
I'm Harry James Potter With Biokinetic Ability

I'm Harry James Potter With biokinetic ability, And for some reason I could process all information almost as if I had Tensura Manas. ________________________ Author: KAIOSHIN A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe, Paypal: PayPal.me/ Patreon: patreon.com/KAIOSHIN YouTube channel: Kaioshin Theories and Analysis. youtube.com/@kaioshintheoriesandanalysi9981 ________________________ Note: This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~ ---- I'm Harry James Potter With biokinetic ability, And for some reason I could process all information almost as if I had Tensura Manas. And a timeline in which Harry Potter is adopted by Aunt Petunia Unica, who looks closer to Lily only MILF and Wearing Glasses, Like a book writer who lives in a small mansion with her nephew and Unique" MAN IN YOUR LIFE" 24/7 that insane surprises can occur, especially when your aunt has the predisposition to be like "Gasai Yuno" Yander crazy. -- Author's notes: Well I plan to create multiple fanfic in different world with same main character and same powers ie biokinetics. and how he would react to being thrown into a different world. Right here starting with Dragon Ball. DESTINY/ . DXD. Wonder. A.D. HP. and much more. I'm going to create the covers and the beginning will be more or less the same. but it will be transported to different character for example plan 2. like marvel hela in which the Asgardians have a civilization developed closer to the costumes north of the wall of Westeros in which you need to defeat your wife so that she becomes your wife, as the Reincarnator will get out of this situation OR IN A DIFFERENT SITUATION LIKE Tony Stark at the age of 15 after graduating from MIT, his parents die and he has to assume, luckily he has his childhood friend comes to comfort him and consolidate the promise once made. And a timeline in which Harry Potter is adopted by Aunt Petunia Unica, who looks closer to Lily only MILF and Wearing Glasses, Like a book writer who lives in a small mansion with her nephew and Unique" MAN IN YOUR LIFE" 24/7 that insane surprises can occur, especially when your aunt has the predisposition to be like "Gasai Yuno" Yander crazy. If you want to support me, check out my Patréon and Youtube Channel patreon.com/KAIOSHIN Youtube Channel 1k sub youtube.com/@kaioshintheoriesandanalysi9981 If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of the fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

Kaioshin · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 - Acquiring an elf!

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(A/N: Harry's POV as he arrives at his home. With the author.)

As he climbed the stairs to his room, Harry felt that life was about to unfold into a symphony of magic and mystery. Hogwarts awaited, like a blank score ready to be filled with the notes of his magical journey. Soon, Harry arrived in his room. (A/N: Shared...)

The only thing Harry could do now was wait until the day to go to Hogwarts. Or he could wait for the arrival of an elf if Dumbledore offered one. To return to Diagon Alley and possibly go to Knockturn Alley. Either way, he would read the books and learn all the spells, with or without a wand.

** (A/N: Dumbledore's POV while doing paperwork with a lemon drop in his mouth. With the author.)

Dumbledore was a very cheerful old man. Everyone thought he was a great planner, and everything was in his vision as if he were the god Odin, with his ravens watching all.

But, as everyone didn't know and that he didn't do anything. Everything simply happened as it happened without any of his manipulation. After all, why would he have stopped Gellert Grindelwald. If so, he would have saved Ariana. If so, he would have prevented Tom from falling to the dark side.

Today was one of those days when he really intervened; he had sent Hagrid to the home of the boy Harry to see how he was. And possibly, he ended up growing up in a house full of "love, care, and understanding."

With that in mind, when he heard the Gargoyle notify Hagrid's arrival, he quickly left his office. ["Babble for those who really thought the password was lemon drops. After all, he was there to let them in, without it, they wouldn't be able to enter."] he continued his old Albus ramblings.

Albus rose to greet Hagrid and could ask some questions. Hagrid, the clumsy half-giant, moved closer to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a Great Wizard decorated with the Order of Merlin First Class; Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot.

"Dumbledore!" Hagrid exclaimed, already near the chair. Dumbledore gestured for Hagrid to sit in the chair he had prepared for him. After all, he was very heavy.

"Hagrid, have a lemon drop? Asked Dumbledore, who was happy and hopefully ready to talk to the bumbling giant.

"Thank you very much. I met Harry. The boy is slim, but splendid!" said Hagrid.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Tell me about the boy Harry. How is he? And his relationship with his aunt. Tell me everything you think about him." Dumbledore spoke, taking the slim part off. After all, everyone was slim.

"He was raised magnificently! It's really amazing; he is extremely well-mannered! But I think he's a bit shy! Hahaha! After all, his aunt apparently spoils him tremendously! Hugging and kissing his cheek very strongly! HAHAHAHa!" Hagrid said in a volume that was low for him but thunderous for everyone else. A gleam in Dumbledore's eyes filled with intrigue and genius. He realized that the boy would know the greatest power he could acquire in magic. "Which is love!" (A/N: He barely knew that another love was happening.)

"Magnificent! Truly exceptional! Allowing her to raise the boy was my best choice. Now, I see." Albus said, while remembering that Lily had said she didn't get along with her sister. But what was the reason? Simply, there's no way a family can't help each other. Right? It couldn't go wrong. Right?

"Harry asked him to help get an Elf. This to help in his house. Now that Petunia is pregnant." Hagrid said.

"hm... I wouldn't normally let it. But I saw where the mansion was. It's an isolated area, so I don't think the Elf will let himself be seen. So I'll find one at Hogwarts who wants to serve a noble house. I'll also instruct them not to be seen." Albus spoke, already thinking about what to do. After all, the region where they lived didn't even allow him to place his old friend to spy on them.

With a wave of dismissal. Hagrid dismissed, who was very happy to see his friend's son. And Dumbledore was even happier, after all, Harry received something Tom didn't receive, "Love!"


A few days had passed, and Harry was obviously curious. In an isolated spot outside the house, he tested all the spells he found in the book. Everything could be useful.

Alarte: a spell that makes objects fly through the air.

Alohomora: a spell that opens locked doors.

Aquamenti or Aguamenti: a spell that creates a jet of water from the tip of the wand.

Atordous Stomacus: a spell that causes stomach pain in the target.

Cara-de-Vampiro: a spell that transforms the target's face into a vampire.

Desequilibrum: a spell that makes the target lose balance and fall.

Wingardium Leviosa: to make objects levitate.

Lumos: to illuminate the tip of the wand.

Petrificus Totalus: to immobilize the victim.

In other words, just the basics. Nothing that would harm a first-year. Besides that, Harry started reading other books, including A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot; Theory of Magic by Adalbert Waffling; and Basic Spells - Level 1 by Miranda Goshawk.

Ding dong! *

Then a doorbell rang, and he adjusted to answer and dropped his musings.

Opening the door, there was a little face in front of him. Puffy is a house-elf about a meter tall, with fair skin and big green eyes. She has an upturned nose and a mischievous smile. She wears a pink polka-dot t-shirt that she sewed from fabric scraps. She carries a small backpack where she keeps some things.

"Master. Dumbledore said for Puffy to come here." The little elf chirped happily with big eyes.

"Puffy came to serve Master Harry." Finished the elf who had entered the house.

"Puffy, do you agree to become the elf who serves the Potter house and only it?" Harry asked, allowing the little elf to enter.

"Yes. Puffy. will be of the Potter house!" exclaimed the elf, who was very happy to serve someone. At the same time, Harry felt a connection in some way with the elf.

"Dumbledore has already instructed you about the things you have to do?" Harry asked to see if he had to teach everything.

"Yes! Yes. Puffy knows what to do." Said the happy elf. Then Harry showed her accommodation.

With that, Harry began to think about going to Diagon Alley and doing more shopping. If possible, and obviously a book on Occlumency.



Author's note:

See you later.

That's it guys, see you later!!!

Well, folks decide to post around 1k words again. why 2.5k - 4k was not working, chapters will be 800 - 1.8k words. Okay?


Vote! And don't forget the Power Stones for History!



I have my patron to thanks:

Nicholas Berenguer

Ben Phillips


jose torres

clinton fraley


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