
I'm a Kaiju?

Jackie had a good life, he had wonderful parents and a wonderful future. Until he had a marathon of intercourse non-stop. Now reincarnated in the Godzilla verse as a kaiju that he has never seen, Jackie must learn how to survive this world. Did I mention he had three heads now? An: Art ain't mine it's @spooky splash on twitter Or @moviac

StoryCraft · Others
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42 Chs

Chapter 36: Child of Taboo

Disclaimer: This fanfic is just for fun! It's all made up and meant purely for entertainment. Any resemblance to real stuff is totally coincidental. I don't own the original characters or worlds; that credit goes to the awesome creators. No harm or disrespect is intended. Enjoy the ride!

Author's Note:

So, I have to spill the beans. Someone hit me up with a suggestion that I just couldn't shake off. They were like, "Yo, why not dive into the epic showdown between Ghidorah and Battra for the first time?" At first, I kind of hesitated, you know? Like, how could I possibly do justice to such an intense showdown?

After mulling it over for a while (okay, maybe a bit longer than a while), I realized y'all were onto something. So, here it is—a flashback chapter delving deep into the very first encounter between Battra and Ghidorah.


In the frigid depths of the Age of Ice and eternal winter, Earth's ancient landscapes were not just battered by the relentless chill but by a cataclysmic threat of a different nature altogether. The Kaijus, towering monstrosities that once ruled the planet unchallenged, now face a crisis unlike any before. Slowly but steadily, the very essence of their world was being reshaped, transformed by an insidious force from beyond the stars.

A great unease hung in the air as the gargantuan beings witnessed the gradual terraformation of their beloved home. It wasn't the relentless advance of the ice sheets that troubled them most, but the subtle, ominous changes wrought by an alien Kaiju, whose appearance was as mysterious as it was menacing. 

Its arrival was shrouded in mystery; whispered rumors among the Kaiju spoke of golden scales that shimmered with an otherworldly light and wings that spanned the horizon with an ominous majesty. Its form, a grotesque amalgamation of serpentine heads, each adorned with malevolent eyes, struck fear into the hearts of even the bravest Kaijus. With every flap of its colossal wings, the very fabric of Earth seemed to tremble, a testament to the unearthly power it possessed.

This creature was known only as Ghidorah, the golden devil, the golden terror, and the beast of the stars.

Godzilla and Mothra, titans among titans, had dared to confront this otherworldly menace. Their clash shook the very foundations of the earth, but, alas, victory eluded them. The confrontation with Ghidorah had been disastrous. Godzilla, with his immense strength, and Mothra, with her divine grace, had sought to challenge the alien invader. But Ghidorah proved to be an unstoppable force, its power beyond comprehension, and its wrath unrelenting. Forced to retreat, Godzilla and Mothra nursed their wounds, knowing that facing Ghidorah alone would mean certain death.

Now, as they sought refuge amidst the icy wilderness, Godzilla and Mothra found themselves locked in a tense deliberation. The plan to defeat Ghidorah rested upon a perilous gambit: to lure the alien invader into the domain of another formidable Kaiju, Shimu. With Shimu's ability to freeze everything in its path within seconds, the hope was to ensnare Ghidorah in an icy prison from which it could never escape.

"Godzilla," Mothra implored, her voice tinged with urgency, "we cannot allow Ghidorah to continue unchecked. Shimu's power could be our only hope to stop it."

Godzilla's fierce and unwavering gaze bore the weight of responsibility on his broad shoulders. He knew the dangers that lay ahead and the countless ways their plan could unravel with catastrophic consequences. But as he looked into Mothra's eyes, he saw the resolve mirrored within them—the unwavering determination to safeguard their world at any cost.

"Damn it all," Godzilla muttered, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon where Ghidorah lurked. "I hate this plan. Leading that golden devil straight to Shimu feels like signing our own death warrant."

Mothra placed a gentle claw on Godzilla's massive shoulder, offering what little comfort she could. "We have no choice, my king."

Reluctantly, Godzilla nodded, his voice heavy with resignation. "I understand, Mothra. But know this: the plan has too much risk; we will be relying on an old man to win a war. If we fail..."

His words hung ominously in the frigid air, a stark reminder of the grim reality they faced. Mothra nudged her head to calm the young king. "I understand your fears, my king. I too fear what will happen if we fail now."

Godzilla only huffed in frustration, silently wishing his father was still alive to offer him some knowledge and advice. A brief flash of his battle with the golden devil made Godzilla hiss in anger. 

No, calling that a battle would be an insult. That was nothing but a mere mockery of his status. He was never taken seriously by his enemy; if anything, he was treated like a brat. Not once, not a single time, did his enemy make eye contact with him until he managed to scar the middle one's face, only to discover it could heal far better than his bloodline could.

Injuries that took him minutes to heal only took seconds for the enemy. Even a fatal wound was nothing. 

As the two monsters mulled over how to commence the plan, a familiar buzzing sound was heard, and both turned to see a demonic moth hovering above them.

"So this is where you idiots were hiding." Battra growled in annoyance. "I told you not to go, but noooo, you just had to fight that thing and look at this place! Everything is freezing and its SUMMER! SUMMER! I'm supposed to be asleep by now; I can't even eat my stash without the ice ruining the flavor! What the hell did you two idiots do!?" The demonic moth was emitting sparks of electricity as his temper rose.

"Brother, please calm yourself," Mothra pleaded while watching her twin rant. "I know what we-"

"Calm! Calm!?" Battra exploded in fury. "After what you did!? After what he did!? You expect me to stay calm!? I can't ignore a lot of your mistakes, sister, but this! This is not one of them. Look around you, everything is dying. MOTHER IS DYING!" 

Mothra flinched, while Godzilla stood in front and growled. "Enough! The enemy is up."

"Don't get me started with you!" Battra zoomed close to Godzilla's face. "You wanted to fight but you have to drag my sister with you! You're treating her like a meat shield. She may be immortal but that does not give you the right to treat her as such!" Battra roared in anger.

"Brother," Mothra whispered in solemnity.


"Of course," Mothra sighed.

The demonic twin would have gone further but he suddenly stiffened as his instincts warned him of an incoming predator. Both Godzilla and Mothra also froze, knowing well who triggered this sensation.

The three turned to the sky and saw an unnatural yellow glow in the dark clouds. Flashes of lightning cast a silouhette of Ghidorah as it made its way to their location.

"Its here," Godzilla growled.

"Is that him?" Battra asked, looking at the sky with a tilted head. "How in the world does that even work? Do they share the same stomach? Actually, how do they even reproduce?"

"We have to leave; we need to lure it to Shimu," Mothra said with an urgent tone.

"You won't make it," Battra said with a serious tone.

"What?" Mothra asked, her tone filled with fear. 

"You won't make it," Battra repeated. "With how fast he's going, he'll catch up to you sooner than you think."

Mothra and Godzilla immediately knew what Battra was planning to do. And Mothra, for the first time in her life, displayed worry over her twin. "Brother, you can't be serious," she yelled. "I've seen what he can do! You alone won't be able to."

"I know, sister. But I'm still going to take a bite out of it." Battra hissed as bloodlust and rage erupted from his being.

"Battra, stop," Mothra pleaded but it was too late; her twin had already taken flight to the incoming apocalypse. 

Godzilla only stared at the demonic moth with a narrowed look; he knew stopping Battra was pointless. Worst of all, Battra was right; for their plan to succeed, Battra needed to stay and buy them time as much as he could.

For all his hate towards the demonic moth, he couldn't deny it; Battra earned his respect. To face an overwhelming foe without fear was admirable.


Meanwhile, Ghidorah hovered over the clouds in search of their prey. They needed to find them, as only those two knew where their mate had fallen and been trapped. Their telepathic link to each other had been weakened, hence why it was a struggle to find her. What's worse was that Ghidorah had seen their mate responding to a call that led them here. They had split up to cover more ground and find the source of the call faster, only for his mate to be suddenly silenced. If they hadn't felt their mate's weak connection, they would have assumed someone had killed her.

Suddenly Ghidorah felt a slight chill in the air—a chill he had long forgotten back when he was just a mere hatchling. 

"Ichi, Nii, do you feel that?" San asked with a slight shiver.

"Yes, San. We do; it seems this world is truly the right place for us and our mate to rule." Ichi nodded.

"Damn it! How many of these freaks do we need to put down!?" Nii roared in frustration. "We don't have time for this!"

"Nii, settle down," Ichi ordered.

"Don't tell me what to say," Nii roared, only to hold his breath as he saw Ichi's glare, daring him to finish his words. "I apologize, brother." 

San remained quiet. Deep inside, both brothers knew that their eldest held the most fury and right now, his patience was stretched to its limit. Something about this planet was giving them the itch that they should not be here at all. 

As if this planet were more like a prison of something far more sinister than anything they have encountered.

That's when Ichi and Nii heard San yell out in terror. "ICHI BEHIND US." Then all three heads simultaneously felt something enter their necks and exit. All three heads blinked... Why was their body missing all three heads?

Oh... Something beheaded them.

Just as that thought clicked, their bodies regrew, all missing heads. "What hit us!?" Nii yelled, looking around in anger. "San, what did it look like!?" 

San was panicking, looking around. As the sentry of the group, it was his job to warn the two of any incoming enemy but this was the first time he failed. All he remembered was the buzzing noise and then their beheading.

"I don't—it's right on top of us!" San yelled in terror.


Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel III spring song OST: They Rule the Battlefield

The rest of Ghidorah's heads looked up and saw something that could only be described as hideous and demonic. Ghidorah, who can devour souls, could also see them and their attacker held the ugliest soul they had ever seen. Yet at the same time, even if it was brief... For the first time in their lives, they felt something foreign.

Fear. For the first time, they were afraid of something.

Just as they made eye contact with it, they knew deep down, deep beneath their entire being. They were going to lose if they held back. If this fight went on, they were going to die. Their eyes widened in terror as they realized it was about to claim their heads again. As death was about to claim their souls, Ghidorah roared like never before with defiance. Thus for the first time in their lives, Ghidorah released every power in their entire being in a burst.

Watching the monster protect itself in a dome, Ghidorah wasted no time and unleashed its strongest gravity beam from its maw, forcing the creature to reinforce its shield as it went past them and into the ocean. Yet Ghidorah did not stop, because they knew the moment they did so, the creature would have their heads once more.

So even as they watched it plunge itself into the deepest depths of the ocean, they continued. Even as their throats burned, they kept on firing their beams just to keep the demon away. And thus the birth of what humanity called Marianna Trench.

However, they couldn't keep up with their ire; their bodies simply could not continue such a strenuous attack. That was when they realized the demon wasn't in the ocean. Looking around, they found it standing on a block of solid ice, glaring and growling at them.

"Ichi, we can't kill that thing," Nii uttered in worry. "Something about it is wrong."

"What sort of creature is that? Everything about it is wrong, down to its core," San said, trying to hold back a bile of vomit.

Ichi remained quiet; this had to be a joke. What sort of demented planet would give birth to such horror? 

"ITS COMING!" San yelled in panic.

Just as he did so, the demon lunged itself toward them, so fast that the space around them suddenly bent in the wrong places. Yet, Ichi was able to react just in time, clubbing the demon straight into its head with as much force as he could master.

They watched the demon spin as it righted itself upon hitting the ground, Nii wasted no time ensnaring it with his gravity beam. Yet, to their horror, the demon was breaking free. Nii wasted no time as he pulled the demon in for the kill that San delivered.

As the corpse of the demon fell with a chunk of its chest missing, Ghidorah warily watched and waited. Something told them that the fight was far from over. The beast slowly took a step back before a bolt of lightning struck the corpse.

MALEVOLENT SHRINE Jujutsu Kaisen S2 OST Epic Cover

All three heads watched in shock and disgust as something vile came out of the corpse. It was the same demon using its own corpse as a sacrifice to resurrect itself. Ghidorah couldn't help but freeze and watch in fascination as the process took effect. 

"This sh*t can come back to life!?" Nii yelled in shock.

"What kind of monster is that!?" San yelled, slightly pale from observing the process.

"Ichi, I don't think we should eat that." Nii said. "That thing might disrupt our connection."

Ichi nodded in agreement, the demon's soul would likely cause some interference if they devoured it. Which meant the only option they had was moot. "It seems we will have to find another way." Ichi said with a narrowed glare.

Now that they had taken a good look at the monster that attacked them, they realized what took off their heads in the first place. The beast's large wings had a pattern, making it seem like the wings had large eyes; if the demon was in the air, they would have mistaken it for a face. Its legs were numerous yet they spotted two of the fronts that were serrated and sharp. It also had a stinger shaped like a sickle.


Thunderclap (Sukuna vs Jogo) Jujutsu Kaisen S2 OST Epic Rock Cover

With their eyes, Ghidorah studied its spiritual flow to find a means to cease its resurrection permanently. It had none. Even if they destroy its body, it will still resurrect itself. This demon truly was unstoppable, the only way they would escape and win was if they buried this thing below.

 Which is harder considering what just happened in their first exchange. In all their journey in the cosmos, Ghidorah had dominated, destroyed, and terraformed planet after planet. He had bested their guardians, their champions. They repelled their so-called gods and devoured some to make an example. 

To think that there was something out there...

"To think we will have to go all out on some fly!" Ichi yelled, unleashing a burst of gravity repulsion. In response, the demon unleashed a dome of electricity, with both energies colliding and canceling each other out.

... Something so repulsive could actually exist!?

The demon rushed towards them, causing the glaciers and blocks of ice to turn into steam in seconds as the insect headbutted their gut, causing all three to vomit. Before they could even get hold of it, the demon vanished. 

"Behi-" San didn't finish the last sentence as his head was torn off.

"Shi-" Nii followed after San, as he tried to strike the demon.

"Da-" Ichi could only glare at the demon's afterimage as his head fell to the ocean.

The exchange was brutal and one-sided. The demon's speed had surpassed Ghidorah's, forcing them on the defensive and reliant on their high-tier regeneration. Yet even then, it was being pushed to it's limit.

Every time one of the stumps started regrowing, it was cut down, torched, or shredded. Yet, the one who turned the tide was Nii. On the brink of perhaps madness and desperation, as soon as he felt his neck regenerate, he took control and released another burst of gravity pulse. This burst of energy was what sent their opponent off balance, giving the remaining two the needed moment to regenerate.

The demon took to the skies, and Ghidorah wasted no time in unleashing his gravity beam in every direction they knew. Yet, to their horror, the demon dodged it all with ease so much so that it had enough time to taunt them.

They narrowly avoided having their bodies split in two as the demon made its escape. San roared, creating a focused version of the gravity beam before slamming it down to where the demon was escaping.

The demon managed to dodge the attack at the last minute. It stopped suddenly and glared toward them, making San more wary. The demon rushed back in even faster than before. However, they were able to react with sheer luck as they exchanged blows with the demon. It had taken on a reckless move, as Ghidorah always managed to retaliate after losing one head each time but the golden terror knew this exchange could not continue.

 Ghidorah this time pushed the demon away and took to the skies to get a better shot at the enemy. Yet the demon was able to get ahead of them. Already knowing what it was about to do, Nii took the demon, headbutting it with the same force but it was he who suffered the most. Having lost consciousness for a mere second, even forgetting the fight, Nii was beheaded once more. 

But this was their chance. Ichi swiftly struck the demon's stomach with their tails, sending it back to the frozen sea. As he released more bursts of gravity beams out of their bodies, San and the recently regenerated Nii summoned a storm of meteors from space to ensure that the demon would not escape.

To no one's shock, the demon responded by unleashing bursts of lightning from the sky and its body. Countering each meteor and beam. 

Ghidorah roared while the demon shrieked in rage and fury while heaven and earth witnessed their battle. Both spread their wings as wide as they could, taunting each other. The golden devil then watched the demon gather large amounts of energy and fired it all out at once towards them.

Immediately, all of Ghidorah's heads unleashed their gravity beam into the sky until it merged before, slamming it down like a blade.

The gravity beam had been so focused that it didn't just cut the demon and its attack in half; it also cut time and space itself, severing reality for a brief moment and revealing a dark void behind before it sealed itself shut. 

Yet even that wasn't enough, as the demon was back to life again and rushed towards them. Ghidorah wasted no time and pelted the demon rocks, glaciers, and beams of gravity. All of them missed.

But that was a trap, as a net made of the same attack that cleaved space struck the demon, tearing him to pieces.

Only for it to rise once again and claim all of their heads.


For three days and two nights, Ghidorah and Battra fought each other without stopping. During those times, Battra had cemented its entire being into Ghidorah's soul as something terrifying, and if Ghidorah ever faced something like that again or even sensed a hint of similarity, they would immediately leave.

Ghidorah would never admit it, but they were lucky. The demon had been distracted by the sun, allowing them the chance to bury it with the largest meteor they could pull before imprisoning the demon in a cage of their gravity beams.

And it was because of that demon that they had lost against this planet's champion. Forever trapped in ice, all because they'd rather be in prison than deal with that abomination ever again.

Battra, was his name which meant 'One who births madness and death through destruction' or as the most common of all. 'Child of Taboo'.

An: So What do you think?