
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 62: Blood Bags

Jade's POV: It was the next morning and I was happier than ever. I still can't believe Charles is serious about adopting a baby! It's amazing and all I wanted right now, well besides to get married! I was still pretending to be asleep so I could keep cuddling with Charles, that was until Ariana swung opened the door and yelled, "Time to get up bitches! We're going dress shopping!" I smiled and slightly laughed at Ariana's language. She's so peppy and cheerful all the time...in a very threatening type of way. I said to Ariana, "Can we just lay here for five more minutes?" Ariana rolled her eyes and replied, "Fine, I'll wake the other girls up, but when I come back you better be ready to get up!" I smiled and answered, "Yes ma'am." Once Ariana left I turned to Charles and asked, "Can't I jus skip dress shopping and go another day so I can stay in bed with you?" Charles laughed and answered, "As much as I'd love that, Ariana would rip my tongue out and then force you to go!" I gave Charles puppy dog eyes and he squinted his face as he said, "Not the puppy dog eyes! You know I can't say no to you anyway, let alone when you do that!" I stopped and smiled. Charles turned back to me and kissed me. I pulled away and said with a sexy smirk, "What if I skipped dress shopping to stay in bed with you and do something else that's fun?" Charles bit his lip and then sighed and replied, "We can't, as mu as I'd love to, you need to get your dress. Then we can spend as much time together as we want. Forever right?" "Right!" I smiled. I continued kissing Charles, he kissed back, in my attempt to change his mind. However, I suppose our five minutes are up because Ariana burst right through the door again and said, "Don't make me rip you two apart, and I mean RIP!" I pulled myself away from Charles and got up, I thought it was quite funny to see Ariana's face when I stood up since I'm naked. I put on some comfy clothes to travel in and then let my hair down in the natural brown, curly hair I have. I walked downstairs with Charles and sat in the living room as I waited for everyone else to be ready. Once we were just about ready to leave I went into the kitchen to grab a blood bag for breakfast. I opened the fridge and said, "Uh, Charles? Can you come here for a second?" Charles made his way into the kitchen and stood next to me not noticing the fridge, I pointed forward and said, "Why are there no blood bags in here? Last night there was still nearly fifty!" "I have no idea. Maybe someone got a craving last night? I'll ask everyone. In the meantime, you should go make a stop at the hospital for some more, will you please?" I nodded my head and grabbed the keys to my truck and left for some more blood bags...

Charles' POV: I shut the fridge and went into the living room where everyone was sitting at. I then asked, "Hey, did anyone have a bunch of blood bags last night?" Everyone shook their head no. Daniel said, "I only drank one, I'm pretty sure everyone else had only one or maybe none." I furrowed my eyebrows and continued, "Then how the hell are all the blood bags gone?" Everyone's faces looked confused. Then Elizabeth asked, "Where's Jade at?" I answered, "I asked if she would go get some more blood bags from the hospital." Elizabeth nodded her head. A short amount of time passed while we tried figuring it out. Soon enough Jade appeared at the door with a cooler full of blood bags and blood all over herself as she said, "You know, someone should've warned me how not easy it is to steal blood from a hospital. I had three guys following me and nagging at me about what I was doing, I tried compelling them but I learned the hard way that they're on vervain. So now I have three torn up men in the back of truck." I walked up to Jade and grabbed the cooler from her and said, "I'm sorry Jade, usually I can in and out of there easily. Do you need some help taking care of the bodies?" She smiled and replied, "Nope, I got it all under control. I'll go bury them real quick and then us girls can hit the road! But first things first, toss me a blood bag, I'm starving." I handed one to Jade and then Elizabeth asked her, "Jade, didn't you already eat three guys today?" Jade ignored Elizabeth and walked out the door drinking her blood bag.

Jade's POV: I walked outside to go bury the bodies. I knew I only killed three men, but when I took a look at the bodies there was nearly a dozen! I don't remember killing these innocent people. I started panicking about what's happening, and I have no idea either! I dragged the bodies out with a tear at the poor ends these people had. 11 dead bodies! I pulled them off to the side of the driveway and grabbed the bottle of whiskey I kept in my truck. Then I poured it all over the bodies and before I had the chance to light it, Elizabeth walked out. I take it because she didn't like that I ignored her. She stood there, stunned. I held tightly to my almost empty blood bag and turned to her as she said, "What the hell Jade? There's like a dozen people here. What did you do?" I gulped and replied, "Uh, well, I- uhm. To be fair I only remember killing three of them!" I turned back to the bodies and whispered, "Inscendia!" The pile bursts into flames as I turn back to Elizabeth. She's shocked. I have no idea why I'm about to do what I'm about to do. I raised my hand up in the air and chanted a small sentence. With that, Elizabeth fell to the ground. I dragged her body over to the fire and threw her in without hesitation. I walked into the house and said with a straight face, "It's taken care of."

Charles' POV: Jade seemed...off. When she came in she didn't make eye contact with anyone, then she marched back into the kitchen. I have no idea where Elizabeth is so I told Ariana to go bring her inside. I followed Jade into the kitchen to ask what's wrong, however, when I entered I saw something terrifying. Jade, standing in front of the fridge with almost all of the blood bags drained, and blood smeared all over her face. She turned to me and said, "Hello Charles, goodbye Charles!" She ran over to me but with the wordy warning I was able to snap her neck before she got to mine. I dragged her downstairs to the cellar and locked her up Incase somethings wrong with her. I went back into the living room and saw Ariana dragging what looks like Elizabeth's body in. Burnt to a crisp! Even though fire doesn't kill us, it'll knock us out for a few hours. I asked, "What the hell happened to her?" Ariana regretted telling me, "I think it was Jade. When I went out there I saw a pile of burning bodies, one being Elizabeth's, along with the other 11!" My eyes widened at the words coming out of Ariana's mouth. I then said, "Why is Jade acting like this? I walked into the kitchen and saw her drinking almost all of the blood bags. She looked... murderous! Then she tried to kill me, but I locked her down in the cellar. I think she's the one who drank them all last night too!" Daniel cut in and said, "Yeah, about that, Jade isn't in the cellar anymore!" Everyone turned their eyes to Jade standing behind me. I was about ready to snap her neck again, but she'd just come back up, I also want to hear what she has to say. She started speaking, "What are you guys all staring at? And why was my face covered in blood when I woke up? Oh one more thing...why the bloody hell was I chained up?"