
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 48: Kill Or Be Killed

Jade's POV: I have no idea what Charles was planning, but this 'Henry' guy has to go. I then blurred out, "Well, now that we've caught up, why don't we get to why you're really here. I know it's not to catch up with your old buddy Charles because I know all of his friends, your name wasn't ever mentioned!" He glared at me and said, "Don't temp me little girl. Just tell me where he is and I'll be out of your hair!" I smiled sarcastically and said, "Yeah that's not gonna happen! You see, I'm not afraid of you. I know you know that Charles is an original vampire, but what you don't know is who I am." He rolled his eyes and asked, "Who are you then. Clearly you're a nobody if I haven't heard of you!" I took a deep breath, glared at Henry, and said, "You know I hate it when people call me a nobody! I especially don't like arrogant vampires who act like dicks!" Henry got a nasty look on his face and yelled, "A WHAT!" I smiled and answered, "I think you heard me!" He scrunched you his nose while he said, "I think I might have to take care of that!" I raised my eyebrows knowing exactly what he was going to do. He started walking slowly to me so I said, "Careful what you do. I'm more powerful than I look!" He rolled his eyes again and continued walking towards me with an evil look on his face. In my head I started using a spell I remember reading in a spell book once. It can make someone's blood boil! I used it on Henry and then I walked over to him at a fast pace and whispered, "Don't underestimate me Henry. I'm not sure if it's a heretic thing, but we sure do love violence!" His eyes grew wide with shock as I smiled. He was sweating like the pig he was so I stopped and asked, "Now, why don't you tell me why you're looking for Charles?" He back away from me slowly and said, "I'm not telling you anything. You privileged little bitch!" I sighed and said, "Oh well, guess I get to kill you then..." without further words I ran over to him and grabbed his head, I looked into his eyes for a split second with no regrets. I kneed him in the stomach making him nearly fall to the ground. Then I swung one leg over his shoulder and started pulling on his head. I figure a stake in the heart would be to generous. After only two pulls I yanked his head right off his body. I smiled as I held Henry's head in my hands while his body fells to the floor! Then I heard a voice say, "Jade..."

Ariana's POV: I got a text from Charles saying him and Jade might be in some trouble so I sped down the highway at god knows what speed and after only 15 minutes I arrived at the lake house. Right before I went to knock on the door I heard grunting. I walked around to the back door since it's glass so I'd be able to see what's going on. I opened the door and watched as Jade ripped some mans head off. I said in a low tone, "Jade..." She dropped the head that was in her hands and turned around. She looked me in the eye from across the room and said with a scared voice, "I don't think the darkness is gone!" I started walking over to Jade when suddenly I heard another voice. It was a man, I thought it was Charles at first but then, when they showed their face, I realized I wasn't even close. A man with blonde hair and a vengeful look in his eye yelled, "What the hell did you do with my friend!" I watched as Jade smiled and said, "I ripped his head off! I suggest you leave before I do the same to you." He glared and said, "I'm not going anywhere until I know who the hell you people are!" I was about to say something when suddenly Jade ran up to him and held out her hand and said, "Jade Eddington-Bradford. Pleasure I'm sure. You are?" He suspiciously answered, "Brendon." Jade smiled and asked, "Well, what exactly are you doing here?" He stayed silent for a moment and when he was about to say something Jade cut in and made a snarky comment saying, "Yup. Don't care-" Then she ripped his heart out without hesitation. Jade's darkness is taking over again. I need Charles here now to snap her out of it. Jade walked over to me with the mans heart in her hand as she said, "I don't know why I've been fighting this off for so long. I feel great! I feel stronger." I started shaking my head and said, "No no no. Jade, trust me, you don't want to be like this." She smiled and replied, "Of course I do. In fact. I'm starving, I think I need a bite..." Jade did something that I've never seen a vampire do in my entire life. She bit into the heart and took a big bite out and started eating it right in front of me! After one bite she dropped it and smiled at me with blood running down from her mouth to her neck. Thank god Charles finally showed up...

Charles' POV: Rosalyn and I walked in and saw Jade drop a heart from her hand. I saw Ariana with a scared look on her face. I pushed Rosalyn behind me a little bit and said, "Jade? What happened?" I watched Jade put her head down and raise it up again. Arianas face was terrified.

Ariana's POV: Jade leaned her head down and closed her eyes. Then where her head tilted back up her eyes were pale white, just white. Like she was possessed. She said, "Kill Or Be Killed." And she shut her eyes again. When Jade opened then she started freaking out.

Charles' POV: Jade turned around with a panicked look on her face. I ran over to her and embraced her in a hug and said, "It'll be okay. Everything will be okay. Just tell me what happened." Jade wiped away her tears and started explaining what had happened with each of the men. I turned and looked at Rosalyn who had a relieved expression. I hugged Jade once more before asking Rosalyn to explain her story and why she was here. After that I asked her, "Now time for my part of the deal. Your boyfriends are dead so now you have to tell me whatever I want to know." Rosalyn nodded her head in agreement. My first question was simple, "What do you know about the supernatural species?" She quickly answered, "I know about vampires. Everything about vampires to be exact. Including the entire original family. Is there more I should know about?" I ignored her question and asked, "Allow me to be a little more specific. What do you know about witches?" She looked at Jade without answering my question and walked over to her. While looking Jade in the eyes Rosalyn answered, "I know that witches are real. I also know that original vampires can do something very special to them. Exactly what your sister over there did to your girlfriend, Jade if I remember correctly. The heretic!" Jade smiled and cut in, "What do you know about heretics with a temper problem?" Rosalyn stepped back while I asked, "Any other supernatural species you're aware of?" Rosalyn laughed and replied, "You must be talking about the Werewolves!" I've been alive for a very long time and I've only came across one living werewolf. I need to know everything Rosalyn knows about them. I quickly asked, "Tell me everything you know about the werewolf species. Including where they've all been hiding at!" Rosalyn took a breath and answered, "Well I know many werewolves, and to be exact, they haven't been hiding anywhere, you just haven't been looking in the right places. I know that a bite from one can kill a vampire. I also know that they're faster, stronger, and have higher senses than any human, but not as much as a vampire." I smiled at what I heard. I like that Rosalyn isn't fighting us. I was trying to figure out why and how she knew all of this. Then I put two and two together as I asked, "Is there anything else I might want to know?" Rosalyn smiled widely and said, "Maybe the fact that I'm a werewolf..."