
A normal day.

It all started in New York, I was a designer in everything except dresses. I could design anything, to flower bouquets to dog beds. But, I usually get called in for my unique talent of preparation.

Today, I'm here to help my best friend, Tulin, who is a MEGA famous broadway show director, put the finishing touch on a prop. "Taxi!" Ugh! I forgot my phone, but I don't wanna go back home! You see, my home is in the smack dab middle of a disgusting neighborhood.

I'm planing to move, which is why, I will confess to you, I'm charging Tulin when I'm helping her. Not much, but, I'm still charging her.

"I guess I'll run to my house..." I thought to myself. And so I did. I bet I looked like a goddess, my silky blonde hair running with the wind, I do my best not to get noticed. But, of course some jerk has to come my way. Umph! Oww! Who did I bump into? I look up. There, looming above my head is a Korean guy. Woah! He's so tall!

"Umm, sorry"

"It's my fau-"

Then we just stood there like idiots. Pfft. As if accidentally talking at the same time means we were meant for each other. I ran away, I was to scared to ask anything about him.

———————————–————————AT WORK——————————————————————

"Girl, what took you so long?" Asked the greatest bestie in the world. "N-nothing" I stupidly said. Tulin is like a cat, she can smell fear, or any other emotion.