
I’m Superman

I never asked for this. These powers. I’m an insult to Krypton. Being half human wasn’t my choice. If I don’t figure out how to control my power, me and Earth could both end up dead.

JD_Labs · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter five

Three nights later

The Girl in the Red Dress


The music was loud. Adrian and I decided to help me get a few stressful things off of my mind.

Bucky's Bar is the name. The lights were off and the only thing giving off illumination was the bar lights and disco ball on the dance floor.

The booths had a bit of dimness to them so the people eating could see what they were putting into their mouths.

I decided to sit there one out. I would be working today but the incident that happened at my work place made the news. FBI and the President of the United States are doing investigation on the damn place to see if Superman really returned. Which I know he didn't. Because it was me.

I could faintly see people grinding on each other as the music bumped loudly.

Laughter, crying, people throwing up, others dancing. So much going on. My feet were propped up on the metal rod under my little stool I was taking a seat on.

Adrian ordered about ten shots and surprisingly seemed very sober. I guess all that drinking he's done as a little teenager paid off and the drinks don't really effect him ad much as they do other people.

"What you say, find yourself a little whore?" Adrian leans against the bar and looks at me. His eyes nearly pitch black and hair hitting the bar counter. I shake my head a little.

I look around and smile as well.

This was really relaxing. Adrian always found a way to make me relaxed even in the hardest times. I guess that's why he's my best friend.

The sight of people smiling and having fun reminded me of a few things.

How I put all my love into a relationship and it all got ruined. How I gave her everything she wanted and it all got torn down. I think about it till this day. How she betrayed. She was gang but she isn't gang no more.

Put me through some things that changed my perspective on Love. These couples looked so happy. The music plays slowly and I go into a gaze upon these wonderful people.

"You good?" Adrian nudges me on the shoulder.

I come back to and look to him.

"Yo, what's up?"

He smiles awkwardly.

"You good, bro?" He asked.

I raise my eyebrows and reach behind me to grab my plastic cup of vodka.

Taking a small sip of it, I push my hair behind my ears.

"I think someone has their eye on you," Adrian smiles.

I look to my right. Sitting in a small booth was a woman. A beautiful red dress on. Her friends wearing different color dresses but hers caught my attention.

Her hair was long and silky, skin brown and beautiful, eyes brown and small. I look at her for a while, trying to figure out how a woman like that could come to a club alone. Even if she did have a man, he wasn't with her.

She looks at me for a split second before looking around after me noticing her.

Laughter bursted out between her and her friends. All of them seemed to be the same ethnicity. A group of cute Japanese woman I'm assuming.

A love song began playing as if the DJ knew Is as looking at her.

People on the dance floor began dancing slow. Each one holding their partner's by the hips and neck as they rocked back and forth.

I built up the courage. My heart racing as I stand. Approaching a woman dressed up while I had on some joggers, a hoodie, and some vans. Adrian laughed as he sits back and watches.

The group of girls stop laughing and look at me in concern.

I step closer, nearly regretting stepping a foot from that bar I was sitting at. The girl in the red dress smiles before looking away in shyness.

"Can... we help you?" Another girl asked.

I look at her, opening my mouth, but the words don't come out. I felt as if my breath and vocal cords have been snatched from me. All I could see was this woman in front of me. She was even more beautiful up close.

Her toes painted red in those black high heels she had on. Her perfume was intoxicatingly wonderful.

She was clearly out of my league.

She smiles at me. Her teeth purely white and lips perky.

"Hi... I'm Ajax." I hold out my hand downward since I was already a fucking giant.

Her friends watch awkwardly.

She takes my hand. Her skin being so soft. Nails painted red and eyes look into my soul with beauty. I rub the top of her hand with my thumb.

"Ava." She smiles.

I smile at her.

"I just thought... You know, so beautiful," I say.

She giggles at me.

"Why are you so shy?" She laughs.

I laugh as well. Felt something I haven't in such a long time.

Ava was wonderful.

"Take her number and be gone, dude." One of them yell at me.

"We're celebrating her graduation!" Another one cries.

I quickly reach into my pocket before Ava holds her fist up.

"I'll text you." She takes her phone out from in her lap before holding it out for me to type my number in.

I do so before nodding a little.

Ava bowed while sitting down ever so lightly.

Sorry for the late update.

Comment what you guys want Superman’s powers to be. I want something more than just super strength and flight.

Be creative.

JD_Labscreators' thoughts