
I'm a Quincy, Are you kidding me!?

i do not own bleach, tensura or any anime/novel that I use in this fanfic. A regular guy was reincarnated into bleach as uryus fraternal twin brother, but before the canon could start he was sent to another world. watch as he traverses the dangers the cardinal world with the friends he meets along the way.

John_Dose · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: talk with the Queen x Spirit Summoning

Riku POV

Me: "Looks like the golems down for the count. So does this mean that I passed your test and we can have our important discussion?" I asked after defeating the elemental colossus.

Not long after my question was asked, I hear the same voice as before but this time it was out loud instead of through telepathy.

???: "Yours you passed my test and have been granted an audience just as you wanted."

After hearing that I see a small yellow light that seemed to appear out of nowhere and flew toward me before stopping about arms length from me.

Ramiris: "tada, behold I am one of the 10 great demon lords, Ramiris of the labyrinth.Bow before me!"

I knew who she was but did not say anything about it to not interfere with the timeline as much as possible. However I am not sure if the cardinal world was like the one from the anime or if its an alternate universe (AU).

Me: "So you're a demon lord and queen of the spirits?"

Ramiris: "yes I am the queen of the spirits as well as a demon lord. I am curious as to why you weren't scared of the elemental colossus? and what was that fighting style you used?"

Me: "Sure but how about we talk about this over drinks?"

I use [achive] to open a window to take out a couple of bottles of wine and two glasses. Some conversations are better to have with a couple of drinks, I move to (item storage) then scroll to the (alcohol drinks) folder to take out the items I need. When the alcohol and glasses appeared she had a surprised look on her face.

Ramiris: "Whoa! How did you do that? What was that screen?"

Me: "This screen is from one of my unique skills called [Archive], it allowes me to access a storage of information that I possess. I also found a way to use it to store items I gathered in my travels. Since time doesn't flow in my [archive storage] I don't have to worry about food going bad or materials rotting before I could sell them."

I told her about [archive] as I was pouring the drinks, I handed her a glass and we start drinking. After drinking a sip of wine, I hear a voice in my head.

<<Confirmed. Acquisition of the skill [poison resistance] successful.>>

Looks like I got the resistance I wanted, hopefully if I get [poison nullification] and [spiritual attack nullification] I can see if it could help quincies defend their souls from hollows. After drinking a few glasses of wine, I start to talk to her about my purpose for going to the dwelling of spirits.

Me: "To tell you the truth, I am what you would call an otherworlder. I was walking home with my younger fraternal twin brother when suddenly I felt like I was falling while hearing a voice about skills and woke up on a field that was between the Kusha mountains and the sorcerer Dynasty sarion."

Ramiris had a shocked look on her face as I continue to explain my origin.

Me: "In my world there are beings know as hollows that devour human souls, they don't care wether the hman they attack is either living or a wandering soul. They come in different shapes and sizes but can usually be identified by a white mask they wear and a hole that's either on their chest or some part of their body. let me show you, one second."

After saying that I activate my unique skill [archive], causing a screen and keyboard popped up infront of me and I start searching for information about hollows. The little fairy then flys right next to me with a curious expression on her face.

Ramiris: "So your going to use your unique skill?"

Me: "Yeah, [archive] also lets me show the info I want to others and transfer information into directly into someones mind though I have not tried to use that yet."

I explain [archive] to her while looking for the info I have about hollows. Ah, found it, the folder marked (hollows) and inside that is a folder called (hollow images) which I opened and showed Ramiris the Image of hollows that I've seen in my second life. She's looking at the pictures of hollows with a 'weirded out' expression before looking at me to say something.

Ramiris: "These are Hollows!? They look more monsterous than the monsters in this world! Where do these hollows come from?"

Me: "Let me try sending the info directly into your mind that could help answer your questions." I said before going into thought '[Spirit sage] use [archive] to transfer a copy of the information I have on hollows to Ramiris.'

<Understood. beginning copy and transfer>

I then see an image of a folder marked (copy of holow info) with an arrow next to it pointing toward a icon that looks like the head of Ramiris. Then I hear her gasp as the information is going straight into her mind, so her surprise was understandable. Then the image of the folder transfer to Ramiris was replace by a "transfer complete" sign.

Ramiris: "*gasp* Wow, so that how hollows are formed. But I am still curious about the you and your twin brother. So are the two of you different from regular humans in your world.

Me: "Yes, my brother Uryu and I are beings known as Quincies. you see..."

I begin to explain about how the Quincies of my world were like what would be considered high humans in this world since we possesed powers that no normal humans have. I also told her about the history of quincy, including Yhwach who has the ability to share pieces of his soul with others. I have the same ability to share pieces of my soul with others but I haven't tested it out because I did not want to give the wrong person power since power corrupts even when used with the best of intentions.

She was very fascinated by the history of my world until up to the end of the history lesson. She had a few questions about the quincies and the soul like and the guincy etermination which I answered to the best of my abilities.

Ramiris: "So this Ywhach is still alive even after 1000 years?"

Me: "Yes but he is still recovering from his fight with Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto. When I came into this world he still has about a year left to recover his strength from that battle. There is something about that called the kaiser gesang."

Ramiris: "Kaiser gesang?"

Me: "It is the legend about Yhwach it goes like this; The confined quincy king regains his pulse after 900 years, his mind after 90 years and his strength after 9 years. He would regain his strength by robbing Quincies he deemed impure of their powers and making those powers his own. When those quincies lose their powers, they become weak and some of them died; including my frail mother."

Ramiris: "What!? So the guy killed your mother!?"

Me: "In a way you could say that. She was already frail too begin with so when she lost her powers she became ill and died. and don't get me started about my father, he may be mine and uryus father but he doesn't act like it. I sometimes doubt whether he actually has any emotions let alone care about his living children."

I told Ramiris about my family and how I made preparations to save my people to keep them from being killed by Yhwach and the soul reapers again. The Quincies deserve to live happily, but with the way things are in that world it will be difficult.

Me: "So thats why I came here, I was hoping to get a contract with a spirit so I could become stronger in order to save the quincies and make sure they get to live full happy lives. Will you please help me summon a spirit?" I asked Ramiris while bowing my head.

After about a minute of silence, I notice that there was a light glowing in front of me that felt warm. So I looked up to see that it was Ramiris that was releasing this warm light.

Ramiris: "You know, I'm not just a demon lord; I am also know as the guide of saints and the fairy of the labyrinth, as well as the former queen of the spirits. its my duty to bestow divine protection upon any traveling heros I may meet. For you see, thats my job, I'm here to help maintain the balance of this world. now come, I will help you in your quest. Hopefully you will call a powerful spirit."


10 minutes later

Dwelling of spirits

Me: "where are we?"

Ramiris: "The deepest part of the labyrinth, the Dwelling of spirits."

I can feel the natrual energy in this place, im sure this is how the other quincies felt wheen they go to the soul society or hueco mundo thats full of reishi.

Me: "So this is where I can summon a spirit?"

Ramiris: "Yes but you have to remember that they have their own wills, so they'll only answer your summons if they feel like it. but don't worry, if you cant't summon one you can always syphon off their energy and create a new superior spirit."

Create a new superior spirit huh? I am not sure on how to do that with what I have with me? these thoughts came to me while we made our way to the top platformit took 5 minutes to get to the top platform.

Ramiris: "So just go out there and call out to them. Say something like you need their help or you wanna play. If any spirits show up them their interested in you."

Me: "Okay I got it."

I went forward to the center and got on my knees and start my prayer to summon a spirit.

Me: 'Hello spirits, I am sure that some of you may have hear my conversation with your queen. I request you help so I can save the quincies. I'm not going to pretend that I am being noble, I want to defeat Yhwach for what he did to my mother as well but what I said about saving my people is true. I hope that one of you will answer my prayer.'

When I finished my prayer I notice a shift in the natural energy as I see bright yellow light specks of light and black specks light descends. The floating specks then converge, manifesting into three floating figures. From what I could tell the one on the right is the spirit of light with blonde hair glowing bright yellow wings. The one on the left was the spirit of darkness that has black hair and shadowy wings. The spirit in the middle is what surprised me the most, not only does he have one bright yello wing and one dark wing but he looks like terra from Kingdom Hearts! I hope to meet a spirit but this was beyond my expectations.

to be continued until next chapter.