
I'm Dating a stage (Real) Magician Girl from the Start!

( Novel on Break- Will be back with a full mass release or complete volumes in the future. Thanks for your support:) *** I don't know if it's love or a magic spell recited backwards, but now, I'm currently Dating a Stage (real) magician. She's busy traveling all of the time for 'work gigs'. She even brings home fake receipts and forged magic show programs to show me, her new boyfriend, that she's working on 'Magic' shows. But... Little did she know that her supportive, and understanding boyfriend already knew her true background and secret identity. She's a Superhero! She is out fighting crimes with the Superhero Team the Justice League, as the real magician's expert support. While she thinks her new hunk boyfriend is clueless, in fact, he's one of the world's most insightful, as he's a transmigrated person, with God's perspective knowledge on certain things in this, a D.C world. What awaits this Deceitful couple hiding secrets from each other? How did a 4th wall soul come to DC in the first place? Was his girlfriend involved in his summoning by using magic on her former boyfriend to keep secrets? What path will this fourth-wall soul take in this Alternative Dc World? *********************** I don't own DC, All rights to the original owner all I own in my parody story are my original characters. Cover Images are borrowed from Google, and all rights are to the original owner, contact if you want it changed. ***** ***** Updates are irregularly, if updated at all in the future. The Novel May be dropped, but you will be notified immediately if that's the case, so read casually. Most likely a harem novel, if I feel the relationship between the two of the leads is lacking.

FanFicsForFun_F4 · Anime & Comics
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Zatanna reluctantly reports to justice league/Prelude to War/a darkened woman spurned/ Don't become a topic of the chat or its social death/a lucky day?

Zatanna reluctantly reports to justice league/Prelude to War/a darkened woman spurned/

Don't become a topic of the chat or its social death/a lucky day?


In lower space orbit 

justice league base tower, 

a figure Warped into a partially emptied-out tower...

Zatanna reported in with heavy footsteps and an irritated face and asked:

"Was it truly necessary for Me to come.?" she asked while noticing the crowd-less surroundings.

"Where is everyone?" She asked Mr. terrific who was on duty behind the communication board.

"Planetary war intervention, natural disaster rescues, and a small alien invasion in Africa, etc." said the mint green hair metahuman standing on the side. 

The one who spoke up for Mr. Terrific was a female hero named 'Fire'.

Zatanna turned her scrutinizing gaze at this woman she had very little contact with before today except on the secret justice league all woman chat group.

Fire meets her gaze and smiles while *Shrugging* 

 saying: "I already asked him." Fire said pointing at the preoccupied Mr.Terrific.

"the other members of the justice league are engaged or not equipped to handle this case." Mr terrific finished typing and pressed a button.

A screening projector lowered and showed the image of gathered villains in the middle of a seaside city.

The summoned present heroes gathered together and gazed at the screen in silence.

Heroes Zatanna, Witchfire, Fire, Gypsy, and Stargirl showed frowns simultaneously.

On the screen were three figures waiting in a previously crowded place, but now it is a vacant space because of their presence.

mr. terrific introduced to the girls:

"We can start with a mysterious warrior woman in battle armor.

 this villainous woman is a Former Champion of the Norse pantheon, the Valkyrie, Gudra."

"Norse Valkyries had a long blood feud with the Amazons that even spilled over into World War II."

"wonder woman and Gudra fought with each other as proxy representatives for years on opposite sides before, during, and after ww2 frequently in duels. "

but suddenly Gudra and the Valkyries fell into equivocation and haven't been seen since. 

So her showing up now might be to tie up some loose ends she had with wonder woman. 

"This makes her bad news and the most dangerous of this trio as she might go all-out without any reservations and just to let you know in the past she had power comparable to or greater than wonder woman at that juncture." 

The screen shows a live picture of a Long blond hair, blue eyes, and a muscular beauty holding a sword handle tightly, while in meditation ready to draw her sword at any time.

The girl's sweat drop at this intense and possibly suicidal Valkyrie warrior.

"You know this guy, he's also a complicated adversary of the justice league in past and an enemy to shazam, Black Adam."

"Black Adam was standing still looking menacingly under his hooded cowl with his hands crossed."

"And finally, the witch who makes the male member's response to this mission nearly impossible, the ancient sorceress who can turn men into animals and use other power full magic is circe."

"Another enemy of wonder woman."Said Zatanna.

Red-haired Circe was drinking wine with her legs crossed and below her feet were cages with animals in similar hero costumes of hawk and dove.

Looking at the costumed animals Stargirl asked with a frown: 

"Are they- 

"yes, they are the heroes hawk and dove."

"they've been transformed and used as bait most likely." said Mr. terrific interrupting to preemptively answer.

"Why are these fiends together?"Asked the quiet phasing hero gypsy.

Mr. terrific *Shakes his head with a shrug*  while tapping buttons-up to coordinate several other battlefields.

"Same old Reason any villains collude together, same ideology, strength in numbers, shared interest, or money." he replied.

"We know it's not love, but most likely hate that brought them together." Said Witchfire the flame magical meta-human entertainment idol.

Zatanna *Sighs* and says:

"That combo indeed needs our JL dark's attention," Zatanna said after having her hopes dashed at the prospects of an easy wreck shit and leaving after the mission was completed. 

"When do we leave?" asked Zatanna under her black domino mask and a new costume.

"When wonder woman arrives. She is probably the main target of their collusion together." 

"she's bringing Shazam over as the only man to fight with black Adam."

"wonder woman said Shazam will challenge black Adam to a duel.

"And black Adam most likely will accept."

"Why would he give up the strategic advantage of fighting together, is that smart?" the youngest hero, star girl, asked dressed in her star-spangled-themed costume.

shrugging again Fire said: " because of 

'Macho Stuff', Shazam's words not mine.

"I swear that guy is like a kid sometimes." said star girl holding her head in disbelief.

"All men are big children dear, that's why this plan will work." said Gypsy with her hands on her hips like an educator and began to spew her experiences dealing with men over the years to the impressionable hero star girl who nods at being taught by her.

[(Mr terrific, the only man present sweated profusely hearing her advice to Stargirl based on her abysmal dating record in the background.

(But being the high-intelligence hero that he is, he knew better than to argue with this previously docile woman who's actually a black-pilled(~), black-bellied (~), and black-hearted person In a room full of super-powered women.)

(so he continued to type ignorantly, feeling the imaginary gaze of millions of men's disappointment he did not stand up to her litany of fallacies on men.)

(Mr. Terrific Would probably say to the disappointed: 

'I'm Outnumbered bro, I want to live too, social death with the Justice League women is not desirable, they have a secret all-female group chat, man.')]

Unaware of Mr. Terrific's mental rollercoaster ride in his mind, the topic continued.

"Well, thank God for 'Macho Stuff',

this way Shazam can be at ease so as to not be animalized by circes magic or black Adam will turn on her for interrupting his duel." said Fire who was here the earliest to arrive and heard the conversation from wonder woman's mouth directly.

" so I'm guessing, for us, I, fire, Zatanna, and Stargirl will target circe and wonder woman will solo fight with the female Valkyrie." Said witch fire.

"Then as we fight, our girl Gypsy will rescue the animal-farmed versions of Hawk and dove." Witchfire continued to strategize.

"Ah, um, Sound's like a plan." Said Mr.Terrific with a nod.

Agreed ×4 said Gypsy, Zatanna, Star Girl, and Fire.

"Good plan Witch Fire." said a bubbly Star Girl fresh off her battle of the sexes lecture.

"Yes, I'm both beauty and brains." Witch Fire said as she posed arrogantly.

"but really you get bored on a music tour, so the tactics manual of the justice league entered my book rotation." Said WitchFire.

"Really, pop star life, tell me about it." the star girl requests with sparkling eyes.

"Sure." said witch fire.

 the two then started to talk in-depth about a pop star like makeup, road food, and male groupies, blah blah blah, etc...


Zatanna's not interested in their conversations, because as a celebrity she already knows.

So she went into the distance to settle down her spirit.

She's not wondering why these scumbags gathered together at all, she doesn't care.

Zatanna thought she just needed to point and zap at anything, with everything she has, at whoever was in front of her until they explode in a magical arts explosion.

So Zatanna sat down to meditate on her spell catalog to achieve this effect while thinking:

'Wait for me Zach, I'll wrap this up, and we will continue where we left off.' she thought slightly blushing as she was licking her lips subconsciously while imagining something NSFW in her mind that always leaves her unwilling to withdraw herself from Zach for too long.

'How could people have so much bedroom chemistry and compatibility?' 

Driving away messy thoughts, she refocused.

She bows her head to meditate again, while lowering her head she looks down, and finds a crisply fresh 100 dollar bill stuck to her shoes before she had closed her eyes.

She then raised her head up as well as the discovered bill into the air and asked: 

"Hey, did anyone lose a hundred-dollar bill?"

they all answer back: 


Zatanna *shrugged* and said:

"Well, it's my lucky day, I guess." she said happily. 

Only, she didn't know how right she was.

When celebrating her 'coincidental' win fall, no one had the ability to notice that her pupils had a four-leaf clover in them that was flashing a rotation rainbow of colors.



Annotation (~)(A black belly person is somebody who has dark intentions inside and a bright, subdued, or cheerful outside appearance to lure prey with sly manipulations. Usually, the prey only knows that the person is black belly after being eaten up by their manipulation.)

Black-Pill is a nihilistic approach to anything and everything in life. your dreams, pursuits beliefs, hopes, and relationships don't matter because nothing matters in the face of cold truths. cutting the inconsequential out of the limited time we have remaining.)



(*a Mixed plot bag, alternate DC universe setting*)




Cashtag: $fanficsforfun


(it's not required, but it's appreciated to get some money where your mouth is feedback.)


The novel projects on here will be updated IRREGULARLY, I repeat IRREGULARLY. 

-you have been warned.*