
I'm Gonna Jujutsu All Over Your Kaisen!

A thrill-seeking junkie finally ran out of his luck and died in his latest stunt. Expecting that his life has finished, he regretfully finds out he was in line for reincarnation. Since he was the cause of his own death, there was no God to give him wishes for accidentally killing him, no karma based wishes, and no way of choosing the circumstances of his next life. In short, no golden fingers. How does this lower-than-scum, lack of self-preservation junkie survive and thrive in the world of Jujutsushi?

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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - Obligatory Encounter with God!

"Hey, Nick! I really don't think this is a good idea," Jack exclaimed, his voice trembling with anxiety and a hint of desperation.

Under the shroud of darkness, the night air rushed past them as a university student and a high schooler found themselves entangled in a perilous chase. They raced down the highway in a stolen car, the weight of their reckless actions hanging heavily in the air, while two police vehicles relentlessly pursued them.

"Don't worry, Jack! You were the one craving some excitement!" Nick retorted with a defiant smirk, his adrenaline-fueled confidence overshadowing any sense of rationality.

The stolen car, its hood conspicuously absent, roared beneath them. Jack clenched the seatbelt tightly, his knuckles turning white as he struggled to suppress the nagging fear bubbling within him.

"I never signed up for a trip to jail!" Jack's voice quivered, betraying his growing unease and a sinking realization of the dire consequences that awaited them.

Nick, a blond-haired university student with an irreverent streak, gripped the steering wheel with determination. The mischievous glint in his eyes illuminated his reckless resolve as he defied the rules of the road, accelerating with audacity and seemingly indifferent to the impending peril.

"STOP THE VEHICLE, NOW!" the authoritative voice boomed through a megaphone, its urgency punctuating the gravity of their predicament. Jack's heart raced as he processed the demand, knowing deep down that surrender was the only reasonable choice. Yet, Nick's unwavering determination to evade capture seemed unyielding.

"Nick, they're deploying a tire wire!" Jack's voice trembled with a mix of urgency and desperation, hoping for a miraculous escape from the clutches of disaster.

Nick's agile hands danced across the wheel, accelerating the car to top speed and porpoising it, expertly jumping over the median barrier, narrowly evading the tire wire.

"Oh my god!" Jack exclaimed, his voice laden with a palpable cocktail of fear and anguish.

As the stolen car hurtled through the darkness, Jack found himself questioning Nick's sanity. With every passing moment, his trust in their wild adventure eroded, replaced by an all-consuming dread that they were teetering on the edge of losing not only their freedom but their lives.

"Hahaha!" Nick's maniacal laughter filled the confined space, carrying an eerie mix of exhilaration and recklessness. It was as if he were intoxicated by the danger, relishing every heartbeat spent living on the razor's edge. Little did he know that his audacity might lead to an outcome where tomorrow ceased to exist.

Their frantic race toward the city reached a critical impasse as a row of police cars materialized, effectively blocking their path. Panic surged through Jack's veins, coursing with a desperate plea for Nick to reconsider their perilous course.

"Nick, please don't tell me you're going to try the same trick again!" Jack's voice cracked with a mixture of desperation and unspoken hope.

"No way. I never use the same trick twice," Nick responded, his tone tinged with unwavering determination and a glimmer of misguided confidence.

He pressed harder on the accelerator, their stolen vehicle hurtling forward like a missile aimed at the wall of police cars, defying reason and embracing the irrational.

"FREEZE AND EXIT THE VEHICLE!" The authoritative command pierced through the chaos, its urgency commanding compliance and awakening a sliver of rationality within the chaos.

"This is exhilarating!" Nick's voice boomed, his words drowned amidst the cacophony of the screeching tires, the blaring sirens, and the rhythmic pounding of his own racing heart.

Suddenly, a thunderous bang reverberated through the night. The car lurched uncontrollably as the rear tires burst, sending them spiraling into a maelstrom of chaos. In a cataclysmic instant, the stolen vehicle collided with the police cars, hurtling both Nick and Jack out of the car.

Jack crashed onto the unforgiving asphalt, pain radiating through his body, his mind grappling with the sheer enormity of the tragedy that had unfolded. Yet, his landing on solid ground offered a glimmer of hope, a chance to be saved from the wreckage of their ill-fated journey.

Nick, on the other hand, was catapulted beyond the boundaries of the road. He soared through the air, hurtling him off the highway bridge and into the depths of the dark ocean below.

Regret, thick and suffocating, coiled around Jack's mind like a vise. As the weight of his choices settled upon him, he couldn't help but entertain the notion that perhaps he had unwittingly invited death to join their reckless party.

Meanwhile, Nick's consciousness slipped away, swallowed by the enveloping sea. The cold depths became his resting place, a silent tomb devoid of redemption. While Jack's thread of life remained tethered, Nick's fate seemed sealed, a solemn testament to the consequences of his brazen choices.

Where the lines between defiance and calamity blurred, Nick had managed to elude the grasp of the authorities and escape the clutches of mortal existence. However, it seemed fate had other plans in store. It was in this twisted dance of consequences that I found myself compelled to intervene, to weave the threads of their stories toward an uncertain resolution.

"Ugh... was I caught? In a hospital? Eh, I don't even have health insurance. I'd rather be dead," Nick muttered, his voice filled with resignation and a hint of bitterness.

A voice, gentle yet authoritative, resounded in Nick's ears, shattering the gloomy haze of his thoughts. "Are you sure about that?"

Startled, Nick's eyes widened as he turned toward the source of the sound. His gaze fell upon a figure that defied the boundaries of human comprehension. The realization of what he was witnessing sent a surge of disbelief and fear coursing through his veins.

"Jesus Christ! What the fuck is that?!" Nick's voice trembled, his words a testament to the overwhelming shock that gripped his entire being.

Radiating an otherworldly glow, it approached with a serene countenance. "Be not afraid," its voice resonating with a calming reassurance. "Thy time hath not yet come."

Nick's mind whirled with a cacophony of questions, disbelief warring with curiosity. "Wait, wait, what? So... I was dead?" he stammered, struggling to reconcile the implications of the entitiy'words.

"Almost," its voice carrying an undertone of compassion. "I saved your soul before you could ascend to Heaven."

The realization slowly seeped into Nick's consciousness, mingling with a cocktail of emotions. Confusion, relief, and a hint of disappointment mingled within him as he tried to comprehend the situation. "You're telling me I was going to go to heaven?"

"Every soul must return to the celestial realm after departing the earthly plane. Yet, thy soul was granted reprieve ere its ascent," the angel affirmed.

Nick's brow furrowed as a sense of missed opportunity settled upon him. "Well, that sucks. I thought it would be drugs and sex every day," he confessed, his words tinged with a blend of regret and wistfulness.

Its expression remained unwavering. "Pardon for this disappointment, but thou shan't be venturing thither, at least not in the near future," its voice gentle yet resolute. "Thy soul shall be subject to reincarnation."

"Oh, Reincarnation! Yeah, I've seen this before." Nick exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Alright, my first wish is to reincarnate into the world of Jujutsu Kaisen as Suguru Geto. I want to have immeasurable cursed energy, higher than even Yuta Okkotsu. And I want the Tenseigan from Naruto. Did you get all that?"

However, the entity before Nick remained steadfast in its response "No," it firmly denied.

An irked expression crossed Nick's face as he took a deep breath to repeat his desires, "I'll repeat what I said. I want─", but before he could utter a word, the entity interrupted, its voice resolute.

"I will not grant your wishes. The path of success is not one to be dictated by the whims of a wish. You'll have to achieve everything on your own; equipped only with your wits, your will, and the little talent that you might have. Good luck, goodbye."

As the entity bid its farewell, an ominous void materialized beneath Nick's feet, and he found himself rapidly descending.

"That's bullshhhiiiiiiiittt!" he screamed in frustration, his voice echoing into the void.