
I’m James from Team Rocket?

“Ugh.” James groans in pain, grabbing his head with an uneasy look. Now looking down at the letter in front, James’ face does a 180. “Love from James to Jessebelle? What the fu-“ *Ccreaakk* James turning around keeping his disbelief and pissed look with some veins showing on his head somehow. Spots a weird but strangely familiar animal. “Growlie?” James says instinctively seeing the puppy like creature enter the room. “Grawr! Little Growlie bursts in speed towards James as the door opens a decent amount of space. James still holding the letter with a pissed look, gets an idea. Chucking the letter on the floor, James gets a wide grin. “Growlie, use ember” “Gra?” “Oh yeah “I” scolded you for burning my toys before, it’s fine.” “Raa?” Growlie replies still unsure of what to make of this, development? “JUST DO IT!” James said calmly. Will James Morgan survive the world dooming events to come? Things like Team Plasma with flying warships and professional assassins exist and a literal god with his children having sibling fights apparently on the daily. Seems like an every Tuesday for Ash Ketchum any who. Can James escape these events? Well of course not but you’ll have to wait and see!

Cndel · Action
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16 Chs

A Few Weeks Pass

[•—•{James Morgan}•—•]

"Damn, they're doing pretty good." I comment as my Pokemon started to battle the two Quagsire and a few Drednaw in their path.

Unlike what I thought would happen, my Pokemon are holding their own with Metang taking the leadership role.

Because of the "wide scale" battle happening. Other Pokemon started to join in with a couple Mareanie hopping in.

Thankfully no high level Pokemon joined from what I saw as even my newer Pokemon were putting in the work.

With [Reflect] and [Light Screen] being used. Metang was able to convince everyone to communicate and work together.

This didn't make a coherent team but more of a who goes for what Pokemon type of communication.



A huge dust cloud was made as Metang used [Flash Canon] on a Drednaw to knock it out. With this the battle was almost finished and the tides turned as the wild Pokemon realised they were not winning.

Riolu, Squirtle and Clauncher were ganging up on two Quagsires with Growlie and Krabby finishing the last Drednaw off.

"Luu!" Riolu shouts as it uses an [Aura Sphere] finishing off the last of the opponents.


"Now that's power." I offhandedly comment seeing the explosion. Letting my Pokemon battle without my instructions will teach them to make decisions on their own.

Like if I either don't know what to do or do not have full vision of the battlefield. But this type of training won't help out too much besides decision making so it won't be too often.

Looking around, my team of six looked exhausted with only Metang and Growlie seemingly okay.

The stamina training I did with Growlie did pay off after all.

"Okay everybody gather up and bring the strongest Pokemon that's been knocked out." I command.

With all of the fainted Pokemon now caught. The rest of my time outside was spent catching multiple Magikarp in hopes of a silver to gold talent.



Putting the 12th Pokeball in the talent machine I sigh in relief. I thought I had lost Chancey's Pokeball but it's all fine.

The Pokemon that were able to make the cut were a Quagsire, Wooper, Chewtle and a Mareanie. Because for some reason all of the Drednaws were one stars unfortunately.


({Full Info Results})

Pokemon: Mareanie

Level: 19

Talent: ⭐️ ⭐️

Moves: [Peck], [Poison Sting],[Wide Guard],[Bite],[Venoshock], [Infeststion].



More than likely, this Mareanie will be part of my Gym Team as Ill be experimenting with toxic stall a lot. As I'll want to see how the move works on the common trainer and if it's viable.

The only problem right now is how to counter grass Pokemon. I'm able to think about training my Pokemon later as I've got two years, but I need a coherent good team to keep my position safe.

A Lotad doesn't sound too bad, but I don't know if there are any here.


({Full Info Results})

Pokemon: Quagsire

Level: 21

Talent: ⭐️ ⭐️

Moves: [Tail Whip], [Water Gun],[Rain Dance],[Mud Shot],[Haze], [Recover],[Ancient Power].



({Full Info Results})

Pokemon: Chewtle

Level: 12

Talent: ⭐️ ⭐️

Moves: [Tackle], [Water Gun],[Bite],[Protect].



({Full Info Results})

Pokemon: Magikarp

Level: 8

Talent: ⭐️ ⭐️

Moves: [Tackle], [Splash]



With these four new additions I now have eight water type Pokemon. This included Clauncher, Squirtle, Staryu, Krabby, Magikarp, Mareanie, Quagsire and Chewtle.

This will probably be my team for the gym. My ace would switch around from Squirtle (future Blastiose), Magikarp (future Gyarados) and Clauncher (future Clawitzer).


({Full Info Results})

Pokemon: Chansey

Level: 9

Talent: ⭐️

Moves: [Heal Bell], [Life Dew], [Charm],[Copy-Cat],[Defence Curl],[Pound]



As expected Chansey isn't a two star but at least she had some healing moves which increases her value by a lot anyways.

So I'll be keeping her to heal my team in the future and we can test her out on my new party members.

Not every Pokemon has the talent to use healing moves with the most common Pokemon that do are bred by the joy clan.

They have monopoly over all the healers in the Pokemon world and own all the Pokemon centres.

"Alright I'll release the rest of em tonight. Let's meet our new friends first lads."

Saying this with almost all my Pokemon out and ready to meet some new faces, I first send out Chansey.

"Chan chansey?"

"Hello Chansey, here have a poke puff." I say with a curt smile. The Chansey seeing the food, starts to drool a little before happily walking up to me.


That's now one out of the four Pokemon I need to be friendly with. Thankfully Chansey is only a glutton

and I'm rich and can bug her all the food. For as long that she heals my team, she can get all the good she wants.

Magikarp doesn't really count as "needing to tame" because it isn't that intelligent. I wouldn't doubt that it could be, but not at level eight.

It's not like I'm gonna mistreat it anyways so I don't see the problem here.


"Well done Fraxure, Palpitoad. You guys as well Metang, Growlithe." Leon shouts from the other side of the battlefield. Looking at my downed Pokemon I call out Chansey to heal them.

"Leon It's your turn to save the recording!" Leon and I have been consistently battling for a little bit with his "new" Pokemon. We ended up recording the matches to see our mistakes and what our Pokemon did mid fight.

Because if my Pokemon get distracted or face some kind of issues in a match that im not aware about, that can cause a disaster.

Like injuries.

"Chansey chance!"

While Metang and Growlie were getting healed. I went to check up on my other Pokemon. It's been a few weeks now since I've arrived at the Isle of Armour and it's been pretty productive.

Mostly training of course as it's the main point of going here. I've met the other students but they don't come too often like Leon and I.

Surprisingly they have an actual life like going to school, which is something I should be doing but already passed.

So because of this it's mostly been Leon, Mustard and I. With Honey of course but she's off to work as a teacher.

"They should be around here" i murmur walking around to one of the side areas of the dojo. It was an open area with targets at a distance.

Walking up to the water Pokemon who were in a horizontal line, they proceed to all aim a their targets with [Water Gun]

"Squirtle squirt?"




All of the attacks were aiming for a target which was five metres away. Most of them hit the target besides a select few like Chewtle and Krabby missing the mark.

Making my way toward the two I give them some encouragement.

"You guys will get it down sooner or later, we've all the time in the world." I say with a smirk. By all the time in the world, I mean two years.

Usually when a person goes on a journey they only have a year till their regions specific league happens.

Late starts are possible but in most cases they try again next year. The leagues obviously have an age limit which would limit who joins and would give newer trainers a chance to shine.

Of course nothing is perfect and people like me get to train their Pokemon before the journey and get a head start.

But for the most part because of the age limit, trainers are pressured to power up their team as fast as possible with resources such as personalised Pokemon food, special training and at times Pokemon evolution stones.

But for me who wont be a trainer for a while, I can just chill and let my Pokemon build up their foundation and master their attacks.

[Water Gun] is a classic but versatile move I've instructed my water types to master first for obvious reasons.

"Where's Riolu?"

Realising thats Riolu has been missing for a little bit, I start to wonder the dojo a little. He's been absorbing the galarian fighting style quite well, so there's no complaints on my side.

I explored for a few minutes until I heard Riolu talking to another Pokemon?

"Kub Kub!"


Looking at the Pokemon I identified as the legendary or to be legendary Kubfu.


Seeing their reactions I realise that Kubfu is challenging my Riolu. Riolu obviously not backing down responds and makes a few steps back.

With this after a few seconds of waiting they rushed at each other.

Kubfu immediately went for a jab as Riolu dodged it, with the open space Riolu reared Kubfu a new one with an uppercut. This sends the poor Pokemon flying to the ground.


Kubfu getting up goes for another round and heads towards Riolu. Riolu expecting the same attack predicts the dodge. But unfortunately for him Kubfu feints and hits Riolu with a mean hook.


Getting a little annoyed at that hit, Riolu rushes as Kubfu with Kubfu doing the same. They both throw a punch which hits each other, doing a double knockout.

'A new buddy to push Riolu's training, how coincidental and not planned by me hehe.' Thinking this without paying attention to my surroundings, I feel a tap on my shoulders.

"James boy, there's a parcel for you."

Recognising Mustards voice, I turn around in excitement. But to my displeasure he's not holding it.

"Where is it?" I question.

"Outside the dojo you lazy bum, go get it. This can be your cardio haha." Mustard says laughing to himself. Already being used to this man's act, I sigh and walk towards to entrance to which I found a parcel.

I took the thing back to my room and started to open the damn thing. It should have been sent from my parents about what's been going on back in Kanto.

They could send me a message but they're old school like that.

Looking into the parcel I get confused.

There was a Pokeball with note, a few newspapers and two letters.

Putting the Pokeball and note to the side for now, I take the two letters first. One was from my father and the other from mother.

'I'll read mothers letter at another time.'

Opening fathers letter, I start to read its contents.


From Sean Morgan to James Morgan

James it's only been a few weeks but your mother has been going crazy. The only thing stopping her from going to your location is loads of sweets, so please don't get hurt while your out there.

Update on the Gym. I have successfully bought the Cerulean Gym and all it's assets. It wasn't too difficult to do this, of course I won't say what I did because this letter could be read by someone else. But just know that the place will be furnished and kept clean for your arrival.

The Squirtle, Nidoran and Horsea breeding centres in Cerulean City are now under your name. This also includes the day care centres and a "small" amount of property in Cerulean we can make a holiday house for you.

Don't worry about the gym or you mother and I. I'll take care of everything till your safe return.

Also the adventurers guild you've wanted has been established by Sebastian. There won't be any activity until you become a gym leader and when your new friend getting sponsored.

Also the Pokemon in the Pokeball is an early Christmas gift. Treasure the little one well as your mother and I took a while to get a good one, he's from Unova in Opelucid City.

Specifically, The Sanctuary.

-Sean Morgan


"So all of it's mine now." I say in disbelief. The fact that I own the Cerulean Gym wont sink in till I finally see it for myself.

Packing the letter back and putting it in my diary. I check some of the newspapers while keeping my curiosity at bay.


Cerulean City has been transferred ownership, with the Gym being a private entity it was sold. With this came loads of dissatisfaction from the Cerulean population and the Gyms trainers. Rose Waterflower is currently facing tremendous amounts of repercussions from the general populace for this decision.

The Alliance has deemed the new Gym Leader to still be in training to take up the mantle. This will create a power gap between Cities and will stunt the growth of Kanto's biggest City.

With the rising economy of Vermillion and Saffron, will they outgrow Cerulean?
