
I'm Harry James Potter With Biokinetic Ability

I'm Harry James Potter With biokinetic ability, And for some reason I could process all information almost as if I had Tensura Manas. ________________________ Author: KAIOSHIN A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe, Paypal: PayPal.me/ Patreon: patreon.com/KAIOSHIN YouTube channel: Kaioshin Theories and Analysis. youtube.com/@kaioshintheoriesandanalysi9981 ________________________ Note: This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~ ---- I'm Harry James Potter With biokinetic ability, And for some reason I could process all information almost as if I had Tensura Manas. And a timeline in which Harry Potter is adopted by Aunt Petunia Unica, who looks closer to Lily only MILF and Wearing Glasses, Like a book writer who lives in a small mansion with her nephew and Unique" MAN IN YOUR LIFE" 24/7 that insane surprises can occur, especially when your aunt has the predisposition to be like "Gasai Yuno" Yander crazy. -- Author's notes: Well I plan to create multiple fanfic in different world with same main character and same powers ie biokinetics. and how he would react to being thrown into a different world. Right here starting with Dragon Ball. DESTINY/ . DXD. Wonder. A.D. HP. and much more. I'm going to create the covers and the beginning will be more or less the same. but it will be transported to different character for example plan 2. like marvel hela in which the Asgardians have a civilization developed closer to the costumes north of the wall of Westeros in which you need to defeat your wife so that she becomes your wife, as the Reincarnator will get out of this situation OR IN A DIFFERENT SITUATION LIKE Tony Stark at the age of 15 after graduating from MIT, his parents die and he has to assume, luckily he has his childhood friend comes to comfort him and consolidate the promise once made. And a timeline in which Harry Potter is adopted by Aunt Petunia Unica, who looks closer to Lily only MILF and Wearing Glasses, Like a book writer who lives in a small mansion with her nephew and Unique" MAN IN YOUR LIFE" 24/7 that insane surprises can occur, especially when your aunt has the predisposition to be like "Gasai Yuno" Yander crazy. If you want to support me, check out my Patréon and Youtube Channel patreon.com/KAIOSHIN Youtube Channel 1k sub youtube.com/@kaioshintheoriesandanalysi9981 If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of the fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

Kaioshin · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 - Finally finishing the shopping!

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe

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"It is important to fight again and again, and keep fighting, for only then can evil be held back even if never completely defeated." - Dumbledore


(A/N: Harry's POV and Third Person Narrator)

Harry felt a wave of relief leaving the bank. Although raised in the Muggle world, he had heard enough about the goblins of Gringotts to know it was best not to cross them. At the same time, his friend Hagrid remembered concealing the Philosopher's Stone not so well.

["Great, it seems Dumbledore's plan is still in motion, since we came to the magical world much earlier this time. There was no need for that."]

"Let's go, Hagrid!" he said excitedly, ready to explore Diagon Alley.

Hagrid smiled, happy to see the boy's enthusiasm. The two strolled down the busy streets, looking in the shop windows. Harry could hardly believe the amount of magical things for sale. His eyes lit up whenever he saw a flying broomstick or some object doing something impossible for Muggles.

They passed Flourish and Blotts, where Harry bought his school books. Though wanting to read each one right away, he resisted the temptation. He would have time later at Hogwarts. There he glimpsed one of the members of the "Golden Trio."

["Well, it seems we are following the normal timeline."] Harry thought.

Next they went to Eeylops Owl Emporium. Unlike Hagrid buying him an owl, apparently since it wasn't his birthday he had to choose one. Harry looked around to see if he could find the one he wanted, since the less divergence at first, the less it would get out of his control.

Harry chose Hedwig, a beautiful snowy owl who seemed as excited as him for this new life.

Finally, after buying his robes, hat and other materials, Harry didn't have any extra encounters with future Hogwarts students. It was time to choose his wand. Harry could hardly wait to have this magical object in his hands.

In Mr. Ollivander's shop, Harry saw the same girl with her mother accompanying her, and by her side was a witch in a pointy hat, just waiting for them to finish their purchase.

"No, no! Much too swishy!" continued the wandmaker, switching wand after wand, while many items in the shop became cluttered with each wand tried.

Hagrid and Harry kept waiting their turn, until Hagrid remembered the witch in question.

"Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, I didn't notice you here!" said Hagrid in a low voice.

Harry noticed the tension in the air between Hagrid and Professor Minerva McGonagall. Clearly there was some history there he didn't yet know about.

"Hagrid, I did not expect to find you here so early. The school year has barely begun," said the professor in her severe way.

Hagrid cleared his throat, uncomfortable. "Well, Professor, you know how it is. I had to bring young Harry here to get his school supplies. Orders from Dumbledore, as always."

The professor looked at Harry with a curious expression, as if analyzing him. "I understand.

Well, I look forward to seeing you at Hogwarts soon, Mr. Potter. I'm certain you'll make Gryffindor proud."

Harry nodded shyly. He didn't know enough about the houses yet to have a preference, but he knew of the Gryffindors' reputation for bravery.

After the professor left with the girl, probably another future student, Harry turned to Hagrid. "What was that about? You seemed...uncomfortable with each other."

Hagrid sighed. "It's a long story, Harry. Maybe I'll tell you someday. For now, let's focus on finding your wand!"

Harry decided not to insist. It was clear there was something Hagrid didn't want to tell.

Finally it was Harry's turn to try out wands. After a few attempts, he found the perfect wand for him. He felt warmth course up his arm as soon as he held it. That wand had chosen him.(A/N: I really didn't want to repeat the same scene I'm sure you're all tired of reading. Even I'm tired of writing it! XD)

Leaving the shop with Hagrid, Harry could barely contain his excitement. Hogwarts awaited! But first he could make a stop to acquire a house elf.

"Hagrid, do you know how I can get a house elf? I want to be able to leave it with my aunt, since she's pregnant," said Harry, curious if Hagrid knew about this.

"Well, you'd have to ask Dumbledore. At Hogwarts we have the kitchens full of elves. I'll check with Dumbledore if one of the elves wants to bond with you. What do you think, Harry?" asked Hagrid, thinking the boy would agree.

"That's fine with me. I'll wait to hear back. Thank you very much, Hagrid," said Harry, grateful for the favor.

"Right then, I'll take you home! Let's go, Harry!" said Hagrid, stepping lively toward the exit. Harry couldn't help but think twice about that girl with bushy hair. (A/N: Yes, it's her.)

Harry left Diagon Alley with Hagrid, satisfied with his purchases and excited for what was to come. The idea of having a house elf to help his pregnant aunt was great.

"Thanks, Hagrid, for agreeing to check with Dumbledore about the elf. My aunt will have her hands full with the baby coming. Any help is welcome," said Harry.

"Don't worry about it, lad. Dumbledore is a grumpy old man sometimes, but deep down he's a softy. I bet he'll find an elf for you in no time," answered Hagrid with a wink.

The two took the train back to the Evans/Potter house. On the way, Harry leafed through his new books, eager to dive into that magical world.

Arriving home, Aunt Petunia was impressed with all the purchases. Harry told her about the possibility of a house elf. She seemed hesitant at first, but eventually agreed.

"Well, if it will help me with the baby, maybe it's not a bad idea. I just don't want those magical things around the house when Vernon's sister Marge's husband comes to visit," she said, referring to the magic-hating in-law.

Harry assured her the elf would stay away from Muggle visitors and nothing would go wrong with their baby. Satisfied, he went up to his room, ready for a long and exciting read about the wizarding world. Hogwarts awaited!



Author's note:

See you later.

That's it guys, see you later!!!

Well, folks decide to post around 1k words again. why 2.5k - 4k was not working, chapters will be 800 - 1.8k words. Okay?


Vote! And don't forget the Power Stones for History!



I have my patron to thanks:

Nicholas Berenguer

Ben Phillips


jose torres

Logan Poelstra

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