
I'm in MCU!!.... AU??

A man who doesn't have the memories of his past life, reincarnate. He doesn't remember meeting a being who granted his Whishes during his reincarnation process. Trying not to effect the timeline in any kind of form, but unconsciously changes the timeline. Selfish person, won't risk his life for unknown people to save them. Doing his best not to become a hero, but become a hero in his own way and becoming more than a hero. A man who'll do anything to protect what is his, but nothing against his morals. Living his life as he sees fit. _________________________________________________ First time writing. so there will be grammar mistakes, story may not be upto par with others so criticism is welcomed. #Image_is_not_mine

Ed_Shadow · Movies
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23 Chs

Final Wish

November 98

Ace POV ::

After George R. R. Martin signed contract with our company his Game Of Thrones book was published in 1996. It's been one of the bestseller of our company, and it's sequel has been released this year A Clash of Kings. Last year our company signed with J. K. Rowling and released Philosopher Stone in USA, this year it's sequel Chamber of Secrets has been released. Right now these two are the bestseller book that our company has published in USA. Mom's novels has been published in the past couple of years, two books to be exact.

The animated tv shows were hit too. Dad was estatic after finding out the profit from the shows, which were enough to make a new one. This time I didn't write anything, but I did give ideas to dad to work with, like Dexter, Power Puff Girls, SpongeBob SquarePants etc., he did like the concept so with that he worked on them. Even though it was not on par wit Tom & Jerry, those shows will give the company some profit, I'm pretty sure about that.

Tomorrow is my birthday. Tony had kept his promise of building me a lab, and it's right beside my home, and instead of 1% of Stark Industries he gave me 3% and position in board of directors. But right now my mom is regent for me, when I become eighteen I can take that position. I did get tour to the lab by Tony, he said that this was the advanced gift for my birthday. It was a three story building with two underground levels, the equipments were placed in each floor. He did ask me about how I'm going to create my own AI, after all he did teach me a lot of things during the past years. One of them being computer science and engineering, after teaching me about it he said that I'm a bright kid who understand everything that's studied, because of that I'll be starting high school after my tenth birthday.

------------------POV End------------------

General POV ::

In a house in Queens we can see eight people surrounding a kid of age ten with a knife cutting the cake on the table in front of the kid. The kid is Ace, surrounding him is his parents, grandparents, Tony and Happy, they are in Ace's home for celebrating his tenth birthday by cutting a birthday cake. It's a small party with family and mentor/friend, after all in the past year Tony did mentor Ace in computer science and technology.

"Happy birthday to you,

happy birthday to you,

happy birthday to dear Ace,

happy birthday to you."

All of them sung the birthday song when Ace cut the cake. After taking a piece he gave it to his parents, then taking another piece he gave it to his grandparents and taking one more piece for Tony.

After eating the cakes everyone started to give him gifts. His father and mother gave him gift, it was a backpack for him when he goes to high school. His grandparents told him that their gift is their share in Stark Industries which were six percent in total, and with that Ace hold nine percent of share of Stark industries. Seeing this Tony was surprised, but he didn't show it outside and gave Ace the access card to his lab, that was the master card of his lab.

After the party Ace went to his new lab first. He had lot of things to do in there.

--------------------POV END--------------------


I entered the building, and the first thing I did was go to the underground level. Reaching ther I accessed the computer with the master card, sitting down on the chair I turned into a fusion between Gray matter and Brain Storm.

With a blinding flash of light I've turned into a crab like being with only one feet height. Seeing that i can't reach the keyboard from the seat i jumped on to the keyboard and started to programing.

Within one hours I've crated the first game that will be the first of many. The game i created was of course Minecraft. Finishing that i went ahead and created three more game that can be played in the computers, like Need For Speed, Call of Duty, and Angry Birds. If mom didn't come to tell me to go to sleep I would have created more games within the three hours. Minecraft will be the first game that'll be released by the gaming company I will crate in near future. Even though Tony agreed to be a partner, he said that he only needed 10% of the gaming company last month, since he said that i agreed with him.

As I was thinking about the things happened in last year I was suddenly transported into the same place I met TOAA. Understanding that I may have messed up by saving Melina and Yelena, I was preparing to face the consequences.

"You don't have to worry about that" I heard the same voice that held authority and care.

"You can do as you wish in the universe that you are in right now." TOAA said again.

Hearing that I asked him "Umm. But you said that I can't change something's?"

"I did. It was a test. A test to see if you have guts to go against the rules if needed necessary."

"So.Did I pass?"


"Then now what?"

"You can do as you please. But if it'll effect the entire Multiverse the Living Tribunal will interfere in your matter." He paused for a bit after dropping that bomb, and continued "Now you'll get your third and final wish."

"And what is that?"

"Osmosian physiology, without their species drawback. It'll be your mutant power."

"Wait a minute. Are you saying that there are mutants in the universe where I'm now?"

"Yes.They are in hiding now. That's all I can tell you now. We'll only see each other after your death in that universe, so until then all the best." He said dropping another bomb and he clicked his fingers.

"Wait... " before I could finish my sentence I was back in my room drenched in sweat. Understanding that I've awakened my X gene I touched the coins on my table, right after that I got lot of information about the material used and it's properties of the said material. After that my hand turned into color of copper.