
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 54: Rosewood, Florida

Jade's POV: It's been 5 hours, we exited the plane about ten minutes ago. I stopped at the gas station for a real bite to eat, I also got Rosie something because I'm feeling generous! After we got our stomachs situated we hit the road again after getting some gas and a rental car. Now we have an hour on the road until we get to Rosewood!

Elizabeth's POV: Only about ten more minutes on this plane and we'll be at a place called Bronson, Florida. It's about half an hour away from Rosewood. With any luck we'll make it either before or just in time to save Jade. Charles has been a wreck the entire time. He said he has something special planned for Jade once we all get back. A "Thank God You Didn't Die Party" I guess. Anyway, he's been stressed and worried on top of the whole 'nervous wreck' situation. Everything about Jade being in danger has him rattled up. I think if the wrong person stands in his way he'll rip them to shreds right now. While the time was passing by quickly I was thinking of ways to get Charles to spill about what 'party' thing he's planning for Jade. He just kept going on and on about how much he loves her and doesn't want to lose her to death. I tuned him out and secretly plugged in headphones while he was flapping his jaws...


Jade's POV: Half way there. Only thirty more minutes to go and I'll be able to fix myself. I should probably explain the details of this process. So first I'm going to be letting out all of my darkness, I'm putting it all into another witch who has volunteered to die for this. After that's finished I'm going to places on the ground and every single witch will link together and use all of their power to make sure my mind is clear, they'll also be taking away the mental problems. Like the illnesses Elizabeth said she saw in my head. It won't go away completely, but it'll be better than it is now. And once that's all complete we'll kill the witch and then everyone will be on their merry way. However, if this goes wrong and the witches realize how much darkness I really have they won't want to help me, and if they don't help me then nobody will, so I'll ask them to kill me so the darkness all goes away. I'm scared of this plan either way, if I survive it's going to be painful, and if I die then I'm just dead which won't be any fun. I'll admit it, I'm terrified of dying. Nobody wants to, but sometimes it's what's best for everyone, the Sulimans will have better lives without me, my sister and dad aren't even in Boston so they clearly don't care that much. Ashton knows about this and he didn't try and stop me so I guess he's fine with it. I love Charles with every bit of my heart, but if being with him, being alive, means that I'm hurting people then I can't live. It's not right and I won't put anyone else's life in danger because I'm selfish. I have to let go. This is the only way to fix me...

Charles' POV: 20 minutes left. I pray with my life that we get there in time. For all we know Jade could already be dead, but I refuse to give up hope until the very last second.

Ten minutes have passed and I'm about to the point of jumping out of this car and running for it. We're stuck in a traffic jam, but I can't risk being seen. I was going to risk it, but Elizabeth wouldn't let me. She said it wouldn't be to long and then we could go again and get to Rosewood in no time. I don't think I can wait that long. I was about to open my door when it became stuck. I looked at Elizabeth and said, "What are you doing?" She pushed me back down into my seat and said, "It's for your own good. I won't risk you exposing all of us to save Jade. I told you, we'll make it and when we do we'll bring Jade home. I promise!" I sat down impatiently and started tapping my foot waiting for the cars in front of us to start moving. They weren't...

Jade's POV: Finally. Ten more minutes and we'll be there...Ten minutes passed and I'm finally at one of the old abandoned houses in Rosewood! Nobody was here until I heard footsteps. I turned around and saw a bunch of men and woman standing behind each other. I asked, "You're the witches, correct?" One lady answered, "Yes, two full covens, 24 witches total. You're Jade I assume. Where do you want to start?" I smiled and said, "I've been in contact with some dark magic recently and I need you to get it out of me. If I'm understanding the plan correctly, you've brought a witch for me to put all of my dark magic into?" The woman nodded. Then she asked me to lay down as they all formed a circle around me. The woman stood right above me inside the circle. Everyone joined hands and waited for the woman to signal for them to link to her. As they started the spell the woman said, "Why is there so much black magic inside of you? Centuries worth of dark magic?" I replied while grunting at the spells effects, "I'm an Eddington witch. I broke the glass hair comb!" The woman stopped her spell and told me to get up. I did as she asked and she said, "You broke it? Every witch from your families bloodline that used dark magic put it all into that comb and you took it in? Why?" I gulped and answered, "So I could raise and original. She needed to be arose by and Eddington. Seeing as I was the only one powerful enough I did. Now can we please get on with the spell?" The woman started shaking her head fast and said, "No child! We must use plan b!" I know plan b is me dying. But saying it and it actually happening is two different stories, now I'm actually terrified. I desperately said, "No! Please don't! Please just help me!" The woman replied sternly, "NO! You have demons and darkness. You must be put down!" Without saying anything more she started another spell. I recognized it, it's a death spell. She's getting ready to kill me. I have to fight her. I don't want to die anymore! I started chanting even louder, "Изсипете тъмнината в душата й. Отрови го и я убий, докато няма повече" I started screaming and felt pain throughout my whole body. I could see a glimpse of the darkness flowing out of my body from my partially clenched eyes. The woman's spell stopped and the darkness finished flowing into her. Once it did she fell to the ground, she was dead. The rest of the two covens started closing in on me and chanting the same death spell the woman was before I killed her. I gripped one hand onto my wrist where the magical bracelet Charles gave me in London was placed. Preventing me from death, I guess I never wanted to die after all, my subconscious knew that but I didn't until now. I used my spell that siphons magic from objects and I siphoned the magic out of the bracelet. This would give me the power of the original witch! Once I had it I yelled to everyone "I'M SORRY!" Then, as I started to feel the effects of their spell working I whispered, "Die..." then everyone fell to the ground, including me...

Charles' POV: After the traffic was done Elizabeth and I sped off and got to Rosewood. We checked almost every house until we didn't need to anymore. We heard a scream, Jade's scream. It was coming from all the way across the town. Elizabeth and I ran as fast as we could go and on the way there we heard chanting from lots of voices. The two covens of witches I assumed. I ran even faster and I heard another shout, it was Jade. She said she was sorry. I think this was it. They were killing her right now! I told Elizabeth we needed to go faster. We ran until we came across a clearing at the edge of town. I looked around and saw dozens of bodies dragged throughout the ground. I looked around and then to the middle and saw Jade. She was laying there, either unconscious or dead. I ran over and put my arms around her limp body. I couldn't feel a pulse and I started crying. She can't be dead! There's no way we missed her. I don't believe it. She'll come back! She has to. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. Then, all of a sudden, Jade's eyes opened and her heartbeat returned. I looked at her and said, "Thank god you're alive! Are you okay? What happened?" She just kept staring at me confused and said, "Who are you?"