
I'm a Husk! in Honkai Impact!,

Yep... The title says it all, oh and this is a y/n story so ye Might sometimes do serious scene and comedic but meh, who knows. Read it if you want to find out. And this fanfic has many art pieces that drawn by me but I can’t or don’t know how to send the images here, however if you want the full experience with artistic images while reading it’s in my wattpad, same title, here is the link: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/322232801-im-a-husk-in-honkai-impact Enjoy

DlinkerNovel · Video Games
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17 Chs

Ch 8 The Time skip, and depart

(The art for the chapters 8 is in wattpad same name of the title of this fanfic, and link is by the author's thought down below)

Aeon felt a pang of sadness in his circuits as he remembered the day Elysia first came to him, a little girl with pink hair and bright eyes. He had taught her everything he knew, from basic survival skills to archery. And now she was ready to leave.

Aeon: I hope she's safe out there

He murmured to himself, feeling a sense of responsibility for the child he had taken under his wing.

As he looked out at the MOTH vehicles surrounding the village, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret. He had done everything he could to prepare Elysia for the outside world, but he couldn't help but worry for her safety.

Aeon: I just hope I did enough

He said softly, his voice barely audible above the sound of the wind.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to push away the feeling of sadness that was welling up inside him. It had been a year since Elysia had come into his life, and in that time he had grown attached to her.

Aeon: Time flies so fast 

He muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

He had built a life for himself and Elysia, creating a base from scratch and fortifying it against the dangers of the world. He had even built a playground and a farm for Elysia to play in, and had automated much of the work so they could focus on survival and learning.

Aeon: I guess I've grown up too

He said with a small smile.

But even as he tried to focus on the positive, Aeon couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness. He had grown used to having Elysia around, and now that she was leaving he didn't know what he would do.

Aeon: I'll miss her

He said quietly, his voice filled with emotion.

He stood there for a few more minutes, lost in thought, before finally turning back to his base. As he walked inside, he knew that things would never be the same again.

As Aeon was about to head back to his base, he heard a loud explosion followed by the sound of something hitting the walls. He quickly turned around and was met with a horrific sight - the gateway of the wall was now filled with hordes of Honkai beasts. Aeon's eyes widened as he reached for his P90 SMG, ready to defend himself and his base.

He started spraying bullets at the front line of the Honkai beasts and then began shooting at the other incoming creatures. As he stepped out of the gateway, he was met with even more types of Honkai beasts - from Honkai archangel class to emporer class Honkai beasts. Aeon was taken aback by the sheer size of the emporer class beast, which stood at a staggering 10 meters tall - much larger than its in-game counterpart.

Aeon: This is bad...this is really bad

He muttered to himself, realizing the severity of the situation.

Aeon Nihilius stood his ground as the hordes of Honkai beasts charged towards him. His body roared in golden overall and black lines, his great sword in hand, double SMG's p90 at his sides, and his giant cross named Oath of Judah resting on his back. The Honkai beasts varied in size and strength, from the smaller Chariot Class to the towering Emperor Class, but Aeon was ready to face them all.

As the beasts closed in on him, Aeon swung his great sword with incredible speed and precision, cutting down the Chariot Class with ease. He then switched to his SMGs, spraying bullets at the larger beasts and taking them down one by one. But there were just too many of them, and Aeon found himself barely able to keep up with the sheer number of attacks coming at him from all sides.

He leaped into the air, dodging a massive wave of energy from an Honkai Angel Class, and came down with a devastating blow from his great sword, slicing the beast in half. But as he landed, he was immediately swarmed by a group of Chariot Class beasts, and had to use his SMGs to fend them off.

Aeon continued to fight, moving gracefully and striking with deadly precision. His Oath of Judah shone brightly as he summoned golden chains to seal the Honkai energy and kill the beasts. But the fight dragged on, seemingly endless, and Aeon was starting to tire.

As he swung his great sword, he was suddenly tackled by an Emperor Class Honkai beast, sending him crashing to the ground. Aeon grunted in pain as he struggled to get back up, but the Emperor Class Honkai beast was already upon him, ready to strike.

Aeon summoned all his strength and swung his great sword with all his might, severing the beast's arm and causing it to howl in pain. But before he could finish it off, he was suddenly attacked from behind by a group of Honkai Angel Class beasts.

The battle raged on, and Aeon fought with all his might, barely able to stay on his feet. He was covered in wounds, his body battered and bruised, but he refused to give up. With a roar of determination, he charged towards the largest Honkai beast on the field, the towering Emperor Class that had nearly taken him down earlier.

The Emperor Class roared in defiance as Aeon approached, but he swung his great sword with all his might, cutting through the beast's thick hide and dealing a massive blow. The beast fell to the ground with a thunderous crash, defeated at last.

Breathless mentally and mentally exhausted, Aeon stood victorious on the battlefield, his great sword and SMGs in hand, his Oath of Judah shining brightly on his back. He had survived the impossible, against all odds, and emerged victorious. But he knew that the battle was far from over, and that there would be many more fights to come in the war against the Honkai.

As Aeon saw more Honkai beasts approaching him, he mentally gritted his teeth and prepared himself for another round of intense battle. With his great sword, double SMGs, and the Oath of Judah, he charged towards the enemies with great force. The Honkai beasts attacked him relentlessly, but Aeon was able to dodge their moves and strike back with his powerful weapons.

The ground shook with each strike of Aeon's great sword, and the air was filled with the sound of his SMGs firing rapidly. Honkai beasts of various sizes and shapes attacked him from all directions, but he remained focused and continued to fight fiercely. The Oath of Judah was used to summon golden chains that sealed the Honkai energy and destroyed the beasts one by one.

(Author: The Drill That Will Pierce The Heavens! I had to do it if I can control chains like that! The drawing I that is suppose to be here is in wattpad)

The battle lasted for hours, and Aeon was able to take down thousands of Honkai beasts. However, the number of enemies was overwhelming, and they continued to pour in from every direction. Aeon's body was badly damaged, and he had lost his right arm and half of his left leg. His golden armor was now filled with scratches and dents, and his circuits were exposed.

As the battle continued, Aeon's movements became slower and his attacks weaker. His great sword and SMGs were now covered in blood, and his robotic body was covered in dirt and dust. The remnants of his base were destroyed, and only a few functional generators were left.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the last Honkai beast fell to the ground with a loud thud. Aeon stood there, barely able to keep himself up. He then collapsed on the ground, his body nearly destroyed, and his mind exhausted.

As he lay there, he looked up at the sky and whispered to himself

Aeon: It's finally over.

Elysia couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness as she prepared to leave the village and the people she grew up with. She knew that she had to protect them from the MOTH as she was a Herrscher. With a heavy heart, she waved goodbye to the villagers and set out to explore the world. She walked joyfully, taking in the beauty of the forest and the chirping of the birds. However, her mood quickly changed as she noticed that the forest became eerily silent and the surroundings looked lifeless. She saw a dead Honkai beast, realizing that something was wrong with her Uncle Aeon. Fear gripped her as she quickened her pace and ran towards his base, passing by more dead Honkai beasts.

Elysia: Uncle, please be okay

She whispered anxiously, her heart pounding in her chest.

Once she reaches there

As Elysia reaches Aeon's base, she finds nothing but a pile of rubble. She looks around frantically, trying to find any trace of her beloved uncle. She calls out his name but there is no answer, only silence.

Elysia's heart sinks as she realizes the severity of the situation. Her eyes dart around, searching for any signs of life. She spots a few broken generators, but they are barely functional. She knows that Aeon could not have survived such a brutal attack. Tears start to stream down her face as she looks at the remnants of the base that her uncle had worked so hard to build.

Elysia: Uncle...where are you?

Her voice echoes through the desolate ruins of the once-beautiful base. She starts to run, searching frantically for any sign of her uncle. As she moves further into the wreckage, she spots something that catches her eye.

Elysia: Uncle!

She rushes towards the spot where she saw movement and finds Aeon lying on the ground, his giant mechanical body barely functional. His left leg is broken, and he has lost half of his right arm. His head is tilted to the side, and his red mechanical eye flickers weakly.

Elysia falls to her knees beside him, tears streaming down her face.

Elysia: Uncle Aeon, please don't leave me!

Aeon's eyes lit up with joy when he saw little Elysia safe and sound. He tenderly stroked her head with his enormous finger, causing her to beam with a smile. However, Aeon knew Elysia shouldn't have seen the destruction he was surrounded by; it could change her perception of the Elysia he knew from the game. He wanted her to remember him and the game version of Elysia, but he wasn't sure how to do it. Suddenly, Elysia's voice interrupted his thoughts, exclaiming happily.

Elysia: Uncle!

Aeon responded

Aeon: Ah... Elysia, you made it!

His deep voice was broken, but he still managed to speak.

Concerned, Elysia asked

Elysia: Who did this to you?

As she looked up at her giant robot uncle.

Aeon: Oh, this? It's fine!

Aeon replied, even though he looked beaten and destroyed, with circuits hanging out and an arm and a half of a leg missing.

Aeon: Really, I'm fine, Elysia.

he added, stroking her head to reassure her.

But Elysia wasn't convinced

Elysia: But-

she started, and Aeon cut her off, asking.

Aeon: Elysia, you're about to depart, right?

Elysia: Yes, I am, but I can't let you leave here, Uncle!

Elysia responded, her tone becoming more insistent.

Aeon tried to calm her down by saying

Aeon: Look here

He then dragged his body with his other arm and found a small box under the rubble. With his two fingers, he gave it to Elysia, who looked more concerned and wanted to help him. When she opened the box, she saw beautiful outfits inside and was awestruck. Then Aeon spoke,

Aeon: Live like a human for me, Elysia.

Elysia was frozen in place, staring up at Aeon. His huge eyeball dangled around as his other eye was very serious and determined. She was scared of how he knew she was a herrscher.

Elysia: U-uncle... How did you...

she stuttered.

Aeon: A normal child does not look happy when they see a giant robot.

Aeon chuckled as he stroked her hair with his enormous robotic finger. He then told her something that might work in the future.

Aeon: I knew it from the beginning

he said.

Aeon: Go, explore the world for me. I am very alright. Live and fight against the honkai. Live like a human, fight like a human.

Aeon paused for a few seconds and then continued

Aeon: Live and die as a human for me, Elysia. Grow old and have a family or not, just live as a human and die peacefully as a human.

It was a heavy burden for a child, but Aeon knew Elysia was not a mere child. She was the first herrscher, after all.

Aeon: Do not worry about me and live life as a human and explore the world. For me, Elysia, and for the future friends you make along the way.

Elysia looked stunned by her uncle's words, but she looked determined and her eyes were watery with tears.

Elysia: I will, Uncle!

she exclaimed.

Aeon was pleased and tried to sit up straight to make himself look fine and put her at ease.

Aeon: These honkai beasts will not hurt me. Now go, my dear Elysia, and please live as a human with your heart content.

Elysia hesitated as she asked,

Elysia: But what about you, Uncle? You're badly damaged, and those people that call themselves-

Aeon cut her off

Aeon: The MOTH. Don't worry

Aeon interrupted.

Aeon: I can find a way. We will meet again, and I will make another base.

Elysia nodded quickly and ran off with her new clothes. She stopped, turned around, and gave a wave of goodbye and a smile, her tears spewing out from her eyes.

Elysia: I will do my best! I'll live as a human and die as a human!

Elysia shouted back to Aeon.

As he watched Elysia run off, Aeon was satisfied. He knew he had changed the course of the future with his simple speech, even though he was doubtful about it himself.

Aeon: Now... I need to get out of here and make a different base.

Aeon said to himself.

He was relieved that his mineshaft and water mills had survived the honkai attack, and some of his generators and automated machines were broken but still repairable.

Aeon: Now I need to go.

Aeon said, as he started dragging his body with his one arm and leaves the ruined base and grag everything he needs and the stuff that he did not want for the MOTH to know, yet and use the Oath of Judah and uses the chains and bring it with him.

16 years later

Friend 1 and Friend 2 rushed to catch up with Elysia as she walked briskly down the hall.

Friend 1: Oi Elysia! Wait! Why are you walking so fast?

Friend 2: Yeah! Wait a bit!

Elysia turned around with a smile, "Eh? Ara, sorry. I was just thinking of something."

She was a student at a prestigious school, taken in by the principal after she was found on the streets. Elysia had excelled in her studies and was now famous for her top-notch scores. Her two friends were also at the top of their class.

As her friends walked away to the next class, Elysia lingered behind, looking out the window at the city view. She appeared happy, but her smile belied a deep sense of loneliness.

Elysia: It's been 16 years... 

She said to herself, lost in thought.

Suddenly, Elysia saw something flying towards her. She squinted her eyes and saw an oversized drone flying towards her dorm window. The drone opened its storage and dropped a lunch box in front of her.

Elysia stumbled back in surprise and fell to the ground. She held her butt in pain, but when she saw the drone holding the lunch box, she got up and walked closer to inspect it. There was a note attached to the box that read, "Your lunch box - Aeon."

Elysia's eyes widened.

Elysia: Uncle!

She was overjoyed to see that Aeon was still alive and well. A tear streamed down her face, and she wiped it away with her finger as she looked at the note. It had a small map of Aeon's current location, which brought her even more joy.

Elysia: As promised, I'll visit you someday.

she said, holding the lunch box and note close to her heart.

With renewed hope and happiness, Elysia left her dorm room and walked towards her next class. As the drone flew away into the sky, she smiled, knowing that she would see Aeon again soon.

Elysia: hehe~ I wonder what did uncle give me~!

To be continued...

I'm sorry if it took very sooooooooooooooooooooo long!

Any way was it good?

See you in the next chapter! Whenever will it be!

If you want to see the art for the chapter it's in wattpad,

Too bad I can't draw in the webnovel but here is the link



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