
I'm a Husk! in Honkai Impact!,

Yep... The title says it all, oh and this is a y/n story so ye Might sometimes do serious scene and comedic but meh, who knows. Read it if you want to find out. And this fanfic has many art pieces that drawn by me but I can’t or don’t know how to send the images here, however if you want the full experience with artistic images while reading it’s in my wattpad, same title, here is the link: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/322232801-im-a-husk-in-honkai-impact Enjoy

DlinkerNovel · Video Games
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17 Chs

ch 6 encounter pink child

(author: sorry again, if you want to see with illustrations that i made ill send you guys the link of the chapter)

Sorry if the chapters are delayed

I am taking online courses this week

But let's start





General POV

3 months later.

It had been three months since Aeon found himself transported to this new world. He had spent a lot of time improving his base, making it safer and more secure from Honkai beasts and other potential threats. The traps he had been making were working well, and he had been able to make a computer with the components he had salvaged from his scavenging trips to the ruined city.

Aeon had also been able to find plenty of metal and had been able to create brick towers equipped with automatic shooting Ballistas. He was grateful that the Ballistas had been successful at keeping the Honkai beasts away from his base. While some of the traps were old, he had replaced them with actual bear traps and proper tripwire traps. He had even added new traps because he had improved his skill in making PCBs and was now able to power them up.

One of Aeon's recent projects had been to create a wooden wheel by a nearby river and use it to generate hydroelectric power. He had done some engineering and was able to store the electric power that he generated. He had also gone back to the first cave he had found and started mining again. He used the fire he created to light his way and was able to mine his way in with his pickaxe. He had started to make cement with the limestone and clay he had found, and he was slowly rebuilding his storage hut with cement bricks.

Aeon was excited to make another building once he finished his computer. While the computer was not advanced, he was getting better at making the components and PCBs. He was pleased that his skills were improving and that he was able to create more complex inventions.

Despite all of his progress, Aeon had not seen any more humans since the incident three months ago. He wished to see some again and occasionally roamed around his base when he was bored with his giant robotic body and cross or sword. He enjoyed scouting around and watching the beautiful scenery of the forest and grassy plains, finding even the ruined city to be somewhat beautiful.

6 months later

Six months have passed since Aeon's last adventure, and his base has undergone significant improvements. The small buildings he had constructed earlier are now combined to form one giant actual base. No longer does he need to work in the rain, as the base provides shelter from the elements. Aeon is thrilled to finally have a comfortable indoor space after working outside in the elements for so long.

(I lazily draw the interior)

The base itself is a sight to behold, with its cement brick walls towering over the surrounding forest. Inside, the main room is the workshop, where Aeon spends most of his time creating various inventions. The workshop has two doorways - one leading to the storage room and the other to the power generator.

Aeon has connected the lights in the base to the generator, which is a little risky due to the proximity to water, but it has been working well so far. On the right side of the main room is the blacksmith room, where Aeon forges various metal objects like pickaxes and copper wires.

Aeon has also made significant improvements to his first computer, which is now located in the workshop room. Over the past few months, he has been able to improve it to the point where he can control the Ballistas. However, he still needs to create a camera to see what's happening outside.

Aeon's hydroelectric setup has also improved, with a new building dedicated to generating electricity. He has started to create batteries using the lithium he found in the cave six months ago. The mine has now been turned into a proper mineshaft. The batteries Aeon made earlier were a little unstable, but now they are much improved. He has even made three more wooden wheels, which are larger than the first one, and created even bigger batteries that can be charged using the hydroelectric setup. This ensures that Aeon always has a few charged batteries ready in case his generator runs out of power.

His base is also surrounded by a thick wall, although it is only three meters high. He knows that he may need to make it even higher in the future, but for now, he is satisfied with its current height.

he did a lot things over the months and now he just laying down and being laid back as he he did great accomplishments during the past 9 months or so, almost a year and he will have a great time of having peace and quiet.


The human girl with pink hair continued to walk deeper into the forest as she is lost and couldn't find the route back to the village, feeling excited like she was on an adventure. As she wandered, she suddenly stumbled upon the outer walls of Aeons' base. She stopped in her tracks and gasped in amazement at the towering structure before her.

Pristine Girl: WoooW!

She couldn't believe she saw is a a giant base, despite the many traps that Aeons had set up around it. Her small size had likely helped her slip through undetected from the traps that Aeon placed down through out the forest around the base. Without hesitation, she quickly found the entrance to the base and stepped inside, her eyes widening in wonder at the sight before her.

Pristine Girl: This is amazing! Everything is so big!

As she explored, the pink haired girl marveled at the gigantic items around her, from towering buildings to massive machines. She couldn't help but feel curious and eager to see more, even if it meant venturing deeper into the base. So with her tiny feet, she began to wander further, ready for whatever adventure lay ahead.

she keeps exploring and exploring around the base until she was about to enter the doorway to the base.

Simultaneously, Aeon lays down on his back, gazing up at the sky. After a moment, he realizes that he shouldn't waste any more time. He stands up and quickly walks back to his base. As he approaches the doorway, he stops in his tracks, his eyes fixed on something on the ground. He's surprised to see a child with pink hair, and he knows exactly who he's looking at.

Aeon: That pink hair!

He exclaims to himself, completely taken aback.

At the same time, the child looks down at the ground and suddenly feels as if someone is watching her. She slowly turns around, her face curious and her eyes wide. She sees a giant golden robot and her eyes light up with excitement, her mouth forming a wide smile. Little does she know that the robot she sees is actually Aeon, who is completely stunned to see her there.

The two stare at each other for a moment - one with a cute and curious smile, and the other in complete shock with wide eyes.

Some time later, the pink-haired girl is now playing on a swing that Aeon created for her. He used flax threads to make a rope and chipped down a small plank, tying it up to create the swing and tie it up on his pointy finger as a branch to hold the swing. Aeon never thought he would meet Elysia, but he was lucky that she kept exclaiming how cool he was and how amazed she was that he could speak.

As Elysia laughed and had fun on the swing, Aeon couldn't help but sigh.

Aeon: To think I would meet Elysia like this.

Aeon was still surprised that he had met the child. Elysia was a future Hero of Humanity and a member of the Flamechasers, a group of 13 individuals who aimed to save humanity from destruction. However, their group 'name' was not approved by the government according to what he remembers.

Aeon didn't know much about the previous era of the game, as it was old, dusty, and unretrievable history, according to the game lore of Honkai Impact that he played. He knew he must have traveled back in time to the previous era, but he didn't know that he would go this far to the past.

As Aeon lay there contemplating his newfound extra, and by mean, super extra time, he realized that it wasn't all bad. In fact, he could use this time to prepare and improve himself. Plus, he had made a new soon to be friend - Elysia, the child with the pink hair whom he had met by chance.

Aeon watched as Elysia played on the swing he had fashioned for her using flax threads and a small plank of wood. He felt a sense of warmth in his heart as he thought about the possibility of creating a big brother-like relationship with her. He thought it would be a good idea to know her well right now.

Aeon: Young child

Aeon addressed her, trying to sound authoritative.

Elysia beamed up at him, a wide smile on her face.

Elysia: Yeah, uncle?

she replied cheerfully, not realizing that her choice of address had shattered Aeon's idea of himself as a big brother figure.

Aeon: I'm 19, though...

Aeon muttered to himself, deflated.

Elysia: Huh? Are you okay, Uncle Goldie?

Elysia asked, sensing that something was bothering him.

Aeon sighed again before responding,.

Aeon: First off, the name's not Goldie. It's Aeon, Aeon Nihilius.

Elysia's eyes widened with admiration.

Elysia: Wow, you even have a cool name!

she exclaimed.

Elysia: I'm Elysia! Can we be friends?

she asked, hopping off the swing and looking up at Aeon.

Aeon chuckled.

Aeon: Friends, huh?

he said, realizing that it was a simple request.

They sat in silence for a moment before Aeon spoke up again.

Aeon: Sure... friends.

With his successful friendship with Elysia, Aeon couldn't help but feel glad that he was able to create a bond with the future pink elf. As they walked back to the village, Aeon asked Elysia how she managed to avoid the traps he set up around his base. Elysia was surprised by the traps' existence, and Aeon couldn't help but sigh at her luck of not getting trapped or even killed by them.

Using the RA, Aeon brought Elysia back to the village and left her just outside the village's border so as not to scare the humans. Elysia waved goodbye, promising to come back later.

Three months passed, and Elysia started visiting Aeon regularly every 3 - 4 days, watching him create giant inventions and other things. One day, Aeon noticed Elysia holding a box, and he couldn't help but be curious about what was inside.

Aeon: What's in the box?

he asked, trying to sound kind, but his deep voice made it come out a little scary. However, Elysia didn't mind it as she replied with a smile,

Elysia: Ah, well, Uncle, this is my lunch that Miss Cilia made for me!

Aeon then remembered that Elysia lived in an orphanage in the village and asked if her elder sisters were worried about her. Elysia replied that they were, but they trusted that she wouldn't get into any trouble.

Aeon: Alright then, make sure you eat well, Elysia.

Aeon said with a smile as he watched her head back to the village.

Aeon couldn't help but feel a little concerned about Elysia. He knew how dangerous it could be for a child to wander alone in a forest like this, and he didn't want her to get into any trouble. But at the same time, he also appreciated the fact that Elysia trusted him enough to come to his base whenever she felt like it. It was a strange feeling, to have someone rely on him like this.

Aeon: Well, I'm glad they trust you. But you should still be careful, okay?

Elysia nods in agreement.

Elysia: Okay, Uncle. I promise to be careful.

Aeon smiles at her and then turns his attention back to the box.

Aeon: So, what did Miss Cilia make for you today?

Elysia opens the box and shows Aeon the contents.

Elysia: She made me a sandwich and some fruits! It's really yummy!

Aeon: Is that so? That's great.

Elysia: Hehe, yeah! Miss Cilia cooks the best!

Aeon had never imagined having a companion in his isolated life, but meeting Elysia had changed everything. Despite his imposing golden robotic form, she never once recoiled in fear. In fact, she seemed to relish perching on top of his head, taking in the view of the forest from his flat surface. And when she sat down at his table, her curiosity never ceased.

Elysia: What's that?

she asked, pointing at one of Aeon's latest inventions.

Aeon: A machine

he replied simply.

Elysia: What machine?

she persisted.

Aeon: To generate power

he explained.

Elysia: And what's that?

Elysia pointed to another object.

Aeon: That's a processor

Aeon answered.

Elysia: Of what?

she probed further.

Aeon: I don't know yet

he admitted.

Elysia kept asking questions, and Aeon answered them all patiently. He knew she had always been an inquisitive child in the game, but he was surprised by just how curious she was in real life.

Elysia: Why do you make all of this, Uncle Aeon?

she asked at one point, looking up at him with big, innocent eyes.

Aeon: Well, you see, I don't have much to do, and I'm all alone, so I did this to survive

Aeon replied.

Elysia pondered this for a moment before speaking up again.

Elysia: How about living with my uncle in the village? I'll make sure they won't be scared of you!

Aeon mentally smiled softly.

Aeon: No, no, no, I don't need to. I like to live here; that's all.

He didn't want to reveal his true reasons for staying in the forest just yet. It had only been a few months since he and Elysia had become friends, and he wanted to bide his time before setting his plans in motion.

But Elysia didn't push the issue. Instead, she announced that she had to go home, lest Miss Cilia and the others worry about her.

Aeon: Do you need me to take you back?

Aeon offered.

Elysia shook her head, smiling.

Elysia: No, I'm ok! I can go home by myself! Bye, Uncle!

Aeon just wave as she runs to the forest to go back home to the village.

After she leaves, Aeon lets out a big sigh of contentment.

Aeon: Being able to become her friend was surprisingly easy.

He couldn't believe how quickly they had become friends. He had expected Elysia to be more reserved, but she was anything but.

Aeon: I guess she would be the easiest target in a dating simulator... Scratch that maybe hard. But she is a child so I guess that's a wrong way described that.

Although he was still amazed at how smoothly their friendship had developed, he knew that Elysia was a friendly person, both in real life and in the game. Despite his diminishing human emotions, he felt guilty that Elysia had traveled all the way here just to watch him work. He knew she didn't mind, but it was a waste of her time.

But he had a plan.

Aeon: Hmm, I know what to do.

He said it in a monotone voice as he retrieved his shovel, RA, pickaxe, and sword. Using RA to navigate, he headed out of his base in a particular direction. He would be busy for the next four days.

When Elysia returned to his base, she felt a change in the atmosphere but couldn't put her finger on it.

Elysia: Has something changed?

She looked around, curious. Aeon returned shortly after.

Aeon: Elysia, it's great to see you.

Elysia: Uncle!

She hugged his giant robotic foot.

Elysia: What were you doing?

Aeon: Will you look behind that building?

Elysia: Behind the building?

She was confused, but Aeon chuckled.

Aeon: Haha, yes. It's a surprise.

The word 'surprise' made her eyes widen, and she quickly ran behind the building. What she saw made her eyes sparkle with delight and her mouth drop in amazement. Aeon had built a fantasy-themed playground in just three days with the help of RA. He had used RA to make a holographic blueprint of the playground and then used it to simulate its appearance in reality. He had also used RA to create blueprints for various items and place them in the playground.

(Not mine)

Aeon followed her and chuckled at her reaction. He slowly knelt down with one foot and got close to Elysia

Aeon: Like it? It's a playground built just for you. I thought you would like it if there was something to do, so here it is.

Elysia, still surprised and amazed, turned her body to look up at Aeon. She hugged his robotic foot again, grateful.

Elysia: Thank you, Uncle!

She quickly ran to the playground, giggling with excitement. Aeon watched her with amazement as she explored the playground. It was impressively huge, especially considering that he had built it in just three days. He then turned around and went back inside his building to work, but he heard a cute little voice shouting.

Elysia: Uncle! Come play with me!

Aeon turned around and saw Elysia, who was eagerly waiting for him.

Aeon: Hmm?

Elysia: Come on, let's play! It's more fun with more people!

She gave him an adorable smile.

Aeon looked at her silently for a moment, then chuckled and went to her. He knelt down with one foot and pushed her on the swing.

Aeon: I can work tomorrow.

He thought, content with the decision to take a break and spend time with Elysia.

(I draw this but I did a lazy background)

To be continued....

Probably the next chapter of the title is going to be called "guiding Elysia"

Again if you like to see with illustrations that i made, ill send the link of the chapter here


DlinkerNovelcreators' thoughts