
I'm Dating a stage (Real) Magician Girl from the Start!

( Novel on Break- Will be back with a full mass release or complete volumes in the future. Thanks for your support:) *** I don't know if it's love or a magic spell recited backwards, but now, I'm currently Dating a Stage (real) magician. She's busy traveling all of the time for 'work gigs'. She even brings home fake receipts and forged magic show programs to show me, her new boyfriend, that she's working on 'Magic' shows. But... Little did she know that her supportive, and understanding boyfriend already knew her true background and secret identity. She's a Superhero! She is out fighting crimes with the Superhero Team the Justice League, as the real magician's expert support. While she thinks her new hunk boyfriend is clueless, in fact, he's one of the world's most insightful, as he's a transmigrated person, with God's perspective knowledge on certain things in this, a D.C world. What awaits this Deceitful couple hiding secrets from each other? How did a 4th wall soul come to DC in the first place? Was his girlfriend involved in his summoning by using magic on her former boyfriend to keep secrets? What path will this fourth-wall soul take in this Alternative Dc World? *********************** I don't own DC, All rights to the original owner all I own in my parody story are my original characters. Cover Images are borrowed from Google, and all rights are to the original owner, contact if you want it changed. ***** ***** Updates are irregularly, if updated at all in the future. The Novel May be dropped, but you will be notified immediately if that's the case, so read casually. Most likely a harem novel, if I feel the relationship between the two of the leads is lacking.

FanFicsForFun_F4 · Anime & Comics
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A golden image is everything-the grand 'cup' fix was in-strange gazes from your husband-you need strong neck muscles to bare the crown-you got my attention- are we there yet, yes.

Disclaimer: English is not my first language, so if you read odd wording, or spelling mistakes take it with a grain of salt.

Also, novel projects on this app/ site will be updated IRREGULARLY, I repeat IRREGULARLY. 

-you have been warned.


-A golden image is everything-the grand 'cup' fix was in-strange gazes from your husband-you need strong neck muscles to bare the crown-you got my attention- are we there yet, yes.


  After the burly tan-skinned employee closed the door, I mumble in mental fatigue, but still got up to suit up

I actually pulled out a Pot of gold from under my desk's secret cabinet like a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow.

 With my intention, I began to manipulate the gold.

the solid gold chunk began to levitate out of the pot as it became liquid and fluid from its solid state before.

The floating Liquid golden slime seems like it's molten hot by its fluency and malleability,

but it is actually cool to the touch while it's being attached to my bare upper body and backside, crawling life-like, similar to a marvel symbiote.

it then starts congealing and morphing into a dense, but lightweight golden armor vest, with a dragon-scale design. 

the armor is triple-scaled and thicker on parts of my chest, stomach, and backside to cover my vital organs more thoroughly. 

as no Blind box reward item has yet to transform my body to be bulletproof, peak human, or more than human I must take some precautions for safety as a high-profile figure.

I button up my expensive dress shirt over the golden dragon scale armor and then put around my neck a heavily thick 80's rapper-style Cuban link gold chain with a circular Medusa medallion hanging off the end.

I snap on my solid gold watch with a blue dial. 

I then open a Black box that's full of golden accessories.

10 thick golden rings are placed on each of my fingers like I'm the fuckin Mandarin from marvel, every finger ring has a single jewel embedded, so each finger has a different color gem without repeating colors.

I place on a thick golden earring stud, 

Golden cufflinks with my initials on them,

A Golden wrist bangle opposite my watch-wearing wrist,

A small pocket worth of gold coins,

A satchel filled with gold dust and gold shavings,

A golden coated golden desert Eagle gun with hollow tips bullets with gold fillings inside.

I grab my golden walking cane with a large golden dragon head as the handle on the end and place it under my arm.

I grab my gold frame glasses to put on my face and walked outside of my office, and say to the equally drenched in Golden accessories security:

"Let's go make the rounds."


I may behave in a frivolous, or foppish, and overall nouveau riche manner in public. 

However behind secure doors, unlike others in this world with this routine, I'm certainly not some dashing avenger like the Scarlet Pimpernel, Zorro, or Batman according to some cliches of people playing the fool in public.

but just a non-controversial-minded traveler, just trying to guarantee the family's businesses and my future family's legacy.

I have no tragic back story, or great cause I'm seeking to get done.

Just securing these industries' profitability, all the while fulfilling some past wishes, lifelong goals, and new goals created specifically for this world I arrived in.

I may have the Almighty blind box system for gaining daily random prizes that provide a considerable edge for myself in this unsure world, 

but, I'll still never doubt the ingenuity of others, especially in a fictional comic, movie, and animation-based world like this one.

I put away my messy thoughts and come to the casino floor.


After stepping into the noisy packed building, I stopped and reflected with pride on what I saw.

This is my Rhodes Hotels and casino.

Having Over 2500 slot machines on the gaming floor with free entry Cocktails.

Spread out inside of the casino are over 300 game tables with various ways of gambling including, Blackjack, Roulette, a secure poker room with nightly tournaments, craps, high-limit video slots, video poker, baccarat, free slot spins prizes for members, video keno, Texas holden, etc...

In the Hotel there is a Resort spa, drinking bar sauna, and a personal concierge assigned to each room for a guide on ways to relax or enjoy the events of the Rhodes hotel and casino, like the:

Hotel Cocktail bar and Lounge.

Casino Sports bar for Screening And Gambling while watching world soccer, basketball, football, racing, and a place to wager on sports books.

An attached nightclub dance floor above the casino sports bar with a resident house DJ.

A retractable Stadium roof with nighttime headliner artists or sports events with the interior of the stadium filled with private entertainment rooms for up-close personal performing acts like the acrobatic circus, comedy, magic, or headline event viewing bar.

I had just finished new designs on the places aforementioned.

I made sure to consider my gold fruit when refitting the casino and hotel with the newest designs.

As a result, I have Gold stashed deposits in every place covertly inside all the family properties.

The Devil Fruit processed Touched gold is hidden or in plain sights like in the form of the Golden statues that decorate the casino and hotel. 

Whether it's gold dripped, coated, or plated properties, and all of the solid gold fixtures created when redesigning the casino and the retractable roof stadium venue; they were all previously touched by me, to meet the conditions of my system rewarded, gold gold fruit.

Everyone is Thinking these add-ons are all tourist photo sites, attraction props, or new designs, but in fact, all these gold fixtures and props are timely weapons for my self in case of emergencies, or if anything goes wrong in the casino properties, I'm fully armed if I must make a move. 

The best example of hidden weapons in plain sight is the newest place wall street golden bull statue in the middle of the casino that can come to life like a night at the museum movie, and spear tackle or gore anything to protect me or the casino's interest at any time.

With the addition of so much flashy gold as on's, we acquired an Unofficial nicknamed, the Gold Rhodes (r.o.a.d.s) or Golden Rhodes (r.o.a.d.s) casino by regulars and locals.

This casino was not initially built by my family but was purchased quickly and cheaply during a bankruptcy proceeding finalized by the bank and Creditors.

Because of previous proprietor debts, we gained a deal with enough money left over to have the establishment refitted inside and out, to become the Rhodes casino it is today.

My household may not be a family of outright murderous villains, but we are surely a group of ruthless amoral capitalists.


Our family secretly made the previous owners' already desperate times, even more, desperate from inside the shadows. 

The owner slowly found himself pushed to a dead end, and my family took advantage of the situation.

Through some special means, as well as a life full of accumulated favors over the years beforehand, being used and exhausted, all just to get this casino investment.

That's why my parent's entrustment of their retirement investment meant so much to both versions of me, new or old Zachary, and became another reason I became so resolute to make this place successful...by any means possible.

 To keep our family's dirty laundry from being exposed, as it would be bad, as that casino still had many old money vegas wealthy investors forced to sell stock in a(thought to be) failing casino.

Just in case, the shady deals participants became loose ends and were tied up thoroughly.

Some influential people were given warnings and paid off or some joined the strangely flash mini cult and committed suicide with five shots to the back in the desert in some rituals.

Thus, my family involvement became rumored, but instantiated by any evidence or whistleblower testimonies.

What was that strange cults name again tri-, something or other, let's not bother my parents about it, not that it matters anymore.


I make my entrance while dressed in this flashy attire to welcome a crowd of the hotel and the casino division managers of the next shift as they welcome me back, the eccentric nightlife boss of Las Vegas, Zachary D. Rhodes.

All for promotion I think to myself, as I feel tourist eyes and people rubbernecking me.

As employees who could survive or be employed after the mysterious company purges some time ago, they can all be considered 'Zach's people".

Of course, some people still slip through the cracks but eventually, they will get caught by frequent random and scheduled inspections.

tonight is such a night for a random inspection and job assessments.

The employees are excited and nervous about being reviewed, as they can be fired, promoted, or stay in the same place based on performance.

Promoted does not always mean a position change as they are limited in the company, but a kind of lifestyle promotion, as each prize, can be considered as a promotion in lifestyle.

the number of company raffle turns for generous cash and prizes set up by the boss.

Depending on the inspection results on profitability and other metrics is how the promotion results tickets are given out to other employees to spin a roulette wheel for gifts.

Strangely this prize wheel always seems to favor rewarding the beautiful big-breasted employees, who celebrate by jumping up and down in excitement each time.

After several times, this jiggling coincidence didn't go unnoticed by others and questions started to brew.

Is the fix in?

But people's doubt subsided when Some beautiful straight-A chest managers and old men supervisors also won prizes for their performance and wrote off the previous incident as just a coincidence.

Most of the staff is a bundle of women who can be considered as beautiful as they are talented and hard-working.

I did this because, well, frankly because I could. 

Why not, It's My prerogative, my casino.

As long as their merits pass the standards of our company first, everything after that is all aesthetics.

Preferably, it's better to hire attractive people in the service industry.

Between Harsh Faced employees and people easy on the eyes, which is more desirable is very clear, especially if you want return customers in your establishment.

Of Course, I'll never let slip my preferences on hiring anyone known too clearly as to avoid any class action lawsuits by a bunch of disgruntled straight A's or airports. 

Even if the proof is obvious and jiggling right now in front of the staff, I won't admit to it.

This is not fair, well, life's not fair, get your own casino to do social justice, I'm trying to get results.

So now, we at Rhodes casino and hotel have the most female employees in a Las Vegas casino. 

which can be used as a selling point to advertise or virtue signal about our company's 'progressive views', if you ignore the abundant busts and golden ratio figures of our female staff that is.


There is also a more logical reason for these changes and it's that the younger single men and women made up most of the traitors purged before.

And these screened out and later retained slightly older women who have families and stable roots in las Vegas and more importantly they didn't betray when tempted to do so through a loyalty test before the purge had begun.

I naturally Assume it's because of fear of the consequences, and retaliation of course, not righteousness.

Whatever the reason for their loyalty, they passed the test and now this partial army of well-put-together big cleavage Milf's in the workforce is one of a kind in this town.

But I'm not at all careless just because of this brigade of busty beauties.

Most of the people who left now are my proponents, a few family men and mostly married older women, and I know where all these employees live. 

That may have sounded a bit threatening, but that's because...I meant it to be threatening,



A special force was created for me to act as both a kind of internal affairs and the Swat team for this budding conglomerate in my hands.

It has some DC-named characters who joined in for a hearty price of course.

This secret force also knows about my gold manipulation ability. 

In order to dissuade any thoughts of betrayal later on, I filtered gold dust into a closed room's air supply in front of them.



They stare at a giant gold boulder that manifested in the air in a daze for various reasons.

 while they were dazed and confused, I lay out my conditions for employment in an upfront manner with them all, to avoid remorse later. 

After showing them the horror of my strength as a devil fru-*cough* I meant "meta-human", yeah, as a "meta-human", they were convinced I had the means to either stealthily kill them all or pay them generously.

After I explain the pros and cons, they are willing to swallow gold into their body, so I placed them for insurance.

(Mostly they agreed on the surface because a powerful and deeply hidden meta-human revealed his ace in the hole to strangers in order to subdue them as new subordinates.

If there themselves and if the solicitation fails, and they disagreed, then surely they'd be killed mysteriously.) 

(And their assumption would be proven correct in the future... 

Zachary was going to let leaks concerning his affairs experience what it is like to have "Absolute Zero Luck" in the accident-prone realistic world that is an alternate D.C. universe.)

while being my employees, I assured them that if they complete the employee contract terms honestly and later choose to resign and not renew for an extension, it was okay.

I will respect it and I will remove the kill switches of gold that I Had Placed beforehand. 

The kill switch is equivalent to high-yield explosives Inside their bodies in case of betrayal, descent against me, or my interests.

Off course when they leave my services, I will obviously return them back to normal. 

(Probably, I mean, only a fool wouldn't leave a stealth backhand, just in case.)

They look at the remuneration and benefits gladly, then they whistle excitedly as if they were on a construction site, on a lunch break, and seeing a pretty lady passing by, they are tempted to shoot their shot for a beautiful future.

The assembled agreed to my terms for the benefits and signed the contracts with divisiveness almost immediately, like the mercenaries, desperados, and money-hungry fiends they are.

I then had each person breathe in gold air particles and 2 cups of a liquor beverage with touched gold. 

I had the small gold chunks manifest into their body's extremities spread out to not interfere with their daily lives.

the rest of the gold turned into mini micro flowing into the bloodstream to remain dormant.

Finally, with some manipulation, I form a dime coin-sized Golden mark that was attached to their hearts and spinal cord gaps, this was a primo kill switch.

Some side effects like a golden sheen on the skin, a Golden tint on nails, and a slightly added golden hue in the depths of their eyes, which is all small cosmetic details in the squadron's opinions compared to the alternative.

Accept a steady job with a vast monetary payment with amenities benefits and turn a little gold. 


Reject the offer foolishly and never make it out of the secluded building's site before our lungs turn golden and choke you to death before reaching the exit door.

or have their hearts pierced by gold thorns or their hearts become solid gold allowing no blood circulation to die slowly in agony.

The choice was clear, or at least the illusion of choice if you want life, as dead men tell no tales.

 And like that, I had a "volunteer" version of the suicide squad that was created to do my bidding for the premium bread butter I offered.


So now, If any employee pulls some crazy shit, and tries to disappear afterward,

then I'll make the team pay a house visit and make it so their fugitive asses have to look for me when their families go missing.

Everything seems in order in the casino after some growing pains.

But some things I can't control, like for instance the company rumor mill. 

Because of my stylized behavior as a nouveau riche, (to carry gold) and my 'unique' brash hiring practices, numerous strange rumors circulated about me. 

The rumors got so fiercely spread that when I just say hello to these married woman employees now, they blush immediately or start fidgeting apprehensively with half-willing faces.

Why does she look like that?

What are you halfway willing to do, huh? 

I'm tempted, I'll admit it, I hired them as talented eye candy that fit my aesthetics, 

but just as eye candy, not for tasting, suckling, or devouring.

I might eye fuck them behind a certain crystal ball sometimes, 


but I'd never make the workplace environment shady and uncomfortable, which would bad for business.

So Don't frame an innocent man with your easily misunderstood mannerisms!

Another side effect is that my lounge areas are filled with nervously drinking husbands, who enthusiastically come to pick up their wives from work because of said rumors.

When I briefly meet their wives in front of them to say goodbye in passing, the husband would rush up to grab their wives' hands with a frown every time, saying hello and goodbye to me stiffly before fleeing with his wife.

While his wife, unknown to him, was giving complex looks back at me while being dragged away by her husband.

Unknown to the two men in question, the older beauty was getting off with an erotica story scenario playing in her mind of a young flippant rich president, a loyal blue-collared husband, and her, an attractive older casino worker caught in the middle.

I can only shake my head at these misunderstandings.

Zatanna found this situation funny when I told her about this phenomenon. 

she laughs harshly at my 'self-inflicted wounds' as she calls them.

Then she saw the women in question's appearances, and no longer found it funny.

She chastised me: 

"Are you running a hotel and casino or a place for former Miss America pageant contestants to take kickbacks?" she ask as she pinched my exposed flesh, I endured the pain, but her words sparked ideas in my mind.

"Beauty contest, casino beauty contest, paid stadium attraction, Miss Las Vegas, or Vegas strip queen, I could even-"

*SLAP* across Zach's bare chest resounding in the room, as they were in in-depth naked communication on the bed, Zach was wide open for it.

"Zachary D. Rhodes You dare! 

I'll saw all them bitches in half if you do! "

Zatanna fiercely said, but her blushing face and panting betrayed her actual state.


clinging in pained surprise at her efficient cross-body chops across my chest, I could not help but ask:

"babe,...are you rick flair's daughter?

"Who?" Ask Zatanna.

"The aspirational spirit leader of the Las Vegas lifestyle," I reported to her.

Why?" Ask Zatanna between moans.

"Because his holy mantra is..."

Zach smirks smugly then...

"Kiss stealing *mwah*

"!" surprised by the sudden kisses but she didn't hate it or complain as he continued.

"Wheeling, dealing"

"Ahh, umm" two deep hard thrusts caught her off guard while in shock at the kisses.

"Limousine riding, jet flying"

Sudden changes in positions while still pumping inside her excited her as his motions started to speed up in intensity with each word.

"Mmmm" she gripped her arms around his neck as he rose with her legs clinging around his waist and standing upright.

He took a deep breath and said:

"Let's go to space mountain babe!"

Confused and unprepared. She asked: "Space what- hii-mmm, ahhh!

What answered her was a full-power piston with all his body's strength! 


"ah! Zach you son of- ahh, warn me, mm ahh!"



After that in-depth 'conversation', she forced Public displays of affection whenever passing by the married female employees, as if marking me in front of them. 

Zatanna also forbid me to follow the "aspirational spiritual leader of Las Vegas lifestyle" any longer.

Even though her internet search results came up empty, she still considered him a bad influence on her boyfriend, this Ric Flair.


I came out of my reflections on the times I spent trolling my girlfriend, and I engage with the situation in front of me.

I called up the first person in management to come report.

The ladies' group whispered and She blushed harder despite her neutral face and came to report.

I just sighed inwardly, as I'm helpless on what to do, really what can I do in this situation?

to deny it outright too strongly makes you suspicious, to explain to the ones involved won't work, that would make things more awkward.

Sometimes explaining is losing, despite your best efforts it will only fuel the fire more.

You are damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

So just ignore it, and never address issues and they will magically disappear.

that's the perfectly healthy and the correct choice to make right? 

What's the worst thing that could happen, right?

Probably shouldn't have created that flag for myself, right?

A woman stepped to my side with documents in hand.

Her name is Angelina, 28 years old, Russian-born, first-generation American.

She was a well-educated college graduate, who took time to raise her family, but was considered an amateur since she to took off years to raise kids and sat on her diploma merits with no practical experience, only theoretical knowledge.

It seems my sexist considerations gave her a place to shine her skills inadvertently.

She's in charge of the casinos hold(~)or (PC) percentage of the profitability the casino wins, divided by many metrics.

Her job is relatively secure, as in my casino, the house never loses past a certain level.

because of my machinations, we will always have an unreasonable profit margin.

I check the Drop(~) of the casino floor from earlier in the Night shifts with satisfaction.

"Okay, everything is great as always Ange, you can go make the daily exchange of flat cheques (~) with the casino treasury security."

"Yes, mister Rhodes," said Angelina.

Another woman is called forward who is in charge of the night's statistic odds and the floor traffic high and low time numbers.

Next after her a representative of VIPs of the hotel, next the stadium supervisor, etc...

one department after another reported data, Statistics, and various numbers to me, who recorded it all down to double-check it later.

Trust, but verify.

 We finally got to the last department, security.

It's run by a burly guy named rogers who knocked on my office door earlier.

His real name is not Rogers, but I call him Rogers because he looks like a tan and mustached version of Captain America, Steve rogers from the universe next door.

I had difficulty pronouncing his true name on his badge and he probably got tired of being called hey guy, you their, hey fella, and dude.

By his suggestion, not mine, I gave this Greek-African man named "Ohthere Azariah Ndamunkong" a nickname.

Thus, "Rogers" was born.

I then go to the main security room to check my eye in the sky (~).

They all nod with a no-nonsense demeanor at my arrival, and playback some videos, and explained their findings to me.

"We are all clear now, with only a few shouting matches at the bars, and the ejection of two equally drunken Gamblers, but nothing compared to this." said a guard behind a computer screen.

He pulls up a picture of a Table in a secluded section of the casino on the big plasma monitor.

"We got a sloppy rounder (~) who performed many Cross broader (~) tactics like counter(~) and hold out (~) on this last corner table."

"When we searched him for weapons before bringing him in for questioning he had a Sub(~) on his person."

"A dirty Rounder huh?"

"How brave to treat our Store(~) like a soft target establishment. " I became slightly interested, but soon became confused.

Watching someone almost cheat at every opportunity and time at the card table like a desperate Gambler, I frowned. 

It's too impetuous and deliberate, surely he knows that he will be caught, even amateur employees with little training would notice something wrong.

"Sir, I ran his face through facial recognition programs and identified him." Said another guard seeing me frown as I watched this mad Gambler's antics.

A guard handed over A file with his identity and his 'professional' history was given by another security employee.

Comparing his past achievements with his performance tonight for a famous, name-able casino rounder is beyond suspicious.

I was in deep thought while thumping through this man's records.

Many ideas and scenarios crossed my mind about the meaning of this man's actions.

' A Deliberate provocation from this Grifter(~), but why?'

'Is it revenge for being a Bust out joint (~)?'

' No, we are hidden too deeply, and I'm sure the luck luck fruit ability of grabbing the luck of others and redistributing that stolen luck else ware is untractable unless I'm reckless.'

'It's a metaphysical probability concept and with stealth application, it's beyond the scope of the suspicion unless deliberate, especially for some two-bit gambler who's not a superpower.'

'So, what's your angle here?'

I Snapped the loaded file closed and tapped the closed file on the desk and turned around to the security crew.

with a grin that's not a grin and I then say: 

"Let's go check this previously 86(~) and find out what he's trying to do here not registered under the gold rush amnesty gambler program."

"Yes, boss," the security following behind Zachary said.

"You wanna provoke my Majesty blatantly huh, you now have my attention."


 The Veteran security and employees collectively gulped audibly as their hearts skipped a beat and bodies shuttered at that facial expression and tone of their boss just now.

Remembering the last time their boss declared out loud like that, many people became unlucky as he started his internal purge.

Most strangely, boss Rhodes knew where to look for corruption, and he had us set up monitoring, and then we had a lot of fired coworkers, and some more serious offenders had vanished from the city mysteriously and never appeared again.


While it might be around 1 am Las Vegas time where Zachary is, 

In a place across the world from where Vegas is 11 hours behind in time zones, a portal opens and figures ready for a fight walk out.

Fire, Zatanna, witch fire, Star girl, gypsy, wonder woman, and shazam arrive.

Shazam asked: "Are we there yet?" with no one responding to his warping joke he's said several times in transit.

Barely out of the portal and gazing at the non-urban surroundings star girl ask:

"Are we in the right place?" said Star girl.

A natural park in the distance and the beachfront coincide with each other in the beautiful scenery, but nobody is enjoying these amenities in the silent atmosphere.

Suddenly explosions are heard in the distance, along with scattered screams.

Arcadia's plaza buildings and nearby hotel resorts are gradually becoming deserted Because of smoking rubble in various places showing someone forcefully booked this area to await expected guests.

Dashing the heroes arrive at a contradictory scene in front of them.

Under an umbrella is a shade glasses-wearing woman with red hair and a sun hat who sat lounging in a Beach chair in the middle of the plaza streets, as two burly hybrid beastmen wave palm trees to cool her off, as she drinks wine casually with her feet up on top of a cage.

To her side, A blond woman who is in a suit of Armor sitting on top of a boulder as her eyes were closed in meditation while her long hair waved in the ocean breeze.

And lastly, a black hoodie-caped figure levitated off the ground with his attention towards the sea in the distance, as if the devastation behind his back didn't interest him at all.

Looking at the relaxed state of these deadly foes and the firey chaos in the surroundings, caused gypsy to jest to Star girl: 

"I think we got the right place."



Gambling slang terms:

Sub(~)device worn under clothes by cheaters or dealers to conceal stolen chips.

Store(~) slang for casino aka house.

Rounder(~) player who has been around and is wise in the way of gaming.

Drop(~) all the money that tables collect during a shift.

Eye in the sky (~) security camera overhead in a casino.

86(~) when a casino rejects discards, bars, or excludes a player from playing a table or being in the casino.

Cross broader (~) cheater at cards.

counter(~) card counter who keeps track of cards during a game, working probability.

Hold out (~) cheater who conceals a card for future use.

 flat cheques (~) cheques from a different casino.

Grifter (~) a cheater or con person.

Bust out joint (~) a casino that cheats its customers.


*story is a Mixed plot bag, alternate DC universe setting*




Cashtag: $fanficsforfun


(it's not required, but it's appreciated to get some money where your mouth is feedback.)


The novel projects on here will be updated IRREGULARLY, I repeat IRREGULARLY. 

-you have been warned.

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