
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 61: Mortal Wishes

Jade's POV: It's been 4 months. The best 4 months of my life! Charles and I decided on a June wedding, classic I know, but it's always been my dream. Plus, that's only in two more months! Everybody has been chipping in to help us out on the planning. I've yet to tell Talia and my father because I'm deciding on whether or not I'm going to invite them. I know it's terrible if I don't, but my dad would think I'm too young and not approve of Charles, and Talia knows about everything because I always call her and tell her everything, she'd think I'm making the biggest mistake of my life. Or I could be wrong and they might be happy for me, I'm not completely sure yet. Anyway, with the wedding coming up, I haven't even picked out a dress yet, so that's what Ariana, Elizabeth, Audrey, and Nora are taking me to do today. We're driving to New York for the weekend to visit a personal stylist they know that'll make me a custom dress and have it done by next month! I'm on my way to get the boys lunch. Daniel and Charles are the only ones home right now so I told them I'd get them some. I finally got back after waiting like an hour for food. I got in and yelled, "Food's here!" Both boys came rushing back and snatched the food from me. I picked up some magazines on the way back to keep myself entertained for a few hours. I sat across the living room from Charles and Daniel and started reading. I probably should've looked over the magazines before I picked them up, they were all about how all the celebrities are settling down and having kids. One of the catalogs even had a bunch of baby stuff in it! I longed for that. I never thought I wanted kids until now, even if I was mortal I couldn't have Charles's kids. It makes me sad thinking I'll never get that opportunity. I looked through the pages for awhile until I got to sad to continue looking. I put the magazine on the coffee table and walked out of the room without a single word...

Charles' POV: I saw Jade looking very sad when she walked out of the room. I turned to Daniel and asked, "Do you know what that was about?" He shook his head. I walked over to grab the magazines Jade was reading to see if anything upset her at all. I was shocked when I found the catalogs filled with babies and happy families. I rushed upstairs to my fiancé and asked, "Can I come in?" Jade replied, "Sure." I walked in and sat on the bed next to her and said, "Jade, I'm sorry about that. It's hard at first, but it'll get easier as time goes by." Her eyes started filling with tears as she said to me, "It's just it seemed like forever ago when I was telling myself I never wanted to have children. Before any of this came into my life. To think, that was only 3 years ago! I was such a kid back then, a 17 year old girl who couldn't even protect herself. Now, I'm a 20 year old stuck in my 18 year old self as a heretic! I can't believe how upside down my life has become." I placed my hand on Jade's shoulder and sadly replied, "Are you having second thoughts about our engagement?" Jade smiled and grabbed both of my hands and said, "No, Charles, not in a million years! I love you and I want to be with you forever. It's just that forever means giving up my everything in my life, my dad, Talia, all my family back in California. I'd just...vanish from their lives completely. Talia never wanted kids either, so that means nobody would be able to carry on my families legacy. Our heritage is very important to us because we're witches, and I won't even be able to continue our bloodline!" A few tears dropped from Jade's eye. I wiped them away and said, "Jade, you know how much I love you, and you know that I want to give you everything life has to offer! So with that being said I need a straight answer from you...do you want children?" Jade started crying as she answered, "Yes...I do want children. I wanted a family of my own, and someone to share it with. I wanted to live in the house I spent 6 years of my childhood in, here in Boston! I wanted my mom to see me get married and have kids one day, and I wanted my sister and dad to be there! I wanted someone to share all of that with, someone I could trust with my life! Someone like you, Charles! I wanted a human life, no vampires or witches or werewolves involved, no blood rituals, no hunger, no killing, and no doomed existence! I never knew I wanted all of it before, until the very moment I lost it..." I couldn't bare to see Jade crying. I pulled her in and hugged her and said, "I'll do my best to make every single one of those come true if it's possible!" Jade didn't respond. I heard the front door open and asked, "Jade, I'm not very good with the whole 'baby' talk, do you want to talk about it with the girls?" She nodded her head quickly and I stood up. I walked with Jade downstairs where my sisters stood in the doorway. They didn't ask questions while Jade was standing there. Instead, Audrey, Ariana, and Nora brought her upstairs to Audreys room. Elizabeth stayed behind and asked, "What the hell is wrong with Jade? Did you two call it quits?" "No, we didn't call off the engagement!" I rolled my eyes and continued, "Jade was reading some catalogs that talked about everyone settling down with their husbands and wives and children! Jade got really emotional and had a break down about how she missed being normal. She wanted your guy's comfort since your women and probably understand what she's feeling better than I do." Elizabeth nodded her head and replied, "Yeah, we do. But once you two are married, you'll need to learn how to be more involved with how Jade feels! She's a new vampire, that means her emotions are all over the place, I figured she'd be okay by now, but she started off by pushing her emotions away instead of letting them in. Now, she's letting them all in at once, starting with the baby mama drama, and ending with god knows what! We'll keep her company this time, but next time she's yours!" I nodded my head and went into the living room to sit by Daniel and talk. Soon enough it was night. Time for bed, I walked in and saw Jade laying down already. I asked, "Hey, how are you feeling?" She smiled and replied, "I feel more at ease and accepting everything. I know it's impossible for me to have kids anymore, and I hate that, but I don't regret turning into a vampire because it means that I get to spend eternity with you, because I love you!" I smiled and kissed Jade. After a minute in silence I had an idea. I quickly said to Jade, "Actually, Jade, do you really want kids!" She replied suspiciously, "Yes, why?" I smiled and answered, "Well, I never told any of my siblings this, or anyone actually, but when I was still human...3,000 years ago, I always dreamed of having a family of my own. I'd be married to the most beautiful woman in the clan, and we would have gorgeous children together. I pictured 4 to be exact. However, life took an unexpected turn when my siblings and I were turned into vampires. It took me 4 centuries to learn how to not want children." Jade looked very confused so I continued, "What I'm trying to say is that if we both want children then what's stopping us?" Jade sounded concerned as she said, "We're vampires, we can't procreate! I think that's stopping us pretty good!" I rolled my eyes lightly and said, "There are other ways to have a baby you know. None that we can try, but what if we adopted a child? I know some witch friends who own an adoption agency for children of any witch bloodline. Surprisingly, lots of witches don't want children, so they send them to this agency!" Jade's face lit up in a smile as she asked, "Are you serious?" I nodded my head as she hugged me tightly and continued, "Yes! Yes, I want to adopt a baby with you Charles!"