
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 9: I’m Expecting An Apology

Daniel's POV: I didn't want to hurt Jade's feelings or anything, I never wanted that, but she makes it hard to be around. The minute I grabbed her and took her here I wanted to rip out her throat, I've managed to have control, but what just happened proved me wrong. I thought I could control myself with her...I had to do it for her, and I failed! I wanted to run after her, but she clearly needed her space so I stayed up here. Instead I sent someone to tell her that we would be leaving in the morning for California, and that she had to call her mother...

Jade's POV: I couldn't stop thinking about what Daniel had said to me. His words were playing on repeat in my head. I know I shouldn't be taking it this hard, but- wait...no! I should be taking it this hard, we flirted and had sex, and now he's expecting me to just leave everything here and go back to California. Speaking of, a young woman came up to me and said that she had a message from Daniel. I figured this would be good, possibly an apology or maybe he changed his mind about me leaving. Instead, she said that Daniel wants me to know that we leave tomorrow morning and that I should come back to the room. I didn't want to seem weak by going back so I said thank you to the young woman and decided I'd just stay down here until he comes to me and apologizes. That's the least he can do after what he said...

Nathan's POV: Elizabeth and I have been on the road for awhile now, we've come halfway to Virginia. Elizabeth seems to be on edge about something, I would ask her but she's my sister, 3,000 years old, and a witch, I'd rather not be on the bad side of her. Truth be told, she's the only person that truly scares me, I've never put her to sleep either because of that! I'm surprised she's dealt with my family for this long, after all, everyone is a bunch of annoying brats. Once my goal is achieved then I'll be able to get rid of them for good...

Daniel's POV: It's been three hours. Jade hasn't came back to the room, I don't know if I should be worried or stubborn. She could just be down in the lobby or buffet or something...but then again my brother wants her, who's to say he doesn't have Elizabeth using locator spells on both of us? I didn't want to be the firsts to break, but I have to. I need to make sure Jade is okay, even though deep down I know that emotionally she isn't. I went down the elevator, first I figured I'd check the buffet. She wasn't anywhere in sight, I started to get a little more worried. What if she wasn't in the lobby either? I used my vampire speed to run into the lobby, sure enough I found Jade, she was sitting on a couch in there reading a magazine. I smiled knowing she was safe. I walked over there and said, "Jade, look...I never meant to hurt you or anything close to that. I'm just trying to do whatever I can to keep you safe. I really hope you can't understand that and come back to the room with me so we can get some sleep." She gave me a disgusted look and replied, "Are you kidding me? No apology or anything, after all of that, you came down here and asked me to come with you but you expect me to without your apology. I don't think so!" I have to give her some credit, she has sass and an attitude. I do owe her an apology I suppose, but first she needs to come upstairs with me. "How about this. You come back to the room with me and maybe you'll get an apology." She sighed obnoxiously and said, "Fine. But I refuse to be happy about any of this!" I smiled and gestures for her to follow me, and she did. We arrived back in the room and she just kept staring at me. I knew what she wanted so I'd give it to her. I said, "Jade Bradford, words cannot even begin to tell you how sorry I am, so I'll do my best. I would die if anything happened to you, so I thought you being with me would be your safest option, but I was very wrong. After I nearly killed you earlier I couldn't even explain how much guilt I felt and how destroyed I was that I even lost control for a second. Your blood is different, it's stronger for me. You're harder to resist than anyone I've ever met, being near you even right now is dangerous. The hunger, it controls vampires, me included. Being with your dad and only your dad with slight protection from my vampires will be safer for you than it would be if I was with you. I wish you could understand how sorry I am about this. I know there's something between us, but I'm a vampire, you're a human...it just won't ever work out. I'm sorry!" I meant every word I just said. I am sorry and I feel awful for how I'm behaving and treating Jade, it's not okay and I know that! Jade replied, "I think I just came up with a solution to all of our problems. One that solves Nathan trying to use me in the sacrifice, stops you from wanting to rip out my throat every time you're near me, and one that can let us be together like normal...turn me!"