
I’m James from Team Rocket?

“Ugh.” James groans in pain, grabbing his head with an uneasy look. Now looking down at the letter in front, James’ face does a 180. “Love from James to Jessebelle? What the fu-“ *Ccreaakk* James turning around keeping his disbelief and pissed look with some veins showing on his head somehow. Spots a weird but strangely familiar animal. “Growlie?” James says instinctively seeing the puppy like creature enter the room. “Grawr! Little Growlie bursts in speed towards James as the door opens a decent amount of space. James still holding the letter with a pissed look, gets an idea. Chucking the letter on the floor, James gets a wide grin. “Growlie, use ember” “Gra?” “Oh yeah “I” scolded you for burning my toys before, it’s fine.” “Raa?” Growlie replies still unsure of what to make of this, development? “JUST DO IT!” James said calmly. Will James Morgan survive the world dooming events to come? Things like Team Plasma with flying warships and professional assassins exist and a literal god with his children having sibling fights apparently on the daily. Seems like an every Tuesday for Ash Ketchum any who. Can James escape these events? Well of course not but you’ll have to wait and see!

Cndel · Action
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16 Chs

New Pokemon

[•—•{James Morgan}•—•]

"So that's how it works."

Seeing nine Pokeballs on top of the talent scanner, I get shocked at how it's actually used. To be fair though Nurse Joy never told me otherwise.

The level scanner probably works the same way.

Currently I was checking the talents of my new Pokemon. My minimum to join was at least silver to gold talents as bronze/1 star talents just weren't worth it.

I'd rather make it easier for myself rather than prolong the training process for the Gym Pokemon. For their training methods and Pokemon food though I'll seriously invest in these types of things to improve my future team of six.

I'm not seriously trying to train them up into beasts, but it's more of an experiment to see what works better. Does this training help increase bulk? Potency of moves? Or levels in general.

"The results are quite surprising. Honestly I might rob you myself." Mustard says in a joking manner. Walking up to the talent scanner I look at the screen in front which had a scroll option. This machine was owned by Mustard with it being an old model not showing the height and age. But that stuff doesn't matter too much.


({Full Info Results})

Pokemon: Staryu

Level: 13

Talent: ⭐️ ⭐️

Moves: [Harden], [Tackle],[Rapid Spin],[Water Gun], [Barrier], [Psybeam], [Recover], [Confuse Ray].



Out of the five Staryu, only one passed my criteria. This is actually quite fortunate as this Staryu has the best chances of getting a huge power up when it evolves through a water stone.

This is because it has learnt [Psybeam] at a low level showing it's potential to learn move sets easily and adapt to psychic energy.

"This Staryu's amazing ." I murmur taking its specific Pokeball. For the other four Staryu's. I've planned to just release back into the wild as there's no point keeping them.


({Full Info Results})

Pokemon: Krabby

Level: 16

Talent: ⭐️ ⭐️

Moves: [Leer], [Water Gun],[Metal Claw],[Mud Shot],[Ally-Switch].



"You're pretty lucky there son, usually don't get silver talent Pokemon easily. But I guess you just found a strong horde." Mustard said impressed.

Remembering the slight team work the Staryu's had, I nod at his words. He isn't completely wrong as the only reason I won was because of the level difference.

This Krabby interestingly enough has [Ally-Switch]. Now in game it's used it meant to switch between party members, but what happen if it was a doubles battle and my Pokemon on field switched positions at specific times?

A good thing to think about later on.


({Full Info Results})

Pokemon: Clauncher

Level: 27

Talent: ⭐️ ⭐️

Moves: [Vise Grip],[Water Gun],[Aqua Jett],[Smack Down],[Hone Claws],[Water Pulse],[Entrainment].



Clauncher is probably the highest level Pokemon I'm in possession of right now. I haven't checked Metang's level since he evolved, but he should be either level 25-26.

This does make befriending the Clauncher a bit impossible but there's nothing food can't fix.

Now onto the last Pokemon, Squirtle. I knew it had to be a decent rank with my expectations mostly being gold.

And to my delight, I was right.


({Full Info Results})

Pokemon: Squirtle

Level: 10

Talent: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Moves: [Tackle],[Tail Whip],[Water Gun],[Withdraw],[Rapid Spin],[Bite],[Water Pulse],[Aqua Ring],[Aura Sphere],[Life Dew],[Aqua Jet].



"Thanks sensei!"

Mustard hearing my words just smiles and leads me out of the room. It was time for me to participate in my first lesson.

"This Squirtle was a successfully bred after years of hard work. It has four egg moves with both make it a healer and aura user. It was born to have egg moves and not talent unfortunately, but this can be fixed." Mustard explains giving me some information. "Now his talent might not be diamond, but I'm willing to give you star pieces if you pass my challenges. As you know Leon already has graduated and is just buying his time to train before heading off."

Hearing this my ears perk up at the words "Star Piece". Even after my birthday passing and training up my Pokemon. There is been no Star Pieces sold at the Saffron black market or Ceruelan city.

It's utterly ridiculous.

"I promise to train up this Squirtle into a monster equal to Leon's Charizard. They come from the same group after all." I say with a grin. Mustard looking at me just nods his head and signals me to follow him.

"I'll suggest you let Squirtle and Riolu participate in training. They could learn a thing or two about fighting. Not just that but he can have a rivalry with my little Pokemon." Mustard says while walking to the main room of the dojo.

"Alright, there's no harm in letting him join in." I comment following Mustard.


Soon after this we entered the main part of the dojo which was a room with four pillars with a Pokemon battle field in the middle.

"We'll do the basics without the others for now, you'll get to know them in the coming two years your staying."

Hearing this I send out Riolu and Squirtle for the first time since coming inside the dojo.



Both Pokemon were a bit confused on what to do, so I just explained the basic premise of what's happening.

Mustard took the time to show me some forms for the initial stage of the Galar fighting style with my Pokemon copying the movements. The fighting style's stances were quite simple but what would I know about fighting?

They seemed effective enough and Mustard said it could be used against Pokemon, leaving little to no gaps as foot work was important to dodge Pokemon attacks.

While the form could also easily change into an offensive stance and have bursts of speed.

This is perfect for Riolu who will be a Lucario in the future. But I'm not sure why Squirtle will join, it could be to increase my bond?

"Stop spacing out you idiot." Mustard says seriously pulling out a ruler from god knows where. He proceeds to hit me in the forehead.


This went on for a little bit before I started to get annoyed a little. Riolu and Squirtle did fine but for some reason I kept getting hit.

"You mind?" I say with the obvious annoyance could be heard in my voice.

"I don't mind?" Mustard responds without reacting much. With veins popping up on my head I start to lose it a bit as my head and ass was hurting from the hits.

"Why do you keep hitting me with the ruler." I say in frustration. Mustard's face doing a complete 180 gets a wide grin.

"To measure your patience hehe."

"Fucking wha-"

Before I could finish those words, Mustard hit the back of my head with the same ruler.


"I guess I should release them now." I murmur. It was now the next day and I had quite a lot of extra time to myself. This will be the time I get to know my new Pokemon and release the unwanted ones.

The training yesterday went fine ignoring my aching head. Unfortunately the Kubfu I thought that would be joining us didn't appear, I guess I have to give it some time.

Walking near the Field of Honour, I have Metang next to me incase they try to attack.


I ended up releasing all six of them separately to save me the chances of being attacked. There were some aggressive ones but they got hit by [Psychic] and were thrown away. While the majority just dipped outta there.

Making my way to an open space, I sent out the silver talent Staryu out.


The confused Staryu looking up at me, just vigilantly keeps its distance.

"It's okay, you'll be fine here with me." I comment with high quality Pokemon food in my hands. Staryu slowly making its way towards me, swiftly absorbs the Pokemon food and dashes backwards.

'The shy one eh.'

Taking out some more Pokemon food the process repeated a few times before Staryu accepted me as its trainer.

Food prevails over all.

This strategy also worked on Krabby who's mental capacity isn't that much to the point where he listened to me instantly.

'Now it's the Claunchers turn.' With a sweat going down my face, I send out Growlithe and Riolu first to protect me from the likely danger.



The newly caught Clauncher looked around in confusion like Staryu and soon after spotted me. But instead of the vigilant look or aggressive I've seen today.

It just blankly looks at me seemingly waiting for me to talk.

"Hello Clauncher, I know we had not the best of starts but I'd like for you to be my Pokemon. You battle for me while I help you get stronger, also loads of food." I explain to the little guy just silently nodding at my words.

Taking out more Pokemon food, Clauncher just gobbles it up in joy as it squeals from the taste of the food.

"Claun cher cher!"

Smiling at the development I send out all the water type Pokemon to meet each other.





These Pokemon will be on a constant rotation in a weird format though. I don't want to be seen as an easy gym to beat to keep the previous reputation of the Cerulean Gym.

Me taking over will leave a huge gap in power as I'm not equal to the previous Coronation world winner. But I can at least use my Metang and in the future hopefully a Metagross to win most of my gym matches.

It's not a rule on my part to only use water types after all.

"You guys better get used to each other as y'all be training together often. I will add a few more Pokemon to the roster, so you guys better get stronger alright?"

With I roamed around the grass with a group of six Pokemon with me. I mainly wanted to see if I could catch any Pokemon of course.

Catching Pokemon will be my initial goal before training my Pokemon as it's annoying to teach a single Pokemon from scratch. I learnt this the hard way with Riolu at home.

I spent the next few hours catching Magikarps, and roaming around. We ended up arriving to a different place called the Soothing wetlands.




Seeing the sight of a new area to explore I grin. The place so many new Pokemon to catch, I wont limit myself to only catching water Pokemon of course. So I hope for some strong Pokemon to appear.

There were Pokemon such as Pawniard, Wooper, Quagsire, Bouffalant, Drednaw, Fletchling and Chewtle in view of the place.

'Who should I go for first?' I think to myself.

I should hold off on the Pawniards for now as I'm not strong enough to deal with the Bisharps who would hunt me down on sight.

Bouffalant just don't interest me currently.

Fletchling is definitely a Pokemon I could go for as I want a Pokemon that can fly, so he'll be on the list.

But the main ones I could catch are mainly Drednaw and Quagsire. The reason it's not the pre-evolutions of them, is because evolved Pokemon are more likely to have high talent.

As they had no prior "training" and naturally grew to those strengths mostly.

"Alright I see a group of one Quagsire and a few Woopers. Let's gank them boys!" I command. My six Pokemon hearing this, do a war cry and head towards the poor group in front.