
2nd encounter

"Okayyyyyyyy" Tulin said, dragging the word while eyeing me suspiciously "Emma, you know you don't have to lie to me, right? Was is your mother?" Hmmm. My mother. You would think just mentioning that word would bring a smile to my face. It did exactly the opposite. In fact, it made me quite sad to hear her. And no, I don't need a pity party, I'm perfectly fine. It just, me and my mother had never bonded, no "I love you", no hugs, no nothing. It's why I moved. I mean, my dad left because of her selfishness, so why couldn't I?

"No, I just forgot my phone, sorry I'm late"

"it's fine"

"So... what do you need me to do?"

"Oh! Right so, I need a little help..."

——————————————————-EMMA'S PHONE————————————————————


Tt_The_queen: HEY

What's up?:EMMA.S

Tt_The_queen:Soooo, me and Brandon were talking... and

we wanna go to a party! Wanna come?

And 3rd wheel? No way:EMMA.S



————————————————————-AT THE PARTY——————————————————

Me and Tulin were at a booth. She kept on begging me to drink. "Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope." Is all I could say. This party was so lame. Well, I'm leaving, I thought to myself. Where is Brandon, Tulin's boyfriend? Whatever. I called Brandon. "Ya? Emma? What is it?" "Well, WHERE ARE YOU!?!?" uhhh, I drank a little too much... I'm in the bath room" he said sheepishly. "Ewww, ok, call an Uber for tulin and you, I'm leaving" "ok bye" I speed walk downstairs, to the exit/entrance. Well, at least I can drive! And at leas- oww! I bumped into... HIM!?!? ITS THAT KOREAN GUY!