
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Chapter 45: Life As An Emotionless Bitch Sucks

Charles' POV: I woke up in the basement of my house. I remember...Jade snapped my neck! I tried getting up but I couldn't gain my strength up enough to do so. I noticed Jade was on the other side of the bars so I started pounding on them to try and get out, or at least get someone's attention. It's clearly worked, Elizabeth came down and said, "Calm down Charles, you act like you're about to die." I looked at my arm which had a tiny slit down it, slowly healing too! I asked Elizabeth, "What the hell are you doing to me?" Elizabeth smiled and answered, "I put a spell on you making it so your healing slows down. Then I've been coming down here to keep bleeding you almost to desiccation, then I'd snap your neck. I've only done it once already, but now I get to bring you a tiny vile of blood to quench your thirst! And to stop you from desiccating." I took a deep breath after hearing that and drank the entire vile of blood in a second. Then I noticed that not only was Jade on the other side of the cell, she was tied up. Her arms, legs, ankles, and wrists were tied with metal bars, a larger one was around her stomach and one around her neck, there was also a piece of cloth shoved into her mouth. I shouted at Elizabeth, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER!" Elizabeth rolled her eyes and said, "This is the other part of why I'm down here. I get to jump into your pretty little girlfriends mind!" I pounded against the bars once more before Elizabeth quickly snapped my neck again...


Jade: What the hell is happening. Oh wait, I know exactly what happened. Daniel snapped my neck after I snapped Charles's neck. Then something happened and I'm still asleep, walking around in my subconscious mind! I'd say I have a pretty 'creative' subconscious. There's an entire little kingdom ruled by me! Except things have recently changed around here. Ever since I had dark magic this place has slowly became a hell hole. The clouds went dark, the people never came out of their houses, and the animals all started to die, one by one. Then once I turned off my humanity the process sped up! I haven't been back in awhile, but the last time I was here I was aware of whenever someone was doing magic. The last person to use it was me! Well, the old me, the weak version of myself. However I let it slide because she was putting herself to sleep...forever. It's been that way ever since. I could've killed the old me. But that would serve me no good, then everyone in my kingdom would die too! I'd have no more blood here. So I've just been terrorizing the citizens of my town for the entertainment of it all. I felt something start to feel...off, out of place. Someone besides myself was in this world that had magic powers. Now I'll just go find them and kill them!

Elizabeth: I wondered around for awhile, that was, until I came across a town. There was nobody outside, it's like the place was ghosted or something. I walked throughout the town and when I opened a door to one of the houses I realized that there was indeed people here, I asked what was going on and the people told me that a darkness had been terrorizing them for weeks now! I didn't even bother to ask what darkness because I'm pretty sure I already know. I'm guessing it's Jade! I continued to look around to spot any sign of her, but nothing. Well, nothing until I found someone, the first person I'd seen outside their house in this town. I walked up to the person and realized it was and unconscious body...Jade's body! I was startled when someone tapped me on the shoulder, it was an old lady, she was asking what I was doing with Jade's body so I replied, "I'm going to wake her up!" The lady's face when blank until she said, "You can't do that young lady! Jade did what was necessary to save all of us!" "What do you mean?" I asked. The lady gave me a spooked look and answered, "A while ago this place used to be heavenly. Everyone loved it here because it was always sunny and happy. The pride and joy of our town was Jade, but a few weeks ago she started becoming under the influence of dark magic. The more she pushed it down inside of her the darker it got here. She put a spell on herself to keep her asleep so the darkness would go away, however, another darkness appeared a few days ago. She looked exactly like Jade, sounded like her too! I couldn't believe it, but I knew it was impossible. Jade is one of a kind, there isn't two of her. That was until I realized it...Jade's dark magic created its own version of Jade, and evil and all powerful version that tortures us all. Nobody could figure out a way to wake up Jade from her slumber to stop her so we left her here. The dark Jade is still here, that's why you must come with me!" The woman dragged me to her house and when I couldn't get inside I told the woman I'm a vampire. She surprisingly let me in and said that Jade couldn't get in so we'd be safe in here. I asked her, "How do we get rid of the dark Jade?" The woman raised her eyebrows and said, "You have to wake up the normal Jade in order to convince her to stop the dark Jade. But I don't think it's a good idea to do that." I have a confused look as I said, "Why the hell not?" The lady answered, "The dark Jade is out there, the only way to wake up Jade is to use magic and the dark Jade will sense it and come for you before you get your first sentence of magic out! So please, don't wake up Jade!" I was getting quite annoyed by this woman so I said, "Alright, I've had just about enough of you telling me what to do." I grabbed a sword hanging from her wall and I sliced her head clean off! Once she fell to the ground I noticed a cloud forming above her. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me until I saw Jade standing in front of me. She looked bright and normal. I said, "Jade? Is it really you?" Jade smiled and nearly started crying when she ran up and hugged me and said, "It's me Elizabeth! Thank you for coming for me!" I nodded my head and then heard someone coming. I quickly let go of Jade and turned around. Then I saw her. Dark Jade. She was standing at the doorway and said, "Well isn't this a nice reunion. Sorry for cutting it so short!" Jade caught me off guard, but I was able to stop her...for the time being. I snapped her neck with a quick spell and I dragged the normal Jade the hell out of there. We ran until we were in the middle of the woods. I don't think Dark Jade will find us here. I said to Jade, "I'm sorry. But you have to stop her. There's nothing I can do, this is your subconscious mind, not mine. You're the only person who can beat and kill her!" Jade gave me worried eyes and said, "No I can't! She's stronger than me Elizabeth. I'll never beat her let alone be able to kill her! I've seen what she can do and I don't like it! I'm scared of her Elizabeth." Before I could answer I heard Dark Jade show up and say, "You really should be scared of me Jade. I'm stronger than you after all!" We both were startled and before we could run Dark Jade spilled out, "There's nowhere you can go. I've trapped us all in here, you two aren't going anywhere!" Me and Jade gave each other the 'We're screwed' look in a fearful eye...

Normal Jade: I'm honestly terrified. I know for sure my life is about to be over. That's why I kept telling Elizabeth not to wake me. I know I'm the only one who can kill her, but I can't, I don't stand a chance against her! Dark Jade looked me in the eyes and said, "I cannot wait to kill off the last piece of humanity I have left! This'll be way to easy!" Elizabeth turned to me and said, "Jade, you can do this. She's not stronger than you because your are her! That's you and you're capable of everything she is!" Dark Jade shouted out, "ZIP IT! I won't tell you again!" Elizabeth ignored her and continued, "I know you Jade, you're stronger than you think. This is YOUR subconscious mind, not hers, you can beat her by being better than her! Just believe in yourself!" Dark Jade interrupted, "I've had enough of you for a lifetime." Then she staked Elizabeth with a wooden stake up against a tree! I looked at Elizabeth and nearly passed out from seeing myself being capable of that! I turned back to Dark Jade and said, "Please. You don't have to do this. We can work something out I'm sure!" Dark Jade smiled and said, "Oh but this will be so much more fun! And besides, you're nothing but a weakling inside of MY mind and I refuse to be weak!" I backed up as far against a tree as I could when I saw Dark Jade walking up to me with a sword and she said, "Any last words Jade? I'll be sure to tell your perfect little Charles, well, when he wakes up from the long nap I put him in!" I started getting mad at the fact that she's been messing with Charles. I struggled to get up and I said, "I. Am not. Weak!" Dark Jade pouted her lips and replied, "Sweetheart, I used to be you, I know what your capable of and let me tell you...it's not much!" "Well it may not be much, but it'll be enough to KICK YOUR ASS!" I yelled as I stood up straight on my feet. Dark Jade just simply laughed at me. I don't particularly like being laughed at so I tried gathering the the strength to do what I was about to do. I thought about how Elizabeth said that this is MY subconscious mind, and how it's being controlled by me. I had the perfect plan in mind now! I walked up to Dark Jade and said, "I don't think you stand a chance against me!" Dark Jade laughed and said, "Take a quick look at who's holding the sword here! I will kill you in three...two...on-" I cut her off and said, "Who's holding the sword now." I didn't have to use magic for that. It's my subconscious mind right, that means whatever I want to happen, happens! Dark Jade drug me out of my own thoughts and said, "I don't need a sword to kill you. I have my amor and I have my magic. You're the one who doesn't stand a chance!" I smiled and said, "I don't think that amor will come in handy very much! Neither will that magic of yours!" Dark Jade looked down and noticed her amor was completely gone. And then I said, "Anything that you do to me also happens to you! So if you kill me then you die yourself! Think about that." Dark Jade gulped and replied, "I already said, I will kill you. It might not be today or tomorrow, but it will be soon. You mark my words-" I cut her off again and said, "No you mark MY words, I'm controlling this world, not you! Whatever I want to happen will happen. And I want you dead, so that's what's about to happen." I Dark Jade Raised her eyebrows and asked, "You seriously think you can take me!" I laughed and answered, "No. but I do think WE can!" I looked past Dark Jade and found Elizabeth standing behind her. I smiled and nodded my head, signaling for Elizabeth to make her move. She used a spell to levitate Dark Jade into the air and then she slammed her onto the ground, making her weak. I walked over to her with the sword and pointed it at her neck as I said, "I've gotten really sick of your bitchy attitude!" Without any further words I stabbed Dark Jade's neck with the sword and proceeded to slice her head off! I ran over to Elizabeth and hugged her. Bringing us both out of my subconscious mind...

Jade's POV: I woke up and saw myself chained against a wall, I guess that was necessary since the condition I was in. I removed the chains using a simple spell and I saw Charles in a cell next to me. Before waiting for Elizabeth to wake up I ran over there and opened the door. I ran in there and said to Charles, "It's me. I'm back!"