
I'm a Husk! in Honkai Impact!,

Yep... The title says it all, oh and this is a y/n story so ye Might sometimes do serious scene and comedic but meh, who knows. Read it if you want to find out. And this fanfic has many art pieces that drawn by me but I can’t or don’t know how to send the images here, however if you want the full experience with artistic images while reading it’s in my wattpad, same title, here is the link: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/322232801-im-a-husk-in-honkai-impact Enjoy

DlinkerNovel · Video Games
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17 Chs

ch 7 Elysia Montage

(hello im going to send again the link again since this chapter has illustrations that i made to make it look enjoyable sorry)

Link: https://www.wattpad.com/1319792614-i%27m-a-husk-in-honkai-impact-ch-7-elysia-montage

Sorry I'm very busy these days preparing for college

Any way let's starts.

Aeon POV

Today, I'm at my base with Elysia, and we're hanging out on her playground. Not much is happening, but I've been working hard to improve the base lately. I've also been slowly starting to work on automating some tasks. I started with mini wooden robots that can help me cut wood. I know it sounds strange, but I find the irony amusing.

I'm no joker but I really am branching out with my wooden robots! Haha... Ok I'll be quite

I'm not much of a comedian, but I can't help but crack a joke about my expanding collection of wooden robots. I chuckle to myself, realizing that it's a pretty terrible pun.

After deciding to make these robots, it took me a while to painstakingly cut out all the body parts from wood. It felt like I was crafting an action figure from scratch. Once I finished making the body parts, I had to assemble them and then install electronic components inside each robot. It was a frustrating process, but I managed to finish 10 wood cutters.

(Not mine)

I even gave each of the wood cutters a mustache. After assembling them, I inserted a battery into each of them and did some simple coding with the help of RA. Then, I turned them on, and they started to walk towards the outside of the base. I followed them to see if my creations did their job. When I reached the outside of the walls, I saw them start chopping wood. They even helped each other to carry the tree logs back to the base. I was very impressed that I created robots on my first try.

As I watched, I saw Elysia come to follow me in the distance. She was in awe of how awesome it was to see the robots moving around.

Elysia: Wow! Uncle, who are these other uncles?

I chuckled at how she assumed that they were sentient. I then explained:

Aeon: Elysia, these uncles are my creations so that I don't have to cut wood myself.

Elysia: WOW, that's amazing! Uncle, can you teach me how to do that?

This surprised me a bit since Elysia is not the inventor type. It's out of character according to the game version of Elysia she used to play.

Aeon: Um... Uugh... yes? What makes you interested in learning?

Elysia: Because you can make stuff, and I want to be like you.

I could see Elysia starting to smile and sparkle with enthusiasm.

Elysia: Please?

Aeon: She looks eager.

I thought to myself and then sighed.

Aeon: Do you know just simple basic teaching, like 25 times 127 divided by 28 minus 69?

Elysia: Ooh...

I knew it was too much, but I also knew she had no knowledge about the outside world. Then, I had an idea. I could teach her! Mwahahaha! I laughed mentally.

Aeon: Elysia, would you like me to teach you not only some simple technology but also the outside world a bit?

I saw Elysia's eyes widen, and they started to sparkle when she heard my offer. I wanted to do this so she could have some knowledge in advance and learn before she could explore the world herself.

Elysia spoke with excitement.

Elysia: Yes! Teach me!

And so, Elysia became my little assistant and I her teacher. I taught her basic elementary education with the help of RA, as I'm not good at teaching.

For a while, I taught her elementary stuff, but for some reason, she quickly got smarter and smarter. I thought it was a coincidence, but I noticed she could now learn high school mathematics. Well, it's not that impressive, but for a child that looks almost 4, she is quite smart. She is a fast learner, so I cranked up the teaching this time with more assistance from RA.

(Cant color fast so I just ganna show the rough sketch)

I slowly taught her the mechanisms and what to touch or not. I first gave her the task of connecting the battery wires, since for me and my giant mechanical hands, it's just hell. So I decided to leave her until I saw that she was getting the hang of it.

But I left her without supervision and regretted it greatly when one time, she almost got exploded by one of the batteries.

Elysia: Uncle, did I do it right?

She said it with a clueless face and a smile as the battery then slowly glowed brightly.

Aeon: Oh no...

Thankfully, I quickly grabbed her before she could turn into small splashes of tomatoes.

(A comic style sketch)

A few days had passed and Elysia continued to do her assignments while I worked on my machines. I wondered how she got paper, but I assumed she got it from the village and it was a relief to see that she knew how to write.

As three months went by, Elysia's intelligence grew rapidly and she became proficient in helping with the intricate parts of the machine. Since she was leaving the village in a few more months, I thought of giving her a gift before her departure.

Suddenly, I had an idea. I could make her an outfit! I remembered from the Honkai Impact game that she still wore her cloak. I decided to change that and make her something memorable.

Just as I was about to start, Elysia called out to me from behind.

Elysia: Uncle! I'm heading back to the village!

she said.

I nodded and replied

Aeon: Make sure to be careful now.

Elysia smiled and nodded.

Elysia: I will! And thank you for teaching me!

she said, before heading out.

As she left, I sighed and realized that I only had thread made from flax, which might not be good enough to make a dress. I needed a sturdier fabric, but I didn't know how to make it. I also realized that I needed colors for the fabric.

Aeon: Ugh, how do I even make fabric?

I muttered to myself.

Aeon: I guess I need to figure that out too.

I embarked on a journey to the heart of the forest in search of the perfect flowers for Elysia's outfit. The RA device guided me through the dense foliage as I walked deeper into the unknown. The trees towered above me, their leaves blocking out the sunlight, well trying to anyway, and the grass was so thick it felt like I was walking on a sponge.

As I continued my search, I realized that I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. Was I even in the right place? And what if I encountered dangerous creatures? I berated myself for not being better prepared.

Of course, being a complete moron didn't help matters. I relied heavily on my Minecraft knowledge to guide me, but how accurate could that really be? The RA device was my only saving grace.

Thankfully, my luck started to turn as I stumbled upon a patch of pink and red flowers that were perfect for the outfit. And to my delight, I also found cotton and flax! I made a mental note to grow my own flax in the future.

The RA told me that flax was the ideal fabric for clothing because of its strength and durability. Cotton was soft and comfortable but not as strong. So why not combine the two into a fabric known as canvas? Flax canvas and cotton canvas could be the perfect combination for Elysia's outfit, with the cotton on the inside and the flax on the outside. It might be a bit thick, but I promised myself that it would not be uncomfortable for Elysia.

As I continued to gather my materials, my mind wandered to Elysia's future. According to the game, she would be attending a prestigious high school, and I wanted her to look her best. I would have to wait for her to grow up before I could measure her, but in the meantime, I would prepare her outfit for her departure from the village.

It was then that I remembered the reason for Elysia's departure: the people of MOTH's. They weren't exactly good, but they weren't bad either but I needed to be careful.

As I made my way back to the base, I couldn't help but think about the next step in my journey. I needed to grow flax and cotton, but doing it manually seemed tedious, so I had a brilliant idea.

Aeon: Why not automate the process and make it easier for myself?

I thought.

That night, I stayed up late to build a machine that could smash the flowers, weave thread and fabric, and add color to the mix. With the help of my trusty battery and a few adjustments, my idea had become a reality. I pressed the button, and the machine hummed to life. Finally, I could bask in the glory of automation!

But why stop there? I decided to take things up a notch and created a drilling machine so that I wouldn't have to mine anymore. I was on a roll! With my growing skills and the RA, my trusty red cube device, I was ready to take on anything.

As I looked at my creations, I couldn't help but feel proud. Everything was falling into place. All that was left was to organize, but that wouldn't take long. And then, it hit me. What about brick automation? Or sorting automation? The possibilities were endless, and I couldn't wait to see where my journey would take me next. Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! im in the age of Automation! hail for Automation!

Months had passed, and Elysia still had no clue about the surprise I had in store for her. It was a surprise, after all!

In the meantime, I spent my days helping her with her studies and having a great time with her, and it gives me an idea!

Aeon: Now, Elysia, do you know what this is?

She shook her head.

Aeon: That's because I'm not a good teacher... I should leaf it to the experts!

I mentally grinned at my own bad dad joke, but Elysia only smiled weakly, still unsure.

Aeon: No? Hmm, maybe it's because I'm not branching out enough with my jokes.

Elysia's smile grew more concerned by the second.

But I couldn't help myself - this back-and-forth became a new running gag for me.

1 month later.

As I returned to the base , I made my way back, I carried more flax and cotton from my little farm and cut them up with my trusty sword.

I found Elysia tinkering with some of my inventions and humming a tune. She noticed my two-handed sword, which surprised me since she never paid much attention to my fighting skills.

Elysia: Uncle, can you fight?

Elysia asked.

I nodded.

Aeon: Yes, I can, but I'm not an expert.

Aeon: I'm more of a random swinger than a technical fighter

I added, keeping my thoughts to myself.

Elysia was staring at my hand holding the sword, which reminded me that I was supposed to teach her how to fight. But how? Then I remembered that I had some experience with a bow from a time I took a archery lessons back then. I wasn't a pro, but I almost hit the bull's eye. hmm coincidence? perhaps.

(author: actually before i reach the story of Elysium i use to practice archery and i go to a archery like place dont know what its called but i pay and they let me use the bow, the pay depends how many arrows you going to use it was a fun place and i still am and still couldnt land that gosh damn bulls eye)

Aeon: Elysia, do you want to learn how to fight?

I asked, trying to sound serious as I believed it was crucial for our future.

To my surprise, she shook her head.

Elysia: No, I'm not a sword fighter, uncle.

I was relieved, but then I remembered my bow experience.

Aeon: How about learning to use a bow?

I suggested.

That piqued her interest, and she stopped what she was doing. I reached for her hand and pushed her a bit more.

Aeon: Come on, let me teach you

I said as I stood like a knight and stabbed my sword into the ground.

Aeon: Just the basics

I added.

Elysia's eyes grew wide, and I knew she was curious.

Elysia: Yes, teach me!

she exclaimed.

Aeon: Alright, let me make a bow

I said, determined to teach her everything I knew. I even made a metal bow for myself, including arrows, and practiced when Elysia wasn't around. With the help of RA, I trained myself, and the RA even showed me a hologram demonstration. I knew that I wouldn't have come this far without RA's assistance.

Elysia was a curious little girl. She was fascinated by the bow and arrow, and eager to learn how to use them. So I decided to teach her.

We started with the basics. I made her a simple bow out of wood and showed her how to hold it properly. I demonstrated how to nock an arrow and pull back the string. Then I let her try it.

At first, she struggled to even draw the bowstring back, but with practice, she grew stronger. I showed her how to aim and release the arrow, and soon she was hitting targets with surprising accuracy.

But I knew Elysia was capable of more. That's when I brought out the big guns: my own bow made of pure metal. It was heavy and hard to draw, but I could handle it easily with my robotic strength.

I showed Elysia how to use it, and she watched in amazement as I shot arrow after arrow with incredible speed and accuracy. She was determined to master the bow like I had.

So we kept practicing, day after day. I would set up targets for her to shoot at, and we would compete to see who could hit the most bullseyes. Elysia's pink hair would fly in the wind as she concentrated on her aim, her little hands gripping the bow tightly. its funny the way we compete as my Bow is literally a size of a Ballista and my arrows are like Ballista arrows.

It was a joy to watch her improve. With every shot, she grew more confident and skilled. And I knew that one day, she would be a formidable warrior, thanks to the skills I had taught her.

(Aeon being the best uncle sketch)

One day, Elysia left as it was getting dark. I decided to use the time to make her outfit. It took a while, as I had to both teach her how to use the bow and practice sewing. But with some effort, I managed to relearn the skill. I had been forced to learn how to sew back on Earth when I was in elementary school, but I had forgotten most of it.

At last, the time had come to make Elysia's outfit. I held my giant needle in one hand and the pink canvas made of flax and cotton in the other. I thought of the concept for the outfit. Should it be a traveling outfit? Yes, that could work. Maybe I should make two more outfits for her to change into. Yes, that could work too.

Next was the matter of Elysia's money. Come to think of it, she never brought any money in the game, did she? Perhaps a "small" gold ingot would be sufficient. But how could she sell it? Well, it was Elysia after all. She was loved by all and would surely figure it out.

With these thoughts in mind, I began to create Elysia's outfit.

(rough sketches i made)



Now, I need to give this outfit to Elysia before the MOTHs arrive in a few days to investigate the village. I'm glad I updated the traps so no one will stumble upon our base.

With that taken care of, it's time to work on another project while I wait for Elysia to come back.

General POV

Although the traps Aeon set up outside the base did a good job, they were overwhelmed by a large number of Honkai beasts from all directions, heading straight towards his base. But that will have to wait until the next chapter.

to be continued....

took a while i know

was it good

see you in the next chapter! whenever will it be!