
Lady who grated wishes

Sun has been risen, people are crowding Street with continuous flow it seems that they are really busy and has to do something or reach to somewhere it seems that some of them are going for jobs while others where students who are going to school early in the morning it looks like everybody has a purpose to reach somewhere and works to finish but amongst this crowding atmosphere one man can be seen standing it looks he is waiting for someone or perhaps thinking of something.

He is attire with blue denim pent and blue shirt with quite an average feature he has black pointy eyes with black hair covers his his left eye which gave him charismatic looks but from his expressing it seems to be one of those slothful. Suddenly he started to walk toward nearby cab and swap away.... What remain is flow of crowded people.

Adrian's POV:

Adrian has reached to the public transport center near to his apparent where local cabs are available for travellers. He was early today so that he choose to stay there and have a good view of area surrounding.

Suddenly a thought pass through his mind, "what a drag men, it feels same always going school than to came back to apartment and than idling till midnight." he gave long sigh than continue to his self actualization process, "still this are my imagination but hop that something like that can happens with me like meeting with God and gaining wishes to born with overpower mode alas That's just futile dreams."

After a long for he rented a cab and drift away towards his destination.

Original plot:

At Royal university of information and technology which resides at Tokyo, Japan a cap stops and Adrian steps out of it. He directly went for his session. Today was an guest lecturer is coming to visit university who is monk from Mt.korohaman going to take an session of importance of meditation in persons life.

Adrian reach to the seminar hall where everybody has already occupied their respective sites so Adrian quickly get one too and started to adjust his focus toward session which has already started. Lecturer is an bald lady attire with yellow saffron. She has very gentle facial feature which brought feeling of respect and reverence toward her.

She continue her speech, "Broadly speaking, more than meditation, we should be using the word mindfulness (sati) when ascribing importance. Meditation often—and misleadingly—conjures up sitting serenely lotus on a zafu with downcast eyes. This is but one form of mindfulness. You can 'meditate' while eating, walking, talking, driving, etc. All our activities can be meditations...."after two hours her session come to an end.

Adrian is walking at central city part wearing white t shirt and black pent and suddenly he notice something in his view in an narrow street lie an shop which look very ancient and old due to curiosity he started to walk toward that shop. Door to shop was open but still politeness sack he knock the door saying " hello, is there anyone there."

No response came

Still he repeat two time but still no avail..

He enter into shop.

It was full of antics which make shop looks really old but what get attention of Adrian is one portrait. Due to his personality he says, "she must be an gorgeous lady when she was alive.." and started to observe portrait. But suddenly lady in portrait speak, "thank you for complement young man,speak what are your 2 wishes, I can grant your any two wishes."

Adrian was shocked he started to looking at everywhere to see no one is there.he calm him self down and started thinking and look at lady in portrait was smilingly looking at him. But he started to shiver not from fear but from excitement.

He thought is this really true?

Am I really hearing stuff out or it really is that thing that I was wishing all those years?

To she that Adrian is not responding lady once again speak, "say young man what are your two wishes I can grant you any two wishes."

He hesitantly ask, "who are you lady and how can you fulfil my wish?"

Lady replied, "young man it is fate that brings you here and about my identity world is full of wonder may be one day you will came to know who I am? But for now I can feel your desire to gain power and that attitude of an ruler reside in you so I'm going to grant you two wishes."

"How can this be possible that this kind of thing really exist lady? "ask Adrian.

Lady replied with smile," from your tone it seem that you know about supernatural capability which can happen but still you are hesitant. Why is that? "

"because it can not be true that suddenly I found and old antic shop and a lady I portrait says that I can grant you any two wishes. It looks more like an dream than reality that only happens in anime and novels which I prefers to read."Adrian questions somewhat afraid to find this an illusion.

"Young man have you even thought that how can someone write all this novel with such precise details? I can only say this that our world is full of possibility and wonder you will know this in mean time. "said lady mysteriously.

Adrian was silent. Somewhat still confused what he has just here.

"What are your wishes young man speak Young man", lady insist.

"Tell me lady what you really want from me by providing those two wishes. "Adrian said hesitantly affried that he might loose this golden opportunity but still he was no fool he knows that to get something one have to pay something of equal amount.

" you are quite thoughtful young man but alas you are not capable of paying anything to me right now. Let it be on fate when we meet again than you will be able to pay for this till that you have to survive if you can. " said lady

" I understand. " said Adrian thoughtfully.

" Have you think out your wishes young man. "lady ask.

" Yes I have. " Adrian said




Like this Adrian met the lady in portrait with lots of mystery. Who nows what Adrian ask and how his wishes can change his life. He has already take a step toward his life full of adventure.