
I’m Sorry, But That Was All I Could Do...

France was looking out of the window, watching the raindrops cascade down the window. He had a small picture of his love cleched tightly in his hand. His heart was aching badly, his mind wandering off to the memory of his dear love being burnt alive. He hated this day the most. All the grief and all the pain would come back to haunt him, and the fact that he couldn't save his one and only love. He could only watch and look as she burned, and he could do nothing.

A knock suddenly echoed throughout the gloomy house, surprising France. Nobody would ever visit him on that day, knowing that he particularly wanted to be alone and undisturbed.

He mumbled a, "Coming..." and walked over to the door, opening it. What he didn't expect was that he was greeted with his friend yet enemy at the same time, England. He immediately furrowed his eyebrows, not wanting to meet him.

"What do you want England? I'm really not in the mood to argue right now..." His hair was all messy, and his eyes had dark bags underneath.

"I didn't come here to argue France. I just wanted to apologise that I-"

France immediately cut him off, not wanting to hear his apology, "A simple apology won't bring her back to life England. You should know that already."

"France would you just listen to me for a-"

"Just go England. Just.... go. Please..." France had no mood to deal with England, and immediately shut the door. Tears were starting to fall down his cheeks, the pain too much for him to bear. He fell to his knees, sobbing, and prayed to God to let him reunite with his precious love.

Another knock came from the door, and after the knocking continued for a minute or two, he managed to choke out, "Go away..." But the knocking continued, never once stopping.

After a few moments, he gave in, and yanked open the door, "I told you to le-" He immediately paused mid sentence, not believing what he was seeing. Just in front of him, standing on his porch, was his love. His beloved Jeanne.

He reached out to touch her cheek. He gently caressed her cheek, before he embraced her, never wanting to let her go, now that she was finally in his arms. Jeanne hugged him back, and patted him on the back, smiling softly.

After that, they spent the whole day together, going to an amusement park, tour around the city, all the kinds you'd imagine a couple would do. When they finally got back to France's home, it was already late evening, and the sunset that evening was beautiful. Beautiful hues of orange, red and yellow painted the sky. France turned back to Jeanne, and hugged her again, whispering, "Let's stay here together. Forever." Jeanne nodded, hugging him back.

Just then, she suddenly vanished into thin air, and all Frace had in his arms was the air. He looked around frantically, trying to find where she had went, "Jeanne? Where are you? You better not be playing tricks on me..." and when he received no answer, tears started to gather around his eyes, he broke down sobbing.

England, who was hiding in the shadows, and following France the whole day, stepped in front of him, and looked at him with sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but that was all I could do."
