
I'm Harry James Potter With Biokinetic Ability

I'm Harry James Potter With biokinetic ability, And for some reason I could process all information almost as if I had Tensura Manas. ________________________ Author: KAIOSHIN A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe, Paypal: PayPal.me/ Patreon: patreon.com/KAIOSHIN YouTube channel: Kaioshin Theories and Analysis. youtube.com/@kaioshintheoriesandanalysi9981 ________________________ Note: This is my first fanfiction. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~ ---- I'm Harry James Potter With biokinetic ability, And for some reason I could process all information almost as if I had Tensura Manas. And a timeline in which Harry Potter is adopted by Aunt Petunia Unica, who looks closer to Lily only MILF and Wearing Glasses, Like a book writer who lives in a small mansion with her nephew and Unique" MAN IN YOUR LIFE" 24/7 that insane surprises can occur, especially when your aunt has the predisposition to be like "Gasai Yuno" Yander crazy. -- Author's notes: Well I plan to create multiple fanfic in different world with same main character and same powers ie biokinetics. and how he would react to being thrown into a different world. Right here starting with Dragon Ball. DESTINY/ . DXD. Wonder. A.D. HP. and much more. I'm going to create the covers and the beginning will be more or less the same. but it will be transported to different character for example plan 2. like marvel hela in which the Asgardians have a civilization developed closer to the costumes north of the wall of Westeros in which you need to defeat your wife so that she becomes your wife, as the Reincarnator will get out of this situation OR IN A DIFFERENT SITUATION LIKE Tony Stark at the age of 15 after graduating from MIT, his parents die and he has to assume, luckily he has his childhood friend comes to comfort him and consolidate the promise once made. And a timeline in which Harry Potter is adopted by Aunt Petunia Unica, who looks closer to Lily only MILF and Wearing Glasses, Like a book writer who lives in a small mansion with her nephew and Unique" MAN IN YOUR LIFE" 24/7 that insane surprises can occur, especially when your aunt has the predisposition to be like "Gasai Yuno" Yander crazy. If you want to support me, check out my Patréon and Youtube Channel patreon.com/KAIOSHIN Youtube Channel 1k sub youtube.com/@kaioshintheoriesandanalysi9981 If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of the fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

Kaioshin · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 4 - Training biokinetic ability, and magical skills!

A/N: To support me, pls donate and subscribe

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YouTube channel: Kaioshin Theories and Analysis.



Note: This is one of my first fanfictions. English is my second language and I'm still learning it, so don't expect the most impeccable writing from me. I had this idea for a while and I wanted to bring it to life, so I started writing. I appreciate any helpful feedback. Also, again I don't own anything except my own MC and I don't want to offend any party. This is just for entertainment. enjoy~

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(A/N: Harry Potter's POV from Ethan and in third person by the author)

The days passed quickly, considering that all Harry did was eat, study, sleep, kiss, caress, take a shower, and go to the bathroom. Harry wasn't too worried about his life situation since this second life basically made him super rich, magical and probably immortal. He had time to do everything he wanted.

["What about the situation with Aunt Petunia?"] Harry had wondered in his head. It was more than clear that Aunt Petunia had lost some screws in her head but did he really want to abandon his sexy aunt who wanted his young body? Obviously he decided to continue "receiving" all the "lessons" that his aunt wanted to pass on to him. Unlike old Harry, this Harry performed masterfully leaving both his aunt and himself happy.

Thanks to their advanced "relationship," as this harry was not so averse to advances from his aunt anymore; Aunt Petunia allowed him more freedoms like attending normal school but with a driver who would pick him up for school as well as bring him home. Harry was happy using his biokinetic ability so that Aunt Petunia became extremely sensitive towards him allowing him make her have multiple orgasms during their "learning sessions".

In the meantime, harry also tested replacing parts of his body with those of animals but declined keeping these modifications and later reverted back how he used be before because he wanted parts of magical animals or even unique abilities such as those of Wampus cat.

To have the multiplied vision of a fly, to possess this dynamic and unique vision, and then we have the fact that I have tried to have the legs of a rabbit. Have you ever thought about jumping quickly and having your thigh muscles grow as if you had worked out at the gym for hypertrophy every day? So Harry was training and testing these abilities every day, from cats and dogs, because they can see better in the dark like rabbits. Unfortunately, there were few animals that had the chance to touch them to achieve this. My other goal was once I went into the magical world, to analyze house elves like goblins.

Elves are capable of magic without wands, and goblins with their ability to make their own silver not only that but they fought in two rebellions against wizards in their goblin rebellions. And it's as if goblins were dwarfs in magical stories living in mountains obsessed with gold and very good blacksmiths and warriors.

Well, months passed quickly, even my aunt noticed a change in my behavior. At first, I was completely averse to her touches and lessons she gave me but now I put all my heart into it so she really noticed this change. But she did nothing about it probably thinking it was just puberty or something like that maybe interest developing towards women.

Well what can I say? Misfortune for some is fortune for others. Besides that I continued training not only my biokinetic ability but also my magical abilities trying initially simpler magic at this time.


So I feel the flow of energy through my body like a continuous flow coming from my heart, and then I stretch out my hands and shout in our room!

"LUMOS!" said Harry, ready to perform his first spell and release the energy from his body.

Whoosh!* I immediately felt a burn in my eyes, and I only saw a ball of light the size of my head.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArg!*" I fell to the ground and rolled before using my biokinetic ability to relieve the pain in my eyes and heal them.

Clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop!

Harry was lying in bed with his eyes closed, feeling the warmth of the sun coming in through the window. He heard the bedroom door open and smiled as his "wife," Petunia, entered the room.

My aunt enters the room with a knife in hand and a crazed look on her face. She locks eyes with me as I contort on the bed, then puts the knife at her waist and moves toward me. He could feel her footsteps as she approached, and then he felt the bed move as she sat down next to him.

"Hi, love," said Petunia with a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine," Harry replied, opening his eyes. "Just a little tired."

Petunia leaned in and kissed Harry on the mouth. Her lips were warm and moist, and Harry felt a wave of excitement run through his body. He grabbed Petunia's arm and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.

When they separated, Petunia smiled again. "You know, I have a surprise for you," she said.

"What is it?" asked Harry, curious.

Petunia stood up and began to undress. Harry watched in admiration as she took off her shirt and then unbuttoned her jeans. She let the clothes fall to the ground and stood there, standing only in her lingerie.

"I bought new lingerie," she said, spinning around to show Harry. "What do you think?"

Harry swallowed hard as he looked at Petunia. She was incredibly sexy in that set, and he felt his desire increase. He sat on the bed and pulled Petunia onto his lap, kissing her again.

The kiss was hot, and Harry could feel Petunia's tongue exploring his mouth. He ran his hands through her hair, pulling her closer. Petunia moaned softly when Harry started to stroke her back, and then she pulled away.

"Not so fast," she said, laughing. "I'm not done with my surprise yet."

Petunia stood up again and walked to the bedroom door. She opened it and revealed a foam bath that she had prepared in the bathtub.

"I've prepared a bath for both of us," she said, smiling. "What do you think?"

Harry smiled back at her. "I think it's a great idea," he said, getting up from the bed. "But I have one condition."

"What is it?" asked Petunia, curious.

Harry approached her and kissed her softly. "That you get into the bathtub with me."

Petunia laughed and pulled him into the bathroom. They got into the bathtub together, the hot, fragrant water caressing their bodies. Harry wrapped his arms around Petunia, kissing her again as the foamy water rose around them.

Petunia wrapped her legs around Harry's waist and sat on his lap, her soft breasts pressed against his chest. Harry groaned at the contact and began to stroke Petunia's back, sliding his hands over her smooth skin.

The bathwater was hot and steaming, creating an intimate and sensual atmosphere. Harry kissed Petunia's neck, lightly nibbling while his hands explored her back, sliding over the curve of her waist to her thighs.

Petunia sighed as Harry touched her thighs, then she leaned back and turned away from him. She grabbed a sponge and began to soap up her body, her breasts gently swaying as she moved. Harry watched in admiration as she soaped herself up, her voluptuous and elegant body.

"Come here," Petunia said, turning to look at him. "Let me soap you up too."

Harry smiled and leaned forward, offering his body to her. Petunia took the sponge and began to pass it over Harry's chest and belly, soaping him up carefully. Harry closed his eyes and surrendered to her touch, feeling pleasure coursing through his body.

When Petunia finished soaping him up, she turned around again and knelt in the bathtub, offering her body to him. Harry leaned forward and began to kiss her, his soft lips exploring her wet skin. He kissed her shoulders, her neck, her spine, descending lower and lower, until he reached the curve of her buttocks.

Petunia moaned as Harry touched her breasts, caressing them with soapy hands. She leaned back, offering her body to him, and Harry held her firmly, kissing her again and again, exploring every inch of her skin with his hungry lips.

They stayed in the bathtub for a long time, exploring each other's bodies, until the water cooled and the sun began to set. Harry held Petunia's hand and led her back to the bedroom, where they lay together in bed, embraced and satisfied.


Every day was filled with tests, training, and "lessons". The question was obvious - why would Harry run away from his aunt, who wanted to give him all the love she had to give, a rich, sexy, voluptuous, and somewhat crazy woman? So he decided to train and become stronger while spending time with his aunt. He wondered if, with his ability, he could turn his aunt into a magician. If he did, she might wish to become one, but if he revealed his plan to her, she could become angry for not being informed beforehand or even hurt.

But one thing that made him a little sad was that, so far during his time with his aunt, they had not had sex. Apparently, she thought he wasn't old enough yet. She was waiting for him to grow older before taking everything for herself. Harry couldn't help but sigh and wait for what his aunt wanted to do with him until then. Until then, he wouldn't stop training to become stronger - after all, his enemies wouldn't stop trying to kill him.



Alternate Title: Magic is not as easy as it seems!



A.N: Eager to see what Harry will do! Check it out in the next episode of..






Throw stones at me!!!


Author's note:

I managed to post on time, more or less. I'll see if I can fix the ASOIAF fic and then upload it to the site.

See you later.

That's it guys, see you later!!!

Well, folks decide to post around 1k words again. why 2.5k - 4k was not working, chapters will be 800 - 1.8k words. Okay?


Vote! And don't forget the Power Stones for History!



I have my patron to thanks:

Ben Phillips


Donovan Durward

Haralds Mārtiņsons

Many thanks for your support.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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if you want to see my Patreon there I already started other stories and today I will post more there. thank you very much and see you!

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If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of the fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

Kaioshincreators' thoughts