
I'AM~Ate Blue Silver Grass Herb In Front Tang Hao Doulo

In the world doulou Dalu : 'YAM~YAM~YAM! The Blue Silver Emperor is so fragrant''Tang-San, I'm really sorry!''I ate the Blue Silver Emperor''Tang-San, that's how Blue Silver Grass is used! 'Wait There are no twin spirits, and there is no need for a master to teach'. Hunting for spirit rings does not depend on the age, let alone the accompanying spirit skills, but only what kind of evolution the absorbed spirit rings can bring to the spirit itself! Mo Bai, who had also awakened the blue silver grass spirit, told Tang San with the facts, you didn't use the blue silver grass spirit like that! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good story i dont want to steal work other i just Translate From "Real Name:People are in Douluo, I ate the Blue Silver Emperor", For link Search yourself, so you can save this fanfic dont forget comment and power stone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Anime & Comics
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245 Chs

=== Chapter 240 Chasing and killing Tang San ===

  On Seagod Island.....

three figures quietly appeared outside Seagod Island.

  The appearance of the three figures did not alarm the Demon Soul Great White Shark clan guarding the Sea God Island waters, and even Xiaobai, the King of Demon Soul Great White Sharks, was not aware of it.

  The identities of these three figures were undoubtedly Mobai Bibidong and Qian Renxue.

  Only they can quietly escape the perception of the Demon Soul Great White Shark family!

  "Tang San doesn't seem to be on the island!"

  Qian Renxue frowned slightly as she looked at Seagod Island in front of her.

  She couldn't wait to kill Tang San and avenge her mother.

  "Don't worry, the Sea God Island is here, Tang San can't run away!"

  Bibi Dong couldn't help but smile when she heard Qian Renxue's words, Qian Renxue was even more eager to kill Tang San than she was to take revenge.

  "This Sea God Island is really beautiful!"

  "Those sea spirit beasts can actually swim in the sky above Sea God Island!"

  Not only was Bibi Dong not in a hurry, on the contrary, she was still in the mood to enjoy the dreamy beauty of Sea God Island.

  "Kill Tang San, this place will be ours from now on!"

  Mo Bai couldn't help laughing when he heard Bibi Dong's words.

  Poseidon Island is like a dream and is a holy place for leisure and vacation.

  "Since Tang San isn't here, what should we do now?"

  Qian Renxue continued to speak after hearing Bibi Dong and Mo Bai say this, but still not in the mood to appreciate the beauty of Seagod Island.

  "Let's play on it, and wait for Tang San to come back while we play!"

  Mo Bai laughed when he heard the words.

  Besides waiting, what else can I do?

  Directly attack Seagod Island and force Tang San to return? What if the family ran away?

  So the best way is to wait for the rabbit and wait for Tang San to return.

  Afterwards, Mo Bai brought Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue to the Seagod Island. After disguising at will, they started playing on Seagod Island.

  Bibi Dong was more cooperative and happily dragged Mo Bai to play in Haima City. It seemed that everything was very interesting.

  That way, she looked even more girlish than Qian Renxue.

  Well, Qian Renxue is no longer a girl.

  The reason why Bibi Dong has the current state of mind is entirely because there is no hatred in his heart, only happiness, accompanied by a beloved man and daughter, there is nothing better than this.

  "Xiaoxue, how about this hairpin? Does your mother look good with it?"

  "And this one, it should be very suitable for you, Xiaoxue, come over and try it on your mother!

  " Bibi Dong also liked the flavored shell hairpins and some small accessories. Besides picking them for herself, she also picked some for Qian Renxue.

  Qian Renxue was a little hard to let go at first, but under Bibi Dong's leadership, she slowly let go of her eagerness to kill Tang San, and began to play for real.

  Having arrived at Sea God Island, Mo Bai was not in a hurry, so he slowly played with Bibi Dong's mother and daughter.

  "I heard that the mainland is now about to be unified by the Spirit Hall!"

  "Last time, under the leadership of Lord Seagod, the Guardians of the Holy Pillars tried to stop them, but they were unsuccessful!"

  "I don't know, the Spirit Palace has been unified. After the mainland, will they take revenge on our Seagod Island?"

  "What are you afraid of, this is Seagod Island, we already have Lord Seagod, we don't need to be afraid of Spirit Hall!"

  "That is, our Lord Seagod is a god!"

  "In the sea Come on, our Lord Sea God is invincible!"

  "It's a pity that the high priest has sacrificed to help the sea god to inherit the sea god. If only the high priest was still there!"


  Through the discussions of some people in Haima City, we can know that the spirit masters of the sea god island failed to return a few days ago. , has a great impact on them.

  Most people have some concerns.

  But there are also many who are fearless because of the existence of the sea god Tang San.

  And from this, Mo Bai also learned that that very beautiful woman, Sea God Douluo Bo Saixi, actually sacrificed herself to help Tang Sanji inherit the throne.

  Thinking of this, Mo Bai felt a pity in his heart.

  What a beautiful woman, what a pity.

  However, when Mo Bai looked at Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue in front of him, the regret in his heart dissipated. He was very satisfied to have Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, and Xiao Wu.


  and after Mo Bai and the others spent half a day playing on Seagod Island, Tang San finally came back from his practice.

  When Mo Bai and the others sensed Tang San's aura, Tang San also sensed Mo Bai's aura.

  "Not good!"

  After sensing the auras of Mo Bai and the others, Tang San secretly let out a bad cry, turned and left.

  The three of Mo Bai actually came, even if this place was above the sea, Tang San didn't have enough confidence to defeat the three of Mo Bai, so he ran away.

  "Want to run? It's too late!"

  Seeing Tang San trying to escape, Mo Bai, who had already determined Tang San's position, naturally wouldn't let Tang San run away, and he led Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue to chase after him in a flash.

  Mo Bai, who had already mastered the ability of time and space, flickered with the figures of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, and caught up with Tang San in less than a while.

  "It's so fast!"

  Tang San turned around and saw this, suddenly startled, his figure flashed and plunged into the sea with a thud, and began to flee from the sea.

  As a sea god, he can speed up in the sea, faster than flying.

  It's just that no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than Mo Bai's teleportation.

  Locking in Tang San's breath, Mo Bai unhurriedly chased after him.

  "That's...Tang San?"

  "Tang San is being chased and killed, how is that possible?"

  Tang San returned and quickly escaped the scene of being chased and killed, the Demon Soul Great White Shark King who was also guarded in the Sea God Island waters. Seeing that, the King of the Great White Shark, who jumped out of the sea, looked incredulous.

  She couldn't believe that Tang San, who had become the god of the sea, would actually run away.

  "It's that man!" The

  sharp-eyed Demon Soul Great White Shark King also saw Mo Bai among the three who were chasing Tang San, and recognized Mo Bai.

  She didn't know who Mo Bai was before, but later learned from Tang San that Mo Bai was Tang San's enemy.

  "Let's catch up!"

  "Lord Poseidon is in trouble, we have to help Lord Poseidon!"

  Immediately, the Demon Soul Great White Shark King brought her clan, all the Demon Soul Great White Sharks, to chase in Tang San's direction.

  Tang San helped her kill the Evil Demon Killer Whale King and avenged her brother, so she had to help Tang San.

  Immediately, a group of Demon Soul Great White Sharks, led by the Demon Soul Great White Shark King, chased in the direction of Tang San and the others.

  And after they caught up, the guardian of the Seven Sacred Pillars also appeared on the coastline.

  When Mo Bai and the others showed up before, they showed their breath, and they all discovered it.

  "Lord Seagod is in trouble, we will go to support immediately!"

  After Sea Dragon Douluo said, he took the lead in chasing after him.

  Tang San was the Sea God, and the power of their Sea God Island belonged to the Sea God, no matter what, they would support Tang San.
