
I’m Superman

I never asked for this. These powers. I’m an insult to Krypton. Being half human wasn’t my choice. If I don’t figure out how to control my power, me and Earth could both end up dead.

JD_Labs · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter six

The next day


I had woken up late for work today. they finally opened the place back up.

To be honest, I never thought I'd be seeing this place again. I had my name tag on my shirt, hair slit back, and hat on my head that the manager had given me when I first started working.

Cars filled the parking lot. The wind softly hitting my skin as I look into the distance. The sea looked active today. Many waves overlapping each other over and over.

I look at my time.


It was time for me to clock in.

I step out of the car nestling hitting my head on the rooftop.

Missed this place. Put my out a few hundred dollars not coming to work this past week. But I'm sure I'll get overtime anyways. this manager had a thing for working people to death.

I make my way to the entrance of the building where I could see some of my co-workers cleaning the area.

The chairs still flipped onto the table and the manager taking a drink on a plate to a customer that sat at the low bar.

I watched him as I slowly approach the building with my hands now in my jacket.

That's when Teressa stepped into the doorway. Her hand behind the door as if she were about to close it. Smiling in a confused way, she looks back and forth between Josh and I.

"Ajax? ... What are you doin' here, dude?" She asked.

I squint a little. Smiling ever so softly, I look around the area. Seeing new people I've never seen before working in the same department as I was.

"I work... today. Why?"

Teressa squinted as well.

"I guess... you... didn't receive my text?"

I swallow a little knowing I've blocked her number. It was always awkward working with her since she fantasized about doing dirty things with her co-workers from what I've heard.

"Probably time for me to get a new phone." I say.

Teressa nodded as if she didn't believed but played along with it.

"You have an IPhone 12." She pointed to my pocket where she could see the squared shaped object sitting there.

I swallow.

"Anyways. What news?" I ask.

"Teressa! We have customers. What are you do-" Josh stopped and looked at me confusing.

Walking up to me, he tilted his head a little but before Teressa made her wya away. I did nothing but stand there in the doorway watching as Josh came walking to me with five drinks on a platter in his hand.

"What are you doing here, Ajax?" Josh says in a loud whisper.

He came at me aggressive. My eyes squinted harder as I take my hands from out of my pockets.

"If you'd take us off fucking mute, you would've gotten my text that you're fucking fired," Josh proclaims. My heart began pounding as I refused to believe that this was happening right now.

"What?" I say.

"What my ass. Give me my damn name tag back and get the fuck out of here," Josh demands.

I turns his back, forcing me to follow him into the place.

"Josh! You can't do this, man. I need a job. This is the only high paying job to support my housing and bills!" I say. I walk closely behind him as he walks into the kitchen. He held his hand up mimicking me as I spoke.

"I don't give a fuck. You should've thought about that before you showed me you're fucking Superman!"

I instantly put my hands up and looked around to see if anyone had heard that. Luckily no one was around. I could feel sweat dripping down my forehead as I stand in front of him.

"Shush! Really, Josh. Petty like that? I saved your life!"

"Yeah! And you also took some too!"

I make a fist.

I grind my teeth together as Josh looks up at me.

"How about this. You taker your super power having ass home and find a job by saving people in this damn city or something. I'm not having someone who attracts danger working in my damn bar. Fuck your house, fuck your bills, and fuck you. Now give me my shit back, and get out!" Josh demands.

As I grind my teeth together, My jawline begins to flex. My veins pop from my skin as I look him dead in his eyes.

The lights begin to flicker heavily just as the power goes out throughout the entire building for 3 seconds before turning back on. As I calm down, the lights stopped flickering and the power cuts back on.

"Ajax. Get the fuck out." Josh walks past me after grabbing a lemon from the counter.

"Josh..." I put my palm out, instantly stopped him and ,along the drinks fall out of his hand as I pressed my palm against his chest.

"I saved your life. And you repay me by leaving me jobless?" I didn't even make eye contact with him. I looked forward. Staring at the wall that stayed still in front of me.

"Get out... before I call the FBI..." Josh threatened.

I take my hand front off of his chest and storm out of the kitchen.

"Yo! I'm so sorry about-" I push Teressa out of the way before storming and closing the door behind me.

Revenge was all I wanted. But ever since I was a little boy, I vowed to protect these people and kill any danger that my pose a threat to them. But I never said anything about a 500,000$ car.

I roll my sleeves up.

The parking lot was empty and seeing Josh's car he spent 15 years saving up for gave me a sense of justice.

Putting my hands under the car, I lift up with little to no effort.

My feet come off of the ground and with me, I brought his damn car. I could feel my fingers bending the metal as I fly higher and higher into the sky.

I've gotten so high the buildings of the city were visible to me now. The cars from the parking lot looked like ants and the sea looked like a large, blue blanket.

To be honest, seeing myself do this was surprising. I knew I could lift this heavy bitch, but flying only left me clueless from what I'm really capable of doing.

Using a little effort, I launch the car into the air before punching it lightly.

The car went flying off into the he distance. So far I couldn't even see it anymore. That's when I dropped back to the ground. The ground beneath me broke and the alarms on all the cars around me began going off.

As I turn around, my heart dropped when I seen a woman and her son looking at me as if they'd seen a real life angel.

Her son's lollipop fell out of her mouth as her phone dropped from out of her palm with her husband on the call.

I kneel down with the son now smiling.

He had a Superman Vs Batman shirt on.

"Keep this our little secret." I smile.

He nodded aggressively as I stand and wink at the mother who swallowed in shock.

I don’t know. I felt like doing a second chapter today. I might do two more tomorrow. Recommend me some more powers he should have. And I think of putting two sidekicks for him so let me know their powers as well.

Thank you!

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