
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 10: Turn Me

Daniel's POV: "YOU WANT ME TO WHAT!" I shouted at Jade. She jumped at my loudness and replied in a calm voice, "I want you to turn me into a vampire." I was honestly terrified. Jade has her entire life ahead of her. I refuse to take that away when she's only 17! It's wrong and I won't do it! I calmed my tone and said, "You can't really expect me to agree with that. I'm not turning you into...a vampire!" "Well if you don't want to turn me then I can easily find another vampire who will. Perhaps one of your other sibling will want to keep Nathan from getting what he wants. You clearly don't." Jade seemed more determined in getting me to break than turning. I don't really believe her on this one! "I'm afraid I'm going to have to call your bluff Jade!" I responded. There's no way she really wants to be a vampire. Nobody does. Jade walked right in front of me and said, "Try and stop me..." then she walked past me and out the door with only herself. She will get herself killed out there if I'm not with her- that's exactly what she wanted. She wanted me to realize that I do need to be with her to guarantee her safety! Now I understand her motives. I ran after her and said...

Jade's POV: "Jade! Wait! I know. I know what you really wanted. I need to be with you to guarantee you're safe. I'll come to California with you, everything will be okay! You'll be okay!" Daniel called out. I wasn't bluffing. I will find another vampire to turn me if he won't. Daniel's making excuses now, trying to change my mind even though deep down he knows I'm being serious. I replied, "Really? That's what you think I want. I'll never truly be safe. You made a point when you said I wasn't going to be safe with you. I won't be safe in New York, or California with your vampire minions, and I'll especially not be safe in Boston! There's nowhere for me to go where Nathan won't find me. He has a your witchy sister to thank for that. I could run all the way around the world, but in the next three months he'll find me wherever I go and there's nothing for you to do that will protect me. The only solution is that I'm a vampire. Unless, of course, you want to hear my plan b?" Daniel tilted his head and said, "What plan b?" I'm acting out of rage and worry right now. In 3 months when this is all over I won't really want to be a vampire I don't think. "Daniel, you may not like this plan, but it could just make everything go away. All the time Nathan has spent finding a way to break the spell, all the hiding I'll have to do for the next three months, it could all just be done with..." I trailed off. He gave me a confused look, almost like he wasn't completely sure what I was going to say next. "I'll hand myself over to him. I'll tell Nathan that I'll help him break the curse as long as nobody gets hurt, well besides me. He'd think we're on his side-" Daniel cut me off, "Wait! Slow down! You want to just hand yourself over to Nathan, he'll kill you in the ritual and then put me to sleep for interfering!" "No he won't. Like I said, he'll THINK we're on his side. We won't be though. If we can get Elizabeth to be on our side about this then nobody needs to get hurt! It's a flawless plan!" I replied. Daniel gave me a scared look and said, "Elizabeth is with Nathaniel . How do you expect us to get her without him getting you? Not so flawless plan after all!" I was angry now. I get furious at the slightest things, I may be a little selfish, but not when it comes to people I care about, otherwise, it doesn't really matter to me. I replied in a more moody tone, "You kidnapped me, told me your life story, had sex with me, and tried to send me away. You owe me lunch, let's go!" He smiled and said, "Yes ma'am."

Nathan's POV: I arrived in Virginia less than an hour ago. I stopped to get lunch. A young waitress looked delicious, I ate her and then headed for a hotel. I needed a place to crash while I search every spot possible in this town Elizabeth told me to go to. At least until I get an update from her! She isn't exactly allowed in Virginia, the entire state actually! There was a slight incident that happened a couple years back with a family, they're vampires also, they made a deal with Elizabeth and if they won she could never return and if she did they had to kill themselves, I really do like the way she thinks. She lost however, so now she has to stay back in Boston and call me whenever she finds something new! It's a flawless plan if I do say so myself...

Daniel's POV: I thought to myself, "This girl is crazy. She's basically going on a suicide mission! Turning herself in to Nathan is the craziest thing she could've possibly thought of. And getting Elizabeth on our side. She is delusional." I didn't want Jade to get mad at me again because no plan has ever worked when people are angry at each other. Once me and Jade finished eating lunch she convinced me to take her shopping to get new clothes since hers were all dirty. On the ride over there I called Elizabeth, "Are you with Nathaniel?" I asked her. She quickly responded with, "Hello to you to dear brother. And might I ask why you took that bitchy blood-line girl from Nathaniel? He's furious with you." "I know. But I couldn't just let him break mother's spell, or let him kill Jade-" "Jade...THAT'S her name. You'd think for an Eddington she'd have a cutesy little innocent girl name, like her ancestor Amelia of course. God...I hated that bitch too! Always taking you and Nathaniels attention away from your family." Elizabeth replied. I said back, "No need to be judgey, you're on speaker phone. Anyway, you never answered my question. Are you with Nathaniel?" "No I'm not. I'm actually in Boston whole your little brother is trying to find you and that girl. Don't you think you should just give her up by now? I've stalled him by sending him to Virginia instead of New York. You are an idiot, you know that right? Thank me when you get back!" She answered. I was a little furious at Elizabeth for saying that but instead of making an enemy out of two of my siblings I simply said, "Elizabeth, we're on our way, but we need your help! Are you in?" She replied, "Of course I am you ass. I'm not missing an opportunity to take down Nathaniel. He won't put me to sleep, so I'm safe. Wait, you are planning on stopping Nathaniel right?" "Of course I am. Now I'll see you soon little sister!" I responded and hung up the phone...

Jade's POV: I suppose I was expecting Elizabeth to be a bit nicer than that, clearly she wasn't. I'm not going to make any comments or remarks on what she said about me, but I am a bit suspicious. "Daniel?" I said. "Yes Jade?" He replied. "Why do you trust her so much. What if Nathaniel is waiting there?" "He's not. I could hear Elizabeth through the phone, she was sitting in front of our pool painting her nails. I can assure you, you'll be safe!" He answered. I quickly responded saying, "Daniel! It's not me that I'm worried about, remember, I'll sacrifice myself if it comes down to it, but it's you that I'm worried about. I know you can be killed, but what if he 'puts you to sleep' if I understood Elizabeth correctly. What the hell does that even mean?" I honestly had no idea, he wasn't killing them because Daniel mentioned before that he'd been put to sleep many times by Nathan, but he never really explained what it meant. Daniel then answered my question and said, "Nathaniel has a special weapon that he uses, it was from my mother herself. It's spelled to put any vampire to sleep until whoever did that to them decides to undo it! Therefore, I have no way of stopping him, if he wants me down then I'm down. The weapon is a special type of sword, it's blade is spelled with a sleeping spell, therefore when Nathaniel stabs us in the heart with it, we fall into a sleep until stabbed once more, at that moment we take a few minutes, hours, or even days to undesiccate, but that's only when Nathaniel needs us for something. In this case, he wanted me to keep and eye on you while he was out gathering the rest of the materials for the ritual." I only gave him a confused look and said, "He really does put you to sleep..." I trailed off. He replied, "Allow me to explain it in a more simple way, think of Sleeping Beauty. When she pricks her finger she immediately falls asleep, that's exactly what Nathaniel does to us, with a sword, except we don't look so good when he does. Veins appear throughout our entire body, we look like we're dead, but we are nearly dead adjacent. Did treat answer your question?" "Uhm. Yeah. But one more question before we go in, does it hurt when he does that?" I asked. "Yes it does. It feels like he's driving stake through my heart, and then I'm just...gone. However it isn't so bad when I'm like that, I can dream or think about whatever I want and I get a clear, perfect picture of it. I used to dream about Amelia, I never loved anyone more than I loved her. I would dream about what our future could've been like if I was human, we would've had kids and grown old together. Then when I wake up again it's like I'm watching Amelia die all over again. Like I could feel her pain. It's one of the worst and best things to experience!" I saw the look in his eyes, there was nothing, like he was just dead inside. I honestly felt bad for him. But he's also a vampire, he's had 3,000 years to move on. I said, "We should probably go inside and get me an outfit. Then we can hit the road and get Elizabeth to help us. Come on..."