
Seoul University ❤

Summer was officially over and it was time for Seoul University to open back up.

"Chanyeol get up! It's 7:30! You don't want to be late! "- Mrs. Park yelled up the 2nd floor.

" Ok ma I'll be down in a minute. "- Chanyeol spoke back with no kind of emotion. 😑

Breakfast was prepared on the table (bacon, eggs, pancakes and orange juice) while the parks were discussing business. Chanyeol came down wearing his school uniform, his lucky Rolex and a pair of Jordans.

" Ma thanks for the food see you guys later. " Chanyeol hugged his parents (っ⌒‿⌒)っ


Deciding on whether to drive the Lambo or ride his motorcycle Sehun pulled up in the driveway with his new Rari.

"Get in loser we're going to lame ass school. "

"Yah! Don't disrespect your hyung." 😔😡

After driving 15 mins Baek Hyun and Jongdae were seen walking on the sidewalk.

"Sehun stop the car and ask for a ride. "

"Why? "

"Because I said so. "

"Hey Baekhyun, Chanyeol wants you a d Jongdae to get in the car with us to school. "

Sehun knew exactly what he was doing embarrassing Chanyeol like that. 😉

"Ok." Baekhyun replied nonchalantly

They arrived at school. Girls screamed at how tall and Chanyeol became. Some wonder about the guy Sehun had greeted with a kiss.

"Thanks for the ride. "

"No problem Baek. "


They went separate ways to go meet with their group of friends.

"Kris why do you look as if someone ate for rice or ramen? " Sehun laughed out his mouth 😂

"Suho said that we need to take a break 💔. "

"Sorry man. Don't stress it, you know how Suho is, he'll be crawling right back anytime soon. "

Tao was smirking at Chanyeol because he thinks Chanyeol finally got the guts to ask out Byun. 😏

"What Tao? " Chanyeol thought 🤔

"You and Baekhyun ehh. "

"No not yet😔"


And the bell rung for them to report to 1st period. All the others went to Chemistry while Chanyeol and Baek Hyun walked to macroeconomics since they already took Chemistry.

"Ok class settle down. " Teacher Joon loudly but quietly said. He explained the procedures and what was expected of the class.

"As some you know Park and Byun have already taken this class and passed with high scores on the exam. And since this is their elective class they will be helpers. They maybe juniors but that doesn't give you the right to order them around just because your seniors. "

Class been by fast and Teacher Joon thought it was a good idea to flirt a little with Baekhyun. Chanyeol became furious😡😤.


Everyone set off to lunch... 🧀🍕🥪🥨🍗🌮🍔🌭

"So Chanyeol you still like Byun? "

"No Kris stop thinking that just because I like being nice to him. "

"I only asked because you know he only hits and leaves right. "

"How do you know that? " 😡

"Everyone in the school has done his at least once including me. "

"Shut up I don't want to hear anymore! " 😡

"Just saying. "


Chanbaek texting each other ⬇

Baekhyun: what you get

for number 15 Yeol?

Channie❤: Laissez faire

Baekhyun: Thanks how is calculus going?

Channie❤: is there a way I could drop the class? 😔

Baekhyun: Why? You did the practice problems with no issues.

Channie ❤: The teacher keeps touching me and she gave me her number. 😖

Baekhyun: Haha OMG call her 😂🤣

Sorry if this is bad. It's my first time writing fan fiction. Hope you at least enjoy some of it.

Taylor_Razzcreators' thoughts