
I'm Dating a stage (Real) Magician Girl from the Start!

( Novel on Break- Will be back with a full mass release or complete volumes in the future. Thanks for your support:) *** I don't know if it's love or a magic spell recited backwards, but now, I'm currently Dating a Stage (real) magician. She's busy traveling all of the time for 'work gigs'. She even brings home fake receipts and forged magic show programs to show me, her new boyfriend, that she's working on 'Magic' shows. But... Little did she know that her supportive, and understanding boyfriend already knew her true background and secret identity. She's a Superhero! She is out fighting crimes with the Superhero Team the Justice League, as the real magician's expert support. While she thinks her new hunk boyfriend is clueless, in fact, he's one of the world's most insightful, as he's a transmigrated person, with God's perspective knowledge on certain things in this, a D.C world. What awaits this Deceitful couple hiding secrets from each other? How did a 4th wall soul come to DC in the first place? Was his girlfriend involved in his summoning by using magic on her former boyfriend to keep secrets? What path will this fourth-wall soul take in this Alternative Dc World? *********************** I don't own DC, All rights to the original owner all I own in my parody story are my original characters. Cover Images are borrowed from Google, and all rights are to the original owner, contact if you want it changed. ***** ***** Updates are irregularly, if updated at all in the future. The Novel May be dropped, but you will be notified immediately if that's the case, so read casually. Most likely a harem novel, if I feel the relationship between the two of the leads is lacking.

FanFicsForFun_F4 · Anime & Comics
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Vegas is crystal clear to me, never bet if you can lose, all for the bag.

Nevada, las Vegas,

Head Office of Rhodes hotel and casino,

In the late evening night, Zachary Rhodes sat in his expensive office chair reflecting about the path to get here and what came afterwards...


I'll be honest, at first, I was flustered as a new leader of a multi-billion-dollar business. 

It's what I wanted, but I wasn't truly prepared for it, that happens in life, it is the reason for the saying:

"be careful what you wish for, you just might get it" came from.

And boy did I get it.

The place was a dumpster fire.

The hidden problems were so many when I finally had complete authority over the family business. 

On top of the inherited issues, new problems started to spring up one by one and suddenly there seemed to be at least twice as many crises to deal with than when I initially took office.

Maybe my majesty wasn't enough and things started to spiral out of control because of it.

Or maybe it was the paid-off secrets sleeper agent workers inside my casino activated by my rivals to shake my new foundation up.

I think it was a mix of both, but More of the latter as I exposed these rats to the light of day.

And I weeded out these rats from the company through 'extraordinary means' then things started to calm down.

I look at the crystal ball on my desk.

It's all thanks to this thing.

If a naruto fan was here, they would recognize this item as the Third Hokage's ball.

[ A Crystal Ball capable of Self-casting the A-rank jitsu: 

Telescope Technique Jutsu- 

Users can view and hear subjects from any location, regardless of distance or potential obstructions.

(Life energy detection instead of chakra)

(Range (10m+)]

It was one of the prizes from the blind box system.

The Las Vegas Strip is only 4.2 miles long so

Needless to say, I spammed the hell out of it during my first two weeks after obtaining it.

Las Vegas is crystal clear to me, and like a voyeur, I watched the uncovered darkness of the city unravel under my eyes.

Fascinated, I never left my office at all during the second week of my takeover, but saw it all from the comfort of my office chair.

I drowned myself in all kinds of intelligence gathering, especially the various Las Vegas showgirl's dressing rooms and burlesque performances, it was very...Informative.


I of course jotted down annotations on all the other casinos located on the las Vegas strip and other casinos outside the las Vegas strip.

I noted the data down into a small notebook for future use.

When it came to my own casino, I also collected evidence of misdeeds, and learned secrets about my property, like the lazy,  insincere, or malicious staff that worked in the hotel and casino in order to expel them for their criminal activity:

Drug deals, under-the-table money deals involving casino staff, and bartenders acting as evil cupids as they drugged drinks for both men, and women at the paid requests of other men, women, or others.

Even a gambling debtor from another casino tab had his entire family kidnapped and taken to my place!

Under everyone's nose, in our hotel division, a kidnapping case happened. 

I was furious, and the director who was the insider was fired and regulated.

I'm not a justice-seeking person like my girlfriend is, as everyone has their life, decisions, and destiny based on their choices.

So typically I don't care too much about other people's struggles, but just don't do that corrupt shit in my place, only I have the right to be corrupt in my spot! 

These corrupted practices threaten to ruin the reputation of my hotel, casino, and stadium venues' safety.

Sales will plummet, and so will the company's prestige if I let them continue to be lawless and unruly under me.

when guests come here they need to know that all the outside-world bullshit stops at the door and my site is the Switzerland of las Vegas.

Neutral... but we can bring out the tomahawk missiles or the final option nukes (my girlfriend) if you are about that action.

Claims and information were collected and changes were made on the morning of the first day of the 3rd week.

a lot of people were sued, fired, or jailed during the new reign that swept through the entire business.

Strangely, A few notable people of fame in Las Vegas were never seen again during this time, including the kidnapping debt collectors working for a rival casino.

How Strange...that it was the same time I disposed of some odd and badly made Golden sculptured man statues to be incinerated.

On the upside, I recorded down the names of the hard-working staff for an increase in pay or promotions they deserve.


Within this time, the connotation and temperament of a casino boss were adapted subconsciously by Zachary.

Rectification is done, Leaving Zachary Time to focus on the business side of things.

On a few ways to seek alternative Business opportunities for the casino, hotel, and stadium.

For instance, imagine a gamer industry occasion in the new beautiful crystal palace pyramid for game tournaments along with other alternative events and gatherings. 

For instance, the typical convention events like, gaming, cosplay, anime, and comic cons, are usually not in big stadiums.


Welcoming gaming and overall nerd culture events will help pave the way for what I expected the blind box system will allocate to me later.

what I expect is some sort of advanced otherworldly gaming technologies based on probability over time in combination with one of my devil fruit effects.

With at least 337 'known' casinos in Nevada, ours must have clearly defined traits to differentiate from others.

For instance, the invitations for Free weekend stays in the most luxurious hotel rooms to accommodate famous fat whales(~) from around the world.

Or give 'golden' casino token chips gifted for the buy-in (~). 

$1,000 in free buy-in chips during their stay to these running cold (~) whales. 

also inviting/ challenging outstanding named high rollers (~) gamblers who are banned from other large casino spots around the world for winning too much and dare them to smash this casino for a cash prize. 

I set a plentiful bounty on my own casino's failure.

As for why do this loss-making business at all well, It's for publicity of course.

Famous Whales make small profits at the casino to take to the casino cages (~). 

however, over time, much, much later, the whales will find they lost more money over the stipulated time, that with the increased frequency of betting, and that their profits are minuscule in comparison to their overall losses at the end of their stay.

The previously Legendary globally embargoed professional gambling experts seeking a gold rush are forced to leave barefoot out of the Rhodes casino door with faces of disbelief or doubts about their honed card sharp(~) skills and life.

This type of sensational news was guaranteed to spike the underground rumor mill and sparked everyone's rebellious nature to be the one to make a profit here.

Stories that whales can get slightly lucky and gambling pros will be broken by a mysterious casino spread to major media eventually.

what do you think most people with this knowledge would do?

 what happened was Exactly what you might think occurred.

they came from everywhere to test their 'luck' at our Rhodes casino.

It's like the allure of a haunted house, you hear rumors and warnings to stay away.

But some people always want to be able to verify or debunk it themselves, regardless of the advertised danger.

So We became a light in the dark to the fat pocketed whales who've been unlucky previously and a thorn to the famously arrogant gamblers. 

This frenzy gave everyone motivation to visit the Rhodes casino in droves, to watch on the sidelines, as others either defeated or take advantage of the casino to become wealthy and world-famous at the same time.

Why was I not worried about being emptied out and going bankrupt?

it's because the house(~)always wins an overwhelming majority of the time in my casino.

compared to the other casinos that lose occasionally our profit does not flux at all despite the costly promotions.

How is that possible to achieve without cheating and being investigated by various commissions for fraud?


It's done with the free 'specially crafted' golden coin token chips of the casino that guests received and an equally special Identity badge gifted to anyone taking up the 'break the bankroll, gold rush challenge' to be able to qualify for the casino bounty.

I make sure to guarantee the fact we are profitable with a specialized combination of my two one-piece optimized devil fruit abilities to cast some indestructible hidden insurances in the form of another 'specially crafted' golden coin token chip circulated to the General public.

Made with my gold, gold fruit used on chips to Track down Souvenirs or stolen chips from the casino. 

this action of chip retrieval was eliminating that mounting year expenditure to replace gambling floor chips forever from the casino books, saving millions of dollars to be allocated elsewhere.

The specially crafted gold coins acted as not just a publicity stunt as Rhodes casino gamblers 'literally gamble with real gold when betting'.

The devil fruit-made golden house chips act as a catalyst to spread different degrees of luck to special customers and casual gamblers with my Luck luck fruit ability.

As I can cast out coins embedded with more extremely difficult or bad luck and very few with great or good luck to manipulate the probability of the casino winning luck tilting over overwhelmingly to one side, the house's side.

With the help of the two devil fruits in conjunction with a previous loss incurring promotion like the break the bankroll gold rush challenge was transformed into a well-marketed elaborate tourist trap to entice and dice up the visitor's pockets.


A knock on the office door interrupts my thoughts.

A burly man with a hard-boiled demeanor says with humbleness in his tone:

"Boss, we are ready to make the late-night rounds, and...the unsolicited guest is situated in the boiler room."

I nod and get ready to place on my costume.

No, it's not a hero costume, but a nouveau-rich casino boss getup.

An outfit suitable for the boss man who is popular on social media for showing his wealth on his body, and showcasing the high-flying lifestyle of buying luxury vehicles, helicopter rides, and posting extravagant yachts parties with affluent guests, and celebrities. 

Also, Zachary Rhodes is recognized as an accomplished world-class gambler.

What makes him popular is he doesn't gamble for money, but he places odd or extravagant bets with famous people, celebrities, and non-murderous villains and available heroes on his social media using his influence and status for the promotion of his Rhodes casino.

"Everything I've done in the public eye is for the casino." he whispered out loud looking at his normally dressed reflection in the mirror and *sighed* as went to suit up for tonight.




Gamble slang:

•whales(~) a wealthy person who gambles large amounts of money but often loses.

•buy-in (~) exchange cash price for chips or cheques for gambling.

 •running cold (~) someone with a long losing streak.

•high rollers (~) a person who gambles a large amount of money, can also be a whale.

•casino cages (~) where you exchange chips for cash.

•house(~)slang for casino also known as a store.


(*a Mixed plot bag, alternate DC universe setting*)




Cashtag: $fanficsforfun


(it's not required, but it's appreciated to get some money where your mouth is feedback.)


The novel projects on here will be updated IRREGULARLY, I repeat IRREGULARLY. 

-you have been warned.*