refer to me as Professor Forester."

Harry was taken aback, along with the rest of the crowd. Curiosity piqued, he ventured, "May I ask what you will be teaching, Professor?"

"Defense Against The Dark Arts." On hearing this, a wave of apparent disbelief swept over the crowd.

Arthur Weasley's response, however, brimmed with jubilation, "Sherlock, that's fantastic news! You've finally realized your dreams!" He gave Sherlock a warm, fatherly hug. "I had heard that Dumbledore had chosen Gilderoy Lockhart for the post before he was revealed to be criminal scum, but I had no idea that you were chosen to replace him. Congratulations, Sherlock, I'm sure you msut be ecstatic."

In contrast, Mrs. Weasley oozed concern, "But I've heard that the position... isn't exactly the safest, don't they say it's been cur-"

Before she could finish, Arthur interrupted, his tone laced with mild reproach. "Molly! Don't give credence to such idle rumors. Those who've faced problems did so due to their own doing!"

Sherlock remained silent, feeling that he, as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, would also face some kind of danger. But Mr. Weasley didn't hear Sherlock's inner thoughts, instead inviting him excitedly, "We're headed to the bookstore to buy textbooks for the children's upcoming term. Would you like to join us? We've missed you since you left the Ministry."

Before Sherlock could as much as react, he found himself being dragged towards the Flourish and Blotts bookstore, behind him the chatter-filled gaggle of Weasley children, Harry and Hermione.

At the back, the young wizards and witches gathered together, whispering quietly. Much speculation was afoot. "I can't believe he is Lockhart's replacement." Hermione's voice betrayed her disbelief. "Isn't he way too young? I'd say he's barely into his twenties."

After news of Lockhart's arrest, the Daily Prophet had run a story revealing that he was supposed to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, a fact that Rita Skeeter gladly used to criticize Dumbledore, ridiculing his lack of judgement. The revelation left a bitter taste for Lockhart's fans, including Hermione and Mrs. Weasley.

"Lockhart wasn't much older either." remarked Ron, trying to put things in perspective.

Fred and George, however, did not compromise in expressing their thoughts. "He seems almost as self-absorbed as Percy." They concluded, earning an irritated glare from Percy himself.

Lagging slightly behind, Harry surveyed the spot where Sherlock had stood just moments before. "I saw Professor Forester eyeing an ice cream vendor. But upon spotting us, he seemed to change his mind."

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